To customize Fiddler's Web Sessions List, add rules using FiddlerScript to the OnBeforeRequest function (except where noted). For example:
Display in the "Custom Column" the time of the original request
oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss.ffff ");
Show any Set-Cookie headers in Custom column in Session list. (in OnBeforeResponse)
oSession["ui-customcolumn"] = oSession.oResponse["Set-Cookie"];
Mark any requests which send cookies in red, and show the value in the Custom column. Otherwise, mark request in green.
if (oSession.oRequest.headers.Exists("Cookie")) { oSession["ui-color"]="red"; oSession["ui-customcolumn"] = oSession.oRequest["Cookie"]; } else oSession["ui-color"]="green";
Hide requests for .GIFs from the session list
if (oSession.url.EndsWith(".gif")){ oSession["ui-hide"]="hiding image requests"; //String value not important }
Hide completed responses which returned images (in OnBeforeResponse)
if (oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "image/")) { oSession["ui-hide"] = "hiding images"; // String value not important }
Hide requests to domains except those I care about
if (!oSession.HostnameIs("")){ oSession["ui-hide"] = "hiding boring domains"; // String value not important }
Unhide any response which returned a 404 (in OnBeforeResponse)
if (oSession.responseCode == 404){ oSession.oFlags.Remove("ui-hide"); }
Flag all pages in which the server sends a cookie (in OnBeforeResponse)
if (oSession.oResponse.headers.Exists("Set-Cookie") || oSession.utilDecodeResponse(); oSession.utilFindInResponse("document.cookie", false)>-1 || oSession.utilFindInResponse('HTTP-EQUIV="Set-Cookie"', false)>-1){ oSession["ui-color"]="purple"; }
Show redirection target Location in Session List (In OnBeforeResponse)
if ((oSession.responseCode > 299) && (oSession.responseCode < 308)){ oSession["ui-customcolumn"] = oSession.oResponse["Location"]; }
Add image size information in a column. (Global scope) Note: you must add System.drawing.dll inside Tools > Fiddler Options > Extensions > References.
public static BindUIColumn("ImageSize", 60) function FillImageSizeColumn(oS: Session){ if ((oS.oResponse != null) && (oS.oResponse.headers != null)) { try{ if (!oS.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "image/")) return "NotAnImage"; var oMS: System.IO.MemoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(oS.responseBodyBytes); var i:System.Drawing.Bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(oMS); return (i.Width + " x " + i.Height); } catch(e) { return "err"; } } return String.Empty; }
Search all text responses for a list of strings and flag sessions (in OnBeforeRequest)
oSession.utilDecodeResponse(); // Create a array of strings we're looking for. var oFindStrings = new Array( "XMLHttp", "onreadystatechange", "readyState", "responseBody", "responseText", "responseXML", "statusText", "abort", "getAllResponseHeaders", "getResponseHeader", "setRequestHeader"); // For each target string, check the response to see if it's present. var iEach=0; oSession["ui-customcolumn"]=String.Empty; for (iEach; iEach<oFindStrings.length; iEach++){ if (oSession.utilFindInResponse(oFindStrings[iEach], false)>0) { oSession["ui-color"]="purple"; oSession["ui-customcolumn"] += oFindStrings[iEach]+"; "; } }