











  建成之后,(可以看到系统自动默认生成了一个UnitTest.cs,我们可以先将它删除),右击该项目,选择添加à添加新项(注意,不是添加测试,是添加新项),在新项中选择Coded UI Test Map(编码的UI测试映射)。





<? xml version="1.0" ?>

< UITest xmlns:xsi ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Name ="" Id ="3efe829a-76df-439e-af0d-8d5c62727a1e" AssemblyVersion ="10.0.21008.0" Version ="1.0" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/TeamTest/UITest/2010" >

</ UITest >

  右击该UIMap1.uitest,选则Edit With Coded UI Test Builder(使用编码的UI测试生成器进行编辑),接下来会弹出录制操作用的生成器。

5Edit With Coded UI Test Builder




View Code
<? xml version="1.0" ?>
< UITest xmlns:xsi ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Name ="" Id ="3efe829a-76df-439e-af0d-8d5c62727a1e" AssemblyVersion ="10.0.21008.0" Version ="1.0" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/TeamTest/UITest/2010" >
< Configuration >
< Group Name ="IE" >
< Setting Name ="Version" Value ="8.0.6001.18702" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="InformationBar" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="AutoCompletePassword" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="AutoCompleteForm" Value ="no" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="DefaultBrowser" Value ="IEXPLORE.EXE" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="PopupBlocker" Value ="1" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="TabbedBrowsing" Value ="0" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="InternetZoneSecurity" Value ="66816" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="IntranetZoneSecurity" Value ="69632" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="TrustedZoneSecurity" Value ="70912" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="RestrictedZoneSecurity" Value ="73728" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="PhishingFilter" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="EnhancedSecurityConfiguration" WarningLevel ="1" />
</ Group >
< Group Name ="OS" >
< Setting Name ="Name" Value ="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="Version" Value ="Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="IsUserAdmin" Value ="True" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="Is64BitOperatingSystem" Value ="False" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="IsTerminalServerSession" Value ="False" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="OSLanguage" Value ="1033" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="UserLocale" Value ="1033" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="DragFullWindows" Value ="True" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="ScreenResolutionWidth" Value ="1440" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="ScreenResolutionHeight" Value ="900" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="SystemDPIX" Value ="96" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="SystemDPIY" Value ="96" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="Aero" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="UACEnabled" WarningLevel ="2" />
< Setting Name ="UACPromptEnabled" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="WindowsAccessibilityAPIVersion" Value ="2.0" WarningLevel ="1" />
</ Group >
< Group Name ="TechnologyManagers" >
< Setting Name ="Web" WarningLevel ="1" />
< Setting Name ="UIA" WarningLevel ="1" />
</ Group >
</ Configuration >
< InitializeActions />
< ExecuteActions >
< SetValueAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_uidWindow.UITbx_uidEdit" >
< ParameterName />
< Value Encoded ="false" > errorUid </ Value >
< Type > String </ Type >
</ SetValueAction >
< SetValueAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_pwdWindow.UITbx_pwdEdit" >
< ParameterName />
< Value Encoded ="false" > errorPwd </ Value >
< Type > String </ Type >
</ SetValueAction >
< MouseAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UI登录Window.UI登录Button" >
< ParameterName />
< ModifierKeys > None </ ModifierKeys >
< IsGlobalHotkey > false </ IsGlobalHotkey >
< Location X ="25" Y ="6" />
< WheelDirection > 0 </ WheelDirection >
< ActionType > Click </ ActionType >
< MouseButton > Left </ MouseButton >
</ MouseAction >
< TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation ="InputErrorUidPwd" >
< ParameterName />
< StepId > -1 </ StepId >
< Direction > Start </ Direction >
< Outcome />
< Disabled > false </ Disabled >
< WorkItemId > 0 </ WorkItemId >
< MarkerRegionType > Action </ MarkerRegionType >
</ TestStepMarkerAction >
< AssertAction UIObjectName ="UIMap.UI 提示Window.UI用户名或密码错误Window.UI用户名或密码错误Text" >
< ParameterName />
< PropertyName > Exists </ PropertyName >
< ExpectedValue > True </ ExpectedValue >
< Type > Boolean </ Type >
< PropertyCondition > AreEqual </ PropertyCondition >
</ AssertAction >
< TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation ="AssertErrorWinow" >
< ParameterName />
< StepId > -1 </ StepId >
< Direction > Start </ Direction >
< Outcome />
< Disabled > false </ Disabled >
< WorkItemId > 0 </ WorkItemId >
< MarkerRegionType > Assertion </ MarkerRegionType >
</ TestStepMarkerAction >
< MouseAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 提示Window.UIOKWindow.UIOKButton" >
< ParameterName />
< ModifierKeys > None </ ModifierKeys >
< IsGlobalHotkey > false </ IsGlobalHotkey >
< Location X ="22" Y ="19" />
< WheelDirection > 0 </ WheelDirection >
< ActionType > Click </ ActionType >
< MouseButton > Left </ MouseButton >
</ MouseAction >
< SetValueAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_uidWindow.UITbx_uidEdit" >
< ParameterName />
< Value Encoded ="false" > Admin </ Value >
< Type > String </ Type >
</ SetValueAction >
< SetValueAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_pwdWindow.UITbx_pwdEdit" >
< ParameterName />
< Value Encoded ="false" > 123456 </ Value >
< Type > String </ Type >
</ SetValueAction >
< MouseAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UI登录Window.UI登录Button" >
< ParameterName />
< ModifierKeys > None </ ModifierKeys >
< IsGlobalHotkey > false </ IsGlobalHotkey >
< Location X ="39" Y ="8" />
< WheelDirection > 0 </ WheelDirection >
< ActionType > Click </ ActionType >
< MouseButton > Left </ MouseButton >
</ MouseAction >
< TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation ="InputRightUidPwd" >
< ParameterName />
< StepId > -1 </ StepId >
< Direction > Start </ Direction >
< Outcome />
< Disabled > false </ Disabled >
< WorkItemId > 0 </ WorkItemId >
< MarkerRegionType > Action </ MarkerRegionType >
</ TestStepMarkerAction >
< AssertAction UIObjectName ="UIMap.UI 提示Window.UI用户名或密码错误Window.UI登陆成功Text" >
< ParameterName />
< PropertyName > Exists </ PropertyName >
< ExpectedValue > True </ ExpectedValue >
< Type > Boolean </ Type >
< PropertyCondition > AreEqual </ PropertyCondition >
</ AssertAction >
< TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation ="AssertRightWinow" >
< ParameterName />
< StepId > -1 </ StepId >
< Direction > Start </ Direction >
< Outcome />
< Disabled > false </ Disabled >
< WorkItemId > 0 </ WorkItemId >
< MarkerRegionType > Assertion </ MarkerRegionType >
</ TestStepMarkerAction >
< MouseAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 提示Window.UIOKWindow.UIOKButton" >
< ParameterName />
< ModifierKeys > None </ ModifierKeys >
< IsGlobalHotkey > false </ IsGlobalHotkey >
< Location X ="28" Y ="13" />
< WheelDirection > 0 </ WheelDirection >
< ActionType > Click </ ActionType >
< MouseButton > Left </ MouseButton >
</ MouseAction >
< MouseAction UIObjectName ="UIMap1.UI 系统登录Window.UI系统登录TitleBar.UICloseButton" >
< ParameterName />
< ModifierKeys > None </ ModifierKeys >
< IsGlobalHotkey > false </ IsGlobalHotkey >
< Location X ="9" Y ="11" />
< WheelDirection > 0 </ WheelDirection >
< ActionType > Click </ ActionType >
< MouseButton > Left </ MouseButton >
</ MouseAction >
< TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation ="CloseWindow" >
< ParameterName />
< StepId > -1 </ StepId >
< Direction > Start </ Direction >
< Outcome />
< Disabled > false </ Disabled >
< WorkItemId > 0 </ WorkItemId >
< MarkerRegionType > Action </ MarkerRegionType >
</ TestStepMarkerAction >
</ ExecuteActions >
< CleanupActions />
< OnErrorActions />
< Maps >
< UIMap Id ="UIMap1" >
< TopLevelWindows >
< TopLevelWindow ControlType ="Window" Id ="UI 系统登录Window" FriendlyName ="系统登录" SpecialControlType ="None" SessionId ="154362" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;系统登录</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ClassName" Operator ="Contains" > WindowsForms10.Window </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Window" Id ="UITbx_uidWindow" FriendlyName ="Tbx_uid" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlName" > Tbx_uid </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Edit" Id ="UITbx_uidEdit" FriendlyName ="Tbx_uid" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;密码 :</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Edit </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
< UIObject ControlType ="Window" Id ="UITbx_pwdWindow" FriendlyName ="Tbx_pwd" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlName" > Tbx_pwd </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Edit" Id ="UITbx_pwdEdit" FriendlyName ="Tbx_pwd" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Edit </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
< UIObject ControlType ="Window" Id ="UI 登录Window" FriendlyName ="登录" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlName" > Btn_Login </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Button" Id ="UI 登录Button" FriendlyName ="登录" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;登录</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Button </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
< UIObject ControlType ="TitleBar" Id ="UI 系统登录TitleBar" FriendlyName ="系统登录" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > TitleBar </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Button" Id ="UICloseButton" FriendlyName ="Close" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 系统登录 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" > Close </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Button </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ TopLevelWindow >
< TopLevelWindow ControlType ="Window" Id ="UI 提示Window" FriendlyName ="提示" SpecialControlType ="None" SessionId ="1203022" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;提示</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ClassName" > #32770 </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 1 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Window" Id ="UI 用户名或密码错误Window" FriendlyName ="用户名或密码错误!" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlId" > 65535 </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 1 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Text" Id ="UI 用户名或密码错误Text" FriendlyName ="用户名或密码错误!" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;用户名或密码错误!</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Text </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 1 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
< UIObject ControlType ="Text" Id ="UI 登陆成功Text" FriendlyName ="登陆成功!" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" & gt;登陆成功!</PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Text </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 1 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
< UIObject ControlType ="Window" Id ="UIOKWindow" FriendlyName ="OK" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlId" > 2 </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Window </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants >
< UIObject ControlType ="Button" Id ="UIOKButton" FriendlyName ="OK" SpecialControlType ="None" >
< TechnologyName > MSAA </ TechnologyName >
< WindowTitles >
< WindowTitle > 提示 </ WindowTitle >
</ WindowTitles >
< SearchConfigurations >
< SearchConfiguration > VisibleOnly </ SearchConfiguration >
</ SearchConfigurations >
< AndCondition Id ="SearchCondition" >
< PropertyCondition Name ="Name" > OK </ PropertyCondition >
< PropertyCondition Name ="ControlType" > Button </ PropertyCondition >
</ AndCondition >
< SupportLevel > 0 </ SupportLevel >
< Descendants />
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ UIObject >
</ Descendants >
</ TopLevelWindow >
</ TopLevelWindows >
</ UIMap >
</ Maps >
< ValueMap >
< ParameterList />
</ ValueMap >
</ UITest >


< UITest >
< Configuration > </ Configuration >
< InitializeActions > </ InitializeActions >
< ExecuteActions > </ ExecuteActions >
< CleanupActions > </ CleanupActions >
< OnErrorActions > </ OnErrorActions >
< Maps > </ Maps >
< ValueMap > </ ValueMap >
</ UITest >









View Code
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by coded UI test builder.
// Version:
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace TestProject1.UIMap1Classes
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Input;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.WinControls;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Keyboard = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Keyboard;
using Mouse = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Mouse;
using MouseButtons = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public partial class UIMap1

/// <summary>
/// InputErrorUidPwd - Use 'InputErrorUidPwdParams' to pass parameters into this method.
/// </summary>
public void InputErrorUidPwd()
#region Variable Declarations
WinEdit uITbx_uidEdit
= this .UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_uidWindow.UITbx_uidEdit;
WinEdit uITbx_pwdEdit
= this .UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_pwdWindow.UITbx_pwdEdit;
WinButton uI 登录Button
= this .UI系统登录Window.UI登录Window.UI登录Button;

// Type 'errorUid' in 'Tbx_uid' text box
uITbx_uidEdit.Text = this .InputErrorUidPwdParams.UITbx_uidEditText;

// Type 'errorPwd' in 'Tbx_pwd' text box
uITbx_pwdEdit.Text = this .InputErrorUidPwdParams.UITbx_pwdEditText;

// Click ' 登录' button
Mouse.Click(uI登录Button, new Point( 25 , 6 ));

/// <summary>
/// AssertErrorWinow - Use 'AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues' to pass parameters into this method.
/// </summary>
public void AssertErrorWinow()
#region Variable Declarations
WinText uI 用户名或密码错误Text
= this .UI提示Window.UI用户名或密码错误Window.UI用户名或密码错误Text;

// Verify that ' 用户名或密码错误!' label's property 'Exists' equals 'True'
Assert.AreEqual( this .AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues.UI 用户名或密码错误TextExists, uI用户名或密码错误Text.Exists);

/// <summary>
/// InputRightUidPwd - Use 'InputRightUidPwdParams' to pass parameters into this method.
/// </summary>
public void InputRightUidPwd()
#region Variable Declarations
WinButton uIOKButton
= this .UI 提示Window.UIOKWindow.UIOKButton;
WinEdit uITbx_uidEdit
= this .UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_uidWindow.UITbx_uidEdit;
WinEdit uITbx_pwdEdit
= this .UI 系统登录Window.UITbx_pwdWindow.UITbx_pwdEdit;
WinButton uI 登录Button
= this .UI系统登录Window.UI登录Window.UI登录Button;

// Click 'OK' button
Mouse.Click(uIOKButton, new Point( 22 , 19 ));

// Type 'Admin' in 'Tbx_uid' text box
uITbx_uidEdit.Text = this .InputRightUidPwdParams.UITbx_uidEditText;

// Type '123456' in 'Tbx_pwd' text box
uITbx_pwdEdit.Text = this .InputRightUidPwdParams.UITbx_pwdEditText;

// Click ' 登录' button
Mouse.Click(uI登录Button, new Point( 39 , 8 ));

/// <summary>
/// AssertRightWinow - Use 'AssertRightWinowExpectedValues' to pass parameters into this method.
/// </summary>
public void AssertRightWinow()
#region Variable Declarations
WinText uI 登陆成功Text
= this .UI提示Window.UI用户名或密码错误Window.UI登陆成功Text;

// Verify that ' 登陆成功!' label's property 'Exists' equals 'True'
Assert.AreEqual( this .AssertRightWinowExpectedValues.UI 登陆成功TextExists, uI登陆成功Text.Exists);

/// <summary>
/// CloseWindow
/// </summary>
public void CloseWindow()
#region Variable Declarations
WinButton uIOKButton
= this .UI 提示Window.UIOKWindow.UIOKButton;
WinButton uICloseButton
= this .UI 系统登录Window.UI系统登录TitleBar.UICloseButton;

// Click 'OK' button
Mouse.Click(uIOKButton, new Point( 28 , 13 ));

// Click 'Close' button
Mouse.Click(uICloseButton, new Point( 9 , 11 ));

#region Properties
public virtual InputErrorUidPwdParams InputErrorUidPwdParams
if (( this .mInputErrorUidPwdParams == null ))
this .mInputErrorUidPwdParams = new InputErrorUidPwdParams();
return this .mInputErrorUidPwdParams;

public virtual AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues
if (( this .mAssertErrorWinowExpectedValues == null ))
this .mAssertErrorWinowExpectedValues = new AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues();
return this .mAssertErrorWinowExpectedValues;

public virtual InputRightUidPwdParams InputRightUidPwdParams
if (( this .mInputRightUidPwdParams == null ))
this .mInputRightUidPwdParams = new InputRightUidPwdParams();
return this .mInputRightUidPwdParams;

public virtual AssertRightWinowExpectedValues AssertRightWinowExpectedValues
if (( this .mAssertRightWinowExpectedValues == null ))
this .mAssertRightWinowExpectedValues = new AssertRightWinowExpectedValues();
return this .mAssertRightWinowExpectedValues;

public UI 系统登录Window UI系统登录Window
if (( this .mUI 系统登录Window == null ))
this .mUI 系统登录Window = new UI系统登录Window();
return this .mUI 系统登录Window;

public UI 提示Window UI提示Window
if (( this .mUI 提示Window == null ))
this .mUI 提示Window = new UI提示Window();
return this .mUI 提示Window;

#region Fields
private InputErrorUidPwdParams mInputErrorUidPwdParams;

private AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues mAssertErrorWinowExpectedValues;

private InputRightUidPwdParams mInputRightUidPwdParams;

private AssertRightWinowExpectedValues mAssertRightWinowExpectedValues;

private UI 系统登录Window mUI系统登录Window;

private UI提示 Window mUI提示Window;

/// <summary>
/// Parameters to be passed into 'InputErrorUidPwd'
/// </summary>
[GeneratedCode( " Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class InputErrorUidPwdParams

#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// Type 'errorUid' in 'Tbx_uid' text box
/// </summary>
public string UITbx_uidEditText = " errorUid " ;

/// <summary>
/// Type 'errorPwd' in 'Tbx_pwd' text box
/// </summary>
public string UITbx_pwdEditText = " errorPwd " ;

/// <summary>
/// Parameters to be passed into 'AssertErrorWinow'
/// </summary>
[GeneratedCode( " Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class AssertErrorWinowExpectedValues

#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// Verify that ' 用户名或密码错误!' label's property 'Exists' equals 'True'
/// </summary>
public bool UI 用户名或密码错误TextExists = true ;

/// <summary>
/// Parameters to be passed into 'InputRightUidPwd'
/// </summary>
[GeneratedCode( " Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class InputRightUidPwdParams

#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// Type 'Admin' in 'Tbx_uid' text box
/// </summary>
public string UITbx_uidEditText = " Admin " ;

/// <summary>
/// Type '123456' in 'Tbx_pwd' text box
/// </summary>
public string UITbx_pwdEditText = " 123456 " ;

/// <summary>
/// Parameters to be passed into 'AssertRightWinow'
/// </summary>
[GeneratedCode( " Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class AssertRightWinowExpectedValues

#region Fields
/// <summary>
/// Verify that ' 登陆成功!' label's property 'Exists' equals 'True'
/// </summary>
public bool UI 登陆成功TextExists = true ;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UI 系统登录Window : WinWindow

public UI 系统登录Window()
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.Name] = " 系统登录 " ;
this .SearchProperties.Add( new PropertyExpression(WinWindow.PropertyNames.ClassName, " WindowsForms10.Window " , PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains));
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );

#region Properties
public UITbx_uidWindow UITbx_uidWindow
if (( this .mUITbx_uidWindow == null ))
this .mUITbx_uidWindow = new UITbx_uidWindow( this );
return this .mUITbx_uidWindow;

public UITbx_pwdWindow UITbx_pwdWindow
if (( this .mUITbx_pwdWindow == null ))
this .mUITbx_pwdWindow = new UITbx_pwdWindow( this );
return this .mUITbx_pwdWindow;

public UI 登录Window UI登录Window
if (( this .mUI 登录Window == null ))
this .mUI 登录Window = new UI登录Window( this );
return this .mUI 登录Window;

public UI 系统登录TitleBar UI系统登录TitleBar
if (( this .mUI 系统登录TitleBar == null ))
this .mUI 系统登录TitleBar = new UI系统登录TitleBar( this );
return this .mUI 系统登录TitleBar;

#region Fields
private UITbx_uidWindow mUITbx_uidWindow;

private UITbx_pwdWindow mUITbx_pwdWindow;

private UI 登录Window mUI登录Window;

private UI系统登录 TitleBar mUI系统登录TitleBar;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UITbx_uidWindow : WinWindow

public UITbx_uidWindow(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ControlName] = " Tbx_uid " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );

#region Properties
public WinEdit UITbx_uidEdit
if (( this .mUITbx_uidEdit == null ))
this .mUITbx_uidEdit = new WinEdit( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUITbx_uidEdit.SearchProperties[WinEdit.PropertyNames.Name] = " 密码 : " ;
this .mUITbx_uidEdit.WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );
return this .mUITbx_uidEdit;

#region Fields
private WinEdit mUITbx_uidEdit;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UITbx_pwdWindow : WinWindow

public UITbx_pwdWindow(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ControlName] = " Tbx_pwd " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );

#region Properties
public WinEdit UITbx_pwdEdit
if (( this .mUITbx_pwdEdit == null ))
this .mUITbx_pwdEdit = new WinEdit( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUITbx_pwdEdit.WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );
return this .mUITbx_pwdEdit;

#region Fields
private WinEdit mUITbx_pwdEdit;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UI 登录Window : WinWindow

public UI 登录Window(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ControlName] = " Btn_Login " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );

#region Properties
public WinButton UI 登录Button
if (( this .mUI 登录Button == null ))
this .mUI 登录Button = new WinButton( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUI 登录Button.SearchProperties[WinButton.PropertyNames.Name] = " 登录 " ;
this .mUI 登录Button.WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );
return this .mUI 登录Button;

#region Fields
private WinButton mUI 登录Button;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UI 系统登录TitleBar : WinTitleBar

public UI 系统登录TitleBar(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );

#region Properties
public WinButton UICloseButton
if (( this .mUICloseButton == null ))
this .mUICloseButton = new WinButton( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUICloseButton.SearchProperties[WinButton.PropertyNames.Name] = " Close " ;
this .mUICloseButton.WindowTitles.Add( " 系统登录 " );
return this .mUICloseButton;

#region Fields
private WinButton mUICloseButton;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UI 提示Window : WinWindow

public UI 提示Window()
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.Name] = " 提示 " ;
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ClassName] = " #32770 " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );

#region Properties
public UI 用户名或密码错误Window UI用户名或密码错误Window
if (( this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Window == null ))
this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Window = new UI用户名或密码错误Window( this );
return this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Window;

public UIOKWindow UIOKWindow
if (( this .mUIOKWindow == null ))
this .mUIOKWindow = new UIOKWindow( this );
return this .mUIOKWindow;

#region Fields
private UI 用户名或密码错误Window mUI用户名或密码错误Window;

private UIOKWindow mUIOKWindow;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UI 用户名或密码错误Window : WinWindow

public UI 用户名或密码错误Window(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ControlId] = " 65535 " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );

#region Properties
public WinText UI 用户名或密码错误Text
if (( this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Text == null ))
this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Text = new WinText( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Text.SearchProperties[WinText.PropertyNames.Name] = " 用户名或密码错误! " ;
this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Text.WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );
return this .mUI 用户名或密码错误Text;

public WinText UI 登陆成功Text
if (( this .mUI 登陆成功Text == null ))
this .mUI 登陆成功Text = new WinText( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUI 登陆成功Text.SearchProperties[WinText.PropertyNames.Name] = " 登陆成功! " ;
this .mUI 登陆成功Text.WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );
return this .mUI 登陆成功Text;

#region Fields
private WinText mUI 用户名或密码错误Text;

private WinText mUI登陆成功 Text;

" Coded UITest Builder " , " 10.0.30319.1 " )]
public class UIOKWindow : WinWindow

public UIOKWindow(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
base (searchLimitContainer)
#region Search Criteria
this .SearchProperties[WinWindow.PropertyNames.ControlId] = " 2 " ;
this .WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );

#region Properties
public WinButton UIOKButton
if (( this .mUIOKButton == null ))
this .mUIOKButton = new WinButton( this );
#region Search Criteria
this .mUIOKButton.SearchProperties[WinButton.PropertyNames.Name] = " OK " ;
this .mUIOKButton.WindowTitles.Add( " 提示 " );
return this .mUIOKButton;

#region Fields
private WinButton mUIOKButton;

















public void CodedUITestMethod1()
UIMap1Classes.UIMap1 uimap1
= new UIMap1Classes.UIMap1();




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