

When it comes to NoSQL, I believe that Redis is the king thanks to its ease of use and diversity.


I plan on doing a few posts on Redis this week, but I wanted to start off with something to show how easy it is to get started with it. That said, let's define what Redis is first. At it's bare minimum, it's a key value store. It allows persistent data but also works very well as a medium to process things. If you've ever heard of memcached think of Redis along those lines. Like Memcached, it store values in memory so accessing and working with data in the store is incredibly fast.


I've mentioned it in the past when talking about working with celery. It's great for usage with message queues because of the speed and many data sets. With that outlined, let's get into a working example to hook you in.


Building a Chatroom

One of the cool things that Redis supplies out of the box is a pub/sub module. You can connect to the Redis database and then set your script to subscribe to a specific channel. When subscribed, other users can publish content to that channel and the results will be collected and available for the channel. This is how chatrooms work. You subscribe to a certain room, and users publish content which is then printed to the room.

First of all, let's make sure we have Redis installed:




$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
$ sudo redis-server start
$ redis-cli PING

If those commands work for you, then you're all setup!

I'm going to be using the awesome redis-py library to do this in Python. To get started, use pip to install the dependency:



$ pip install redis

With that done, let's create our first file. Make a file named settings.py


import redis
config = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'port': 6379,
    'db': 0,}
r = redis.StrictRedis(**config)

Let's break this down:

  • Import redis to use in our app.

  • Create a config dictionary pointing to our Redis instance. Since the default Redis instance is located at localhost:6379 we're good to go. I also define the 0 database for this example but you can use any number up to 99 I believe.

  • Create a Redis object using the StrictRedis class based on our config. redis-py exposes two client classes that implement the commands and the StrictRedis class attempts to adhere to the official command syntax.

This basic config will get us our instance so that we can use it in our other app files. Let's see them.

Create a new file called pub.py:


  • 导入redis到app配置文件中

  • 创建一个redis配置字典,用于redis实例。因为默认的redis实例是指向localhost:6379。本例中我也定义了数据库0,你可以使用任何0-99的数字。

  • 使用StrictRedis类创建redis对象。redis-py提供了2个客户端类来实现命令,并且StrictRedis类总是设法遵守官方命令语法。


接下来我们创建一个新文件命名为 pub.py

from settings import r
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    name = sys.argv[1]
    channel = sys.argv[2]

    print 'Welcome to {channel}'.format(**locals())

    while True:
        message = raw_input('Enter a message: ')

        if message.lower() == 'exit':

        message = '{name} says: {message}'.format(**locals())

        r.publish(channel, message)

And breaking this example down:

  • We import our settings Redis object and the sys module. We then identify that our script should take two arguments after the filename. The first is the name which will be the username. The second is the channel.

  • After we get those, we jump into an infinite while loop which will ask the user for a message.

  • We add a clause to break the look by typing exit.

  • We then format the message based on the name and publish the message with the Redis object.

The only new thing here is this publish() method which allows us to select the channel and the message to pass. When we do so, all participants subscribed to the channel will get our messages. Let's see our subscriber now.

Create a new file called sub.py:


  • 导入redis对象和sys模块。接下来又为脚本定义2个参数。第一个参数是将要成为用户名的name参数,第二个是频道channel.

  • 定义好这些后,将进入无限的while循环中获取消息

  • 添加子句来退出循环,通过输入的exit字符串中断循环

  • 根据name格式化消息,使用redis实例对象发布该消息



from settings import r
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    channel = sys.argv[1]

    pubsub = r.pubsub()

    print 'Listening to {channel}'.format(**locals())

    while True:
        for item in pubsub.listen():
            print item['data']

And one last break down will tell us that:

  • We import the same things and take a channel as our CLI argument.

  • We then use the redis-py pubsub() method to create a new pubsub instance. On that we have access to the subscribe() method which allows us to listen to a channel.

  • Jumping into an infinite while loop, we find items based on the listen() method and when we get them we print their data.

Very simple and the best thing is that the app is done. Go back to your terminal and open three windows. First off, start the subscriber:


  • 和pub.py一样导入相同的模块,并且带上一个频道作为命令行参数

  • 使用redis-py的pubsub()方法创建一个新的pubsub实例对象。这样就能访问subscribe()订阅方法来监听频道。

  • 进入无限循环中,通过listen()方法获取消息并打印。(listen方法是阻塞的,也可使用get_message获取消息非阻塞消息)


$ python sub.py PYTHON
Listening to PYTHON

As you see, this continues to run and waits for messages to be published. Let's give it some messages. In another terminal window run:


$ python pub.py Dan PYTHON
Welcome to PYTHON
Enter a message:

So far so good. Test it out by typing a message and watch the subscriber terminal window. You should see messages from one terminal appearing in the other terminal now! Let's open a third terminal window and make it act like a real chatroom.


$ python pub.py Jesse PYTHON
Welcome to PYTHON
Enter a message:

Now messages from one terminal window will be from Dan and the other will be from Jesse. Since our subscriber is just listening to the channel, we can have any number of users in this room. Try typing in both publisher windows and see the messages show up with the subscriber.

Nice and simple.




        As you see, we didn't have to do much at all to get a chatroom example built in Redis. Of course, Redis does a lot more than just the pub/sub pattern for us and I'll be elaborating more on that this week. For now, play around with this example and if you want to see some more Redis jump into the Redis CLI by typing redis-cli in your terminal.

