使用 case when 配合 sum来统计。
select sum(case when rq >='2015-1-1' and rq < '2015-2-1' then sl else 0 end) as '1月份', sum(case when rq >='2015-2-1' and rq < '2015-3-1' then sl else 0 end) as '2月份', sum(case when rq >='2015-3-1' and rq < '2015-4-1' then sl else 0 end) as '3月份' from a2;
以列方式统计,更为简单:把rq 转换为年+月 格式,再分组即可以。
select year(rq) * 100 + month(rq) as rq, sum(sl) as 'sl' from a2 group by year(rq) * 100 + month(rq);