原文见  [url]http://www.5ushare.com/vsto/vsto%e8%bf%9b%e8%a1%8c%e6%97%b6-%e5%bc%80%e5%8f%91%e6%97%a5%e5%bf%97%e4%b9%8b%e4%b8%80vsto-development-diary.html[/url]

假如,我写了个文档,里边有些隐私内容并不想让别人看,但无奈,我的文档又必须给别人演示。而我想做的正是这么一个插件,通过他,我可以把文档的部 分内容加密隐藏,这样别人就看不着了。即使看着了,他也不知道什么意思。这款插件,我想针对WORD来做,因为WORD应用相对普遍,对这类需求也相对更 大。

Recently, i have received a VSTO project which is mainly about the Office data security aspect.    Approximately as follows:if , I have written some documents, inside some privacy content does not want to let others look, but my documents must be showed to others. What I want to do is precisely such a plug-in unit, through which I may make the part of the doc hide away so that others aren’t able to see it. Even if they can look it ,they also do not know the meaning of it. This plug-in unit is mainly for WORD ,because the WORD is relatively common and its demand is bigger.
So today,i mainly have analyzed from the technical stratification plane about how to removed the key words and so on.About the concrete algorithm, given the software’s particularity, i’m incoveniently to talk about more.
Please waiting for my next one……