Cloud Driver

Cloudify cloud driver 是基于云环境的Cloufify抽像层。为Cloudify提供云基础设施接口。为Cloudify运行应用按需提供计算资源。


Cloudify使用agentless-installation方式安装Cloudify,即在安装过程中不需要在分配的机器中预装任何的Cloudify软件(如,agent)。Cloudify controller只要通过SSH与新分配的机器简单的建立连接,再安装需要的Cloudify组件并连接到它的Cloudify集群。

因此,除了满足最小需求的镜像,不需要特别的机器镜像。可能使用任何的*nix或Windows镜像,可以是虚拟机也可以是物理机。另外提供者也不一定要是真是的云,可以使用任意的一些非虚拟化的主机,创建BYON(Bring Your Own Node)或“local cloud”环境。

2.Cloud Driver什么时候使用

Cloud driver被以下组件加载和使用:

1. Cloudify Shell在使用以下命令运行或撤消,以供应或取消供应machine时,加载一个cloudify driver的实例。

  • bootstrap-cloud, teardown-cloud (management machines)
  • install-application, uninstall-application (application machines)

2. ESM(Elastic Service Manager)会在每次服务部署时加载一个cloud driver实例。每个实例负责对特定服务进行横向扩展或收缩。在集群中有且只有一个ESM实例,该ESM运行0个或多个cloud driver实例。

注:只有在bootstrapping之前修改cloud driver 才能生效。

3.Cloud Driver如何工作

cloud driver是一个通过文件配置的Java POJO对象。当定义一个cloud的配置文件时,就必须在其中的cloud driver配置文件中定义它的类名。(<cloudifyRoot>/tools/cli/plugins/esc/<cloudName>/<cloudName>-cloud.groovy).Cloudify会根据需要实例化这个类(使用无参构造访求),并且委派它来实现横向扩展或收缩的请求。

  • 模向扩展(scaling-out):cloud driver负责分配machine,验证SSH是否打开,并向Cloudify返回machine的明细。明细包括访问machine需要的主机IP地址和登录认证信息。
  • 横向收缩(scaling-in):cloud driver负责关闭machine,并将其释放到可用machines池中。在虚拟环境中(包括大部分Iaas clouds),这意味着直接关闭虚拟机本身。相反,在物理机环境下,这意味着要么关闭机器本身,或是简单的在该机器上停止Cloudify agent的运行。


云提供者和APIs并不完美。在一个大规模分布式环境中,可能会发生错误。重要的是要记住cloud driver基础设施并不是“事务性”的。cloud driver实现的是负责对来自云环境的错误进行妥善处理。最重要的是,在供应一个machine时发生了错误,cloud driver需负责正确地释放资源。例如,如果cloud driver请求了一个machine,然后等待machine变到可用状态的过程中,这个machine可能会花过久的时间来启动,这就可能发生请求超时。这种情况下,cloud driver需要在cloud driver抛出TimeoutException之前关闭该machine。注:当TimeoutException发生时,Cloudify会重新发出启动一个新machine的请求。

5.Cloud Driver API

cloud driver实现类需要实现org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.ProvisioningDriver接口。

1 package org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning; 2 3 4 public interface ProvisioningDriver { 5 6 /** ************ 7 * Adds a new ProvisioningDriverListner to the ProvisioningDriver. 8 * 9 * @param pdl A class that implements ProvisioningDriverListner. 10 */ 11 void addListener(ProvisioningDriverListener pdl); 12 /** ************ 13 * Passes a configuration map for all setting defined for this cloud. 14 * @param cloudTemplate 15 * @param cloud 16 * 17 * @param config The configuration settings. 18 */ 19 void setConfig(Cloud cloud, String cloudTemplate, boolean management); 20 21 /** ************ 22 * Passes an Admin API object that can be used to query the current cluster state. 23 * IMPORTANT: do not perform any blocking operations on this Admin instance, 24 * 25 * @param config The configuration settings. 26 */ 27 void setAdmin(Admin admin); 28 29 30 /** ************* 31 * Starts an additional machine on the cloud to scale out this specific service. 32 * 33 * @param duration Time duration to wait for the instance. 34 * @param unit Time unit to wait for the instance. 35 * @return The details of the started instance. 36 * @throws TimeoutException In case the instance was not started in the allotted time. 37 * @throws CloudProvisioningException If a problem was encountered while starting the machine. 38 */ 39 MachineDetails startMachine( long duration, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException; 40 41 /** **************** 42 * Start the management machines for this cluster. 43 * 44 * @param duration timeout duration. 45 * @param unit timeout unit. 46 * @return The created machine details. 47 * @throws TimeoutException If creating the new machines exceeded the given timeout. 48 * @throws CloudProvisioningException If the machines needed for management could not be provisioned. 49 */ 50 MachineDetails[] startManagementMachines( long duration, TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException; 51 52 53 /** ************** 54 * Stops a specific machine for scaling in or shutting down a specific service. 55 * @throws CloudProvisioningException 56 */ 57 boolean stopMachine( final String machineIp, final long duration, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException; 58 59 /** *********** 60 * Stops the management machines. 61 * 62 * @throws TimeoutException in case the stop operation exceeded the given timeout. 63 * @throws CloudProvisioningException If the stop operation failed. 64 */ 65 void stopManagementMachines() throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException; 66 67 /** ********** 68 * Returns the name of this cloud. 69 * @return the name of the cloud. 70 */ 71 String getCloudName(); 72 73 /** *********** 74 * Called when the service that this provisioning implementation is responsible for scaling 75 * is undeployed. The implementation is expected to release/close all relevant resources, 76 * such as thread pools, sockets, files, etc. 77 */ 78 void close(); 79 }

6.Cloud Driver配置文件

cloud driver的实现类,及任何必需的云配置信息,通过在基于Groovy DSL的配置文件中指定。这些信息用于填充对应实体类的实例对象。这个对象用于调用cloud driver实例的setConfig()方法传参。


1 cloud { 2 // Mandatory. The name of the cloud, as it will appear in the Cloudify UI. 3 name = " ec2 " 4 5 /** ****** 6 * General configuration information about the cloud driver implementation. 7 */ 8 configuration { 9 // Optional. The cloud implementation class. Defaults to the built in jclouds-based provisioning driver. 10 className " org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.jclouds.DefaultProvisioningDriver " 11 // Optional. The template name for the management machines. Defaults to the first template in the templates section below. 12 managementMachineTemplate " SMALL_LINUX_32 " 13 // Optional. Indicates whether internal cluster communications should use the machine private IP. Defaults to true. 14 connectToPrivateIp true 15 } 16 17 /** *********** 18 * Provider specific information. 19 */ 20 provider { 21 // Mandatory. The name of the cloud provider. 22 // When using the default cloud driver, maps to the Compute Service Context provider name. 23 provider " aws-ec2 " 24 25 // Mandatory. All files from this LOCAL directory will be copied to the remote machine directory. 26 localDirectory " tools/cli/plugins/esc/ec2/upload " 27 // Mandatory. Files from the local directory will be copied to this directory on the remote machine. 28 remoteDirectory " /home/ec2-user/gs-files " 29 // Mandatory. The HTTP/S URL where cloudify can be downloaded from by newly started machines. 30 // Mandatory. The prefix for new machines started for services. 31 machineNamePrefix " cloudify_agent_ " 32 // Optional. Defaults to true. Specifies whether cloudify should try to deploy services on the management machine. 33 // Do not change this unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing. 34 dedicatedManagementMachines true 35 36 // 37 managementOnlyFiles ([]) 38 39 // Optional. Logging level for the internal cloud provider logger. Defaults to INFO. 40 sshLoggingLevel " WARNING " 41 42 // Mandatory. Name of the new machine/s started as cloudify management machines. 43 managementGroup " cloudify_manager " 44 // Mandatory. Number of management machines to start on bootstrap-cloud. In production, should be 2. Can be 1 for dev. 45 numberOfManagementMachines 1 46 zones ([ " agent " ]) 47 48 /* The estimated amount of RAM used 49 by the operating system and the GSA running on the machine */ 50 reservedMemoryCapacityPerMachineInMB 1024 51 52 } 53 54 /** *********** 55 * Cloud authentication information 56 */ 57 user { 58 // Optional. Identity used to access cloud. 59 // When used with the default driver, maps to the identity used to create the ComputeServiceContext. 60 user " ENTER_USER " 61 62 // Optional. Key used to access cloud. 63 // When used with the default driver, maps to the credential used to create the ComputeServiceContext. 64 apiKey " ENTER_API_KEY " 65 66 67 68 } 69 70 71 /** ********* 72 * Cloud machine templates available with this cloud. 73 */ 74 templates ([ 75 // Mandatory. Template Name. 76 SMALL_LINUX_32 : template{ 77 // Mandatory. Image ID. 78 imageId " us-east-1/ami-76f0061f " 79 // Mandatory. Amount of RAM available to a machine. 80 machineMemoryMB 1600 81 // Mandatory. Hardware ID. 82 hardwareId " m1.small " 83 // Optional. Location ID. 84 locationId " us-east-1 " 85 localDirectory " upload " 86 remoteDirectory " /home/ec2-user/gs-files " 87 username " REPLACE_WITH_THE_SSH_USER_NAME " 88 password " REPLACE_WITH_THE_SSH_USER_PASSWORD " 89 90 // Additional template options. 91 // When used with the default driver, the options names are considered 92 // method names invoked on the TemplateOptions object with the value as the parameter. 93 keyFile " cloud-demo.pem " 94 options ([ 95 " securityGroups " : [ " default " ] as String[], 96 " keyPair " : " cloud-demo " 97 ]) 98 99 // Optional. Overrides to default cloud driver behavior. 100 // When used with the default driver, maps to the overriding properties passed to the ComputeServiceContext a 101 overrides ([:]) 102 103 privileged true 104 105 /* 106 The following optional attribute contains the path from which the JDK will be downloaded. 107 Default Linux values are : 108 32 bit 109 110 64 bit 111 112 But you can set it manually as follows : 113 (If you want to rely on the pre-installed JDK, set javaUrl to "NO_INSTALL") 114 */ 115 javaUrl " http://my-pc:8080/java.bin " 116 } 117 ]) 118 119 120 /** *************** 121 * Optional. Custom properties used to extend existing drivers or create new ones. 122 */ 123 custom ([:]) 124 }
6.1设置 Java download path


  • (32 bit)
  • (64 bit).


templates ([

SMALL_LINUX_32 : template{


javaUrl "NO_INSTALL"

//javaUrl ""







SMALL_LINUX : template {


/* The following environment variables (ANT_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS)

will seep into Cloudify's processes

and will be known to every script, Java process, ant process

and life cycle event handler. */

env ([

"ANT_OPTS" : "-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080" ,

"JAVA_OPTS" : "-Xmx512m"




6.3CloudDriver 配置文件的参数

可在cloud driver DSL中应用Groovy GString表达式。也就是说,可以通过一个单的命名约定好的properties文件定义变量来设定DSL中的值。例如:

# Set the following values in








cloud {


provider {


/* If vmPrefix , does NOT exist in,

then an empty string will be used.*/

machineNamePrefix vmPrefix + "_cloudify_agent_"



user {

/* If userName, does NOT exist in,

then an empty string will be used.*/

user userName

/* If apiKeyStr, does NOT exist in,

then an empty string will be used.*/

apiKey apiKeyStr


templates ([

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* If keyPairStr, does NOT exist in,

then an empty string will be used.*/

keyFile keyPairStr + ".pem"


options ([

"securityGroups" : ["default"] as String[],

/* If keyPairStr, does NOT exist in,

then an empty string will be used.*/

"keyPair" : keyPairStr











SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed,

but before Cloudify is started.


initializationCommand "echo this is an init command"



/* example #2 */

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed,

but before Cloudify is started.

In the following example, should be placed in the same folder

as the - (usually the upload folder).


initializationCommand "chmod +x; ./"


6.5添加 templates

在Bootstrapping process完成后,可能需要在云中添加更多的templates。

通过CLI命令:add-templates [directory or file path]

  • 如果path是一个groovy文件,那么这个文件应该命名为*-template.groovy,并且在它的路径中有且只有一个该后缀文件。这个路径中的文件都将随该groovy文件一起拷贝到management machine中。
  • 如果path是一个文件夹或Zip文件,那么这个文件夹(或Zip解压出来的文件夹)应当至少有一个template文件(一个以-template.groovy为后缀的文件)和template需要的所有文件(e.g. the upload folder)。

所有的template froovy文件不是直接使用template命名,而是将其作为前缀:<template name>-template.groovy。例如,”linux-template.groovy“将变成”SMALL_LINUX-template.groovy“。properities和overrides文件也将采用相同的命名方式重命名。



SMALL_LINUX : template {

imageId "OpenLogic__OpenLogic-CentOS-62-20120531-en-us-30GB.vhd"

machineMemoryMB 1600

hardwareId "Small"

localDirectory "upload"

username "SMALL_LINUX"


remoteDirectory "/home/ENTER_USER_NAME/gs-files"



注: 1.template必在中括号之中,将被转换成Map。



6.6Reserved Memory

reservedMemoryCapacityPerMachineInMB:在cloud driver的provider区域可设置此属性,为操作系统、运行在machine上的Cloudify agent和其它非Cloudify的应用程序(那些预装应用,并不是Cloudify或当前配方中的应用)估计RAM使用量。

machineMemoryMB:在cloud driver的templates区域,机器可用的RAM总量。

  • 专用模式(dedicated mode, isolationSLA —— 每个machine对应一个Service实例):
  • 多租用模式(Multi Tenancy modes):
    服务实例的内存容量需求是由用户定义 (via isolationSLA), 因此用户必须给instanceMemoryMB 属性指定一个有效的数值,需同时考虑到reservedMemoryCapacityPerMachineInMB和machineMemoryMB,否则连安装单一实例的内存都不会有足够。


7.默认的Cloud Driver

Cloudify内置一个基于流行的jclouds框架的cloud driver实现。这个cloud driver支持了较多的cloud providers和APIs上部署Cloudify 服务。参考:支持列表







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