Spotlight on windows,它能够满足你对服务器实时监控的需要,让你对服务器的运行状态了如指掌。Spotlight是一款功能强大的服务器监控软件,相信有了它的保驾护航你的Windows Server服务器的完全性、稳定性会有极大的提升。当然,Spotlight不仅可运行在Server系统上,也支持一般的个人系统。

Minimum Hardware
• 500 MHz Pentium III PC
• 60 megabytes of local disk space
• Monitor capable of supporting a resolution of 800x600 or higher
• 256 megabytes of RAM (minimum); 512 megabytes (recommended).
• CD-ROM drive or Internet connection
• Mouse
• Printer (optional)
• Soundcard and speakers (optional)

Additional Comments
Colors Spotlight is designed to run on a desktop area of 800 by 600 pixels
or larger. It is best viewed on a desktop area of 1024 by 768 pixels. You
should also set the display to use, as a minimum, the 64K-color palette
(65536 colors).

Minimum Software
• Windows 2000, or Windows XP
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 or above