MySQL 5.6.16/5.5.36 发布

MySQL各产品线更新。5.6.16/5.5.36 2014-01-31之前版本是2013-09-20的5.6.15/5.5.35,主要是Bug修正,cmake支持了-DTMPDIR,增强了ALTER_TABLE.5.1系列还是5.1.73.


Changes in MySQL 5.6.16 (2014-01-31)

A known limitation of this release:


Building MySQL from source on Windows using Visual Studio 2008 fails with an identifier not found error. Later versions of Visual Studio are unaffected. The workaround is to set the CMake build option, INNODB_PAGE_ATOMIC_REF_COUNT, toOFF. This option isONby default.

Functionality Added or Changed

Previously, ALTER TABLE in MySQL 5.6 could alter a table such that the result had temporal columns in both 5.5 and 5.6 format. Now ALTER TABLE upgrades old temporal columns to 5.6 format forADD COLUMN,CHANGE COLUMN,MODIFY COLUMN,ADD INDEX, andFORCEoperations. This conversion cannot be done using theINPLACEalgorithm, so specifyingALGORITHM=INPLACEin these cases results in an error. (Bug #17246318)

CMake now supports a -DTMPDIR=dir_name option to specify the default tmpdir value. If unspecified, the value defaults toP_tmpdirin. Thanks to Honza Horak for the patch. (Bug #68338, Bug #16316074)

Bugs Fixed

InnoDB; Replication: Using the InnoDB memcachedplugin (see InnoDBIntegration with memcached) with innodb_api_enable_binlog set to 1 caused the server to leak memory. (Bug #70757, Bug #17675622)

InnoDB: A boolean mode full-text search query would result in a memory access violation during parsing. (Bug #17978763)

InnoDB: When new indexes are added by an ALTER TABLE operation, instead of only saving table-level statistics and statistics for the new indexes,InnoDBwould save statistics for the entire table, including the table's other indexes. This behavior slowed ALTER TABLE performance. (Bug #17848838, Bug #16511145)

InnoDB: Due to a parser error, full-text search queries that include a sub-expression could return the wrong result. (Bug #17840768)

InnoDB: The innochecksum tool did not use a Windows-specific API to retrieve file size information, which resulted in an incorrect error message (Error: ibdata1 cannot be found) when the MySQL 5.6 innochecksum 2GB file size limit was exceeded. innochecksum now provides support for files larger than 2GB in both MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7. (Bug #17810862, Bug #70936)

InnoDB: Due to a regression introduced by the fix for Bug#17371537, memory was not allocated for the default memcached engine when using the default memcached engine as the backstore for data instead ofInnoDB. (Bug #17800829)

InnoDB: InnoDBwould report an incorrect operating system error code after failing to initialize. (Bug #17788055, Bug #70867)

InnoDB: Manipulating a table after discarding its tablespace using ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE could result in a serious error. (Bug #17700280)

InnoDB: Persistent optimizer statistics would cause stalls due to latch contention. (Bug #17699331, Bug #70768)

InnoDB: MATCH() ... AGAINST queries that use a long string as an argument forAGAINST()could result in an error when run on anInnoDBtable with a full-text search index. (Bug #17640261)

InnoDB: AnInnoDBfull-text search failure would occur due to an “unended” token. The string and string length should be passed for string comparison. (Bug #17659310)

InnoDB: In debug builds, a merge insert buffer during a page read would cause a memory access violation. (Bug #17561188)

InnoDB: Truncating a memcached InnoDBtable while memcached is performing DML operations would result in a serious error. (Bug #17468031)

InnoDB: Insync0rw.ic,rw_lock_x_lock_func_nowaitwould needlessly callos_thread_get_curr_id. (Bug #17509710, Bug #70417)

InnoDB: Attempting to rename a table to a missing database would result in a serious error. (Bug #17447500)

InnoDB: If a tablespace data file path is updated in a.islfile and then a crash recovery is performed, the updated tablespace data file path is read from the.islfile but theSYS_DATAFILEStable would not be not updated. TheSYS_DATAFILEStable is now updated with the new data file path after crash recovery. (Bug #17448389)

InnoDB: If the first page (page 0) of file-per-table tablespace data file was corrupt, recovery would be halted even though the doublewrite buffer contained a clean copy of the page. (Bug #17335427, Bug #70087)

InnoDB: TheInnoDBmemcached Readme file (README-innodb_memcached) incorrectly stated that libevent 1.6.0 is linked statically into daemon memcached. The bundled version of libevent is 1.4.12, not 1.6.0. (Bug #17324419, Bug #70034)

InnoDB: Attempting to reset a replication slave while innodb_force_recovery is greater than0would return a cryptic error message: ERROR(1030) HY000: Got error -1 from storage engine. The error message has been changed to: ERROR HY000: Operation not allowed when innodb_force_recovery > 0. Replication options such as --relay-log-info-repository=TABLE and --master-info-repository=TABLE store information in tables inInnoDB. When innodb_force_recovery is greater than 0, replication tables cannot be updated which may cause replication administration commands to fail. (Bug #17287443, Bug #69907)

InnoDB: The ALTER TABLE INPLACEalgorithm would fail to decrease the auto-increment value. (Bug #17250787, Bug #69882)

InnoDB: Comments inbtr0cur.ccincorrectly stated thatbtr_cur_pessimistic_update()andbtr_cur_optimistic_update()would accept a NULL value. (Bug #17231743, Bug #69847)

InnoDB: dict_table_schema_checkwould calldtype_sql_nameneedlessly. (Bug #17193801, Bug #69802)

InnoDB: The functionos_file_get_statuswould not work with raw devices. (Bug #17023438, Bug #69424)

InnoDB: During crash recovery, an incorrect transaction active time would result in rolling back an uncommitted transaction. (Bug #16936961, Bug #69438)

InnoDB: Heap block debugging information (file_name,lineno), used for logging diagnostics, would appear in release builds. This information should only appear in debug builds. (Bug #16924719, Bug #69422)

InnoDB: Renaming a column while also adding or dropping columns in the same ALTER TABLE operation would cause an error. (Bug #16864981)

InnoDB: An online ALTER TABLE operation would consume more memory than expected. During an onlineALTER TABLEoperation, an online log buffer containing a head and tail buffer is created for each index that is created or rebuilt. The tail buffer is the writer context and is only required for concurrent write operations on an index while theALTER TABLEoperation is in progress. The head buffer is the reader context and is only required during the log apply phase. To reduce memory consumption, the tail buffer is now allocated when the first DML statement is run on the index, and the head buffer is only allocated in the log apply phase and freed afterwards. (Bug #16868967, Bug #69325, Bug #17911720)

InnoDB: On Windows, the full-text search (FTS) object ID was not in the expected hexadecimal format. (Bug #16559254)

References: See also Bug #16559119.

InnoDB: Fetching and releasing pages from the buffer pool and tracking the page state are expensive and complex operations. Prior to the bug fix, these operations were performed using a page mutex. Using a page mutex to track several things is expensive and does not scale well. The bug fix separates fetch and release tracking (in-use state) of a page from page I/O state tracking. Fetch and release is now tracked using atomics where available.

For portability, a newCMakebuild option, INNODB_PAGE_ATOMIC_REF_COUNT (defaultON), can be used to disable atomic page reference counting on platforms where atomics support is not available. When atomic page reference counting is enabled (default), “[Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages” is printed to the error log at server startup. If atomic page reference counting is disabled, “[Note] InnoDB: Using mutexes to ref count buffer pool pages” is printed instead. (Bug #16249481, Bug #68079)

InnoDB: Table renaming errors would appear in theLATEST FOREIGN KEY ERRORsection of theSHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSoutput. (Bug #12762390, Bug #61746)

InnoDB: UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG, which was disabled inuniv.iwith the fix for Bug#16720368, is now enabled. (Bug #69617, Bug #17033591)

Partitioning: Queries using theindex_mergeoptimization (see Index Merge Optimization) could return invalid results when run against tables that were partitioned byHASH. (Bug #17588348, Bug #70588)

Partitioning: When no partition had returned a row since the last HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND error, the use of uninitialized memory in the priority queue used for returning rows in sorted order could lead to a crash of the server. (Bug #17401628)

Replication: When the binary log I/O cache grew to exactly 32768 bytes and the current transaction was preceded by a transaction whose size was greater than 32768 bytes, events could be corrupted when written into the binary log. (Bug #17842137)

Replication: Creating and dropping large numbers of temporary tables could lead to increased memory consumption. (Bug #17806014)

Replication: mysqlbinlog --verbose failed when it encountered a corrupt row event in the binary log. Such a row event could also cause the slave to fail. (Bug #17632978)

References: See also Bug #16960133.

Replication: When log_warnings is greater than 1, the master prints binary log dump thread information—containing the slave server ID, binary log file name, and binary log position—inmysqld.1.err. A slave server ID greater than 2 billion was printed with a negative value in such cases. (Bug #17641586, Bug #70685)

Replication: mysqlbinlog did not properly decode DECIMAL values in a row-based binary log. This could cause invalid values to be printed out forDECIMALcolumns. (Bug #17544169)

References: See also Bug #14309019.

Replication: Seconds_Behind_Masterin the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS could under some conditions be reported as 0 when it should have had a value greater than zero. (Bug #17233214)

References: See also Bug #16579028.

Replication: The semisynchronous replication plugin was called twice for a DDL statement, incrementing Rpl_semi_sync_master_yes_tx by 2 instead of 1 each time such a statement was executed. (Bug #70410, Bug #17509011)

Compilation errors occurred on Solaris 10; resolved by includingmy_config.hbefore system header files. (Bug #18046811)

FORCE INDEX [FOR ORDER BY] (index_name)did not work for joins.

The fix for this bug also also changes the warning created for EXPLAIN. Instead of printing only{IGNORE|USE|FORCE} INDEXit now also printsFOR {GROUP BY|ORDER BY|JOIN}if that was specified in the query. (Bug #17889511)

With the compressed client/server protocol enabled, Performance Schema statement instrumentation could raise an assertion. (Bug #17794846)

In some cases, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() could returnNULLwhen it should return 0. (Bug #17728371)

An assertion could be raised if afilesortfailed to resize its main buffer when record properties changed. (Bug #17757914)

The cache used for the Index Merge access method was freed only after successful retrieval of all rows. Interruption or failure of the operation led to a file descriptor leak. (Bug #17708621)

Using the mysqldump --set-gtid-purged option with no value caused mysqldump to crash. (Bug #17650245)

A race condition between Performance Schema statement event threads led to a server exit. (Bug #17637970)

In a view definition requireing resolution of aggregrate expressions within a subquery to an outer query, selecting from the view could cause a server exit. (Bug #17547804)

References: This bug is a regression of Bug #16436383.

An addressing error in accessing the join buffer could produce invalid results or a server exit. (Bug #17513341)

mysql_config incorrectly included some flags to generate compiler warning output. (Bug #17400967)

With semi-join optimization enabled, queries with nested subqueries could cause a server exit due to incorrect resolution of references to columns in the middle query block. (Bug #17398972)

In some cases, the optimizer wrote fixed-length temporaryMyISAMtables to disk rather than variable-length temporary tables. (Bug #17231940)

Enabling thevalidate_passwordplugin could result in incorrect password hashes being stored in themysql.usertable. (Bug #17065383)

For accounts authenticated using thesha256_passwordplugin, setting the password after the password had been expired did not clear the password-expired flag. (Bug #16872181)

On Mac OS X 10.7, a race condition involvingvio_shutdown()and the select-based implementation ofvio_io_wait()could cause a server exit. (Bug #16354789, Bug #17733393)

Host names in example URLs used within the source code were replaced by names in the domain, the domain intended by IANA for this purpose. (Bug #15890092)

Forutf8andutf8mb4strings, handler functions unnecessarily called a Unicode conversion function. (Bug #14057034)

Several-Wwarning flags were turned off for compilation in maintainer mode if MySQL was configured with-DWITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED=1. (Bug #13898319)

Calling the ExtractValue() function with an invalid XPath expression could in some cases lead to a failure of the server. (Bug #12428404, Bug #61065)

Use of a nonmulti-byte algorithm for skipping leading spaces in multi-byte strings could cause a server exit. (Bug #12368495)

WithONLY_FULL_GROUP_BYSQL mode enabled, a query that usesGROUP BYon a column derived from a subquery in theFROMclause failed with acolumn isn't in GROUP BYerror, if the query was in a view. (Bug #11923239)

For theutf8_bincollation,ORDER BY LOWER(col_name)could produce incorrect ordering. (Bug #69005, Bug #16691598)

Several issues identified by the Coverity static analysis tool were fixed. Thanks to Honza Horak for the patch. (Bug #70830, Bug #17760511)

On Windows, the --local-service server option did not work, and was not displayed in the --help message. (Bug #69637, Bug #17049656)

It was not possible to query a view with anORDER BYclause that referenced an alias in theSELECTclause of the view definition, unless all columns in the view were named in the select list.

To handle this problem, the server now writes a view differently into the.frmfile that stores the view definition. If you experience view-evaluation errors such as just described, drop and recreate the view so that the.frmfile contains the updated view representation. (Bug #69678, Bug #17077305)

The prototype of the Performance Schema instrumentation APImysql_cond_timedwait()call was fixed to be drop-in compatible withpthread_cond_timedwait(). This fix affects only implementers of third-party plugins. (Bug #70628, Bug #17702677)

Themake_atomic_cas_body64implementation on IA32 with gcc but without gcc builtins could be miscompiled due to an incorrect constraint. The patch also causes MySQL to use builtin atomics when compiled using Clang. (Bug #63451, Bug #17242996)

Complex updates of Performance Schema tables involving joins or subqueries failed to update every row. (Bug #70025, Bug #17309657)

For the path specified with the --basedir option, mysql_plugin attempted to unlink the path rather than free the memory in which the path was stored. (Bug #69752, Bug #17168602)

COUNT(DISTINCT) sometimes produced an incorrect result when the last read row contained aNULLvalue. (Bug #68749, Bug #16539979, Bug #71028, Bug #17867117)

sql_resolver.ccreferred to partitioning code that should have been protected by an#ifdef, even when MySQL was configured with-DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE=OFF. (Bug #71010, Bug #17876794)

In incorrect result could be returned for a query with an IF() predicate in theWHEREclause combined withOUTER JOINin a subquery that is transformed to a semi-join. (A workaround is to disable semi-join usingSET optimizer_switch='semijoin=off';) (Bug #70608, Bug #17600176)

A full-text search combined with derived tables (subqueries in theFROMclause) caused a server exit.

Now if a full-text operation depends on a derived table, the server produces an error indicating that a full-text search cannot be done on a materialized table. (Bug #68751, Bug #16539903)

Some scripts displayed out-of-date information regarding where to report bugs. (Bug #68742, Bug #16530527)

Some files in the Performance Schema file_instances table were not being removed because the file-removal operation was not instrumented. (Bug #69782, Bug #17209750)

mysqldump --single-transaction acquired metadata locks for each dumped table but did not release them until the dump operation finished. Consequently, other DDL operations on a dumped table blocked even after the table itself had been dumped. mysqldump now attempts to release metadata locks earlier. (Bug #71017, Bug #17862905)

Updating aFEDERATEDtable withUPDATE... JOINcaused a server exit when the local table contained a single row and that row could be joined to a row in theFEDERATEDtable. (Bug #68354, Bug #16324629)

mysql_install_dbreferred to the obsolete mysqlbug script for reporting problems. It        now refers to instead.       (Bug #29716, Bug #11746921)


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