The Java Community Process Program has used a twofold approach to addressing the needs of small computing devices.
JCP通过采用2步骤方法来表述小型计算设备的需求。 ( JCP使用JSR(Java Specification Requests)作为正式规范文档,描述被提议加入到Java体系中的的规范和技术,如JSR 179Location API for J2ME的规范文档)

First, they defined the Java run-time environment and core classes that operate on each device. This is referred to as the configuration. A configuration defines the Java Virtual Machine for a particular small computing device.There are two configurations, one for handheld devices and the other for plug-in devices.

Next, the Java Community Process Program defined a profile for categories of small computing devices. A profile consists of classes that enable developers to implement features found on a related group of small computing devices.

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There are two configurations for J2ME as of this writing. These are Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Connected Device Configuration (CDC). 

The CLDC is designed for 16-bit or 32-bit small computing devices with limited amounts of memory. CLDC devices usually have between 160KB and 512KB of available memory and are battery powered. They also use an inconsistent, small-bandwidth network wireless connection and may not have a user interface. CLDC devices use the KJava Virtual Machine (KVM) implementation, which is a stripped-down version of the JVM. CLDC devices include pagers, personal digital assistants, cell phones, dedicated terminals, and
handheld consumer devices with between 128KB and 512KB of memory.

CDC devices use a 32-bit architecture, have at least two megabytes of memory available, and implement a complete functional JVM. CDC devices include digital set-top boxes, home appliances, navigation systems, point-of-sale terminals, and smart phones.

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A profile consists of Java classes that enable implementation of features for either a particular small computing device or for a class of small computing devices. Small computing technology continues to evolve, and with that, there is an ongoing process
of defining J2ME profiles. Seven profiles have been defined as of this writing. These are the Foundation Profile, Game Profile, Mobile Information Device Profile, PDA Profile, Personal Profile, Personal Basis Profile, and RMI Profile.

■ The Foundation Profile is used with the CDC configuration and is the core for
nearly all other profiles used with the CDC configuration because the Foundation
Profile contains core Java classes.
■ The Game Profile is also used with the CDC configuration and contains the
necessary classes for developing game applications for any small computing
device that uses the CDC configuration.
■ The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) is used with the CLDC
configuration and contains classes that provide local storage, a user interface,
and networking capabilities to an application that runs on a mobile computing
device such as Palm OS devices. MIDP is used with wireless Java applications.
■ The PDAProfile (PDAP) is used with the CLDC configuration and contains classes
that utilize sophisticated resources found on personal digital assistants. These
features include better displays and larger memory than similar resources found
on MIDP mobile devices (such as cell phones).
■ The Personal Profile is used with the CDC configuration and the Foundation Profile
and contains classes to implement a complex user interface. The Foundation
Profile provides core classes, and the Personal Profiles provide classes to implement
a sophisticated user interface, which is a user interface that is capable of displaying
multiple windows at a time.
■ The Personal Basis Profile is similar to the Personal Profile in that it is used with
the CDC configuration and the Foundation Profile. However, the Personal Basis
Profile provides classes to implement a simple user interface, which is a user
interface that is capable of displaying one window at a time.
■ The RMI Profile is used with the CDC configuration and the Foundation Profile
to provide Remote Method Invocation classes to the core classes contained in the
Foundation Profile.

from: James Keogh,  J2ME the Complete Reference.2003 page12