Today another problem came out. The wireless on a laptop could not work under Windows 2008 after updates and application installation. I checked the driver, the hardware are all fine. The wireless light on the bottom of the screen is also on. I used the Vista driver for it. When running diagnose, it prompted that maybe the driver error. I doubted it.

When I tried to use netsh in Windows2008, I came across this website which clearly shows how to install the Wireless service in Win2008. Follow the instruction and restart the system, my wireless is working now! I got the picture of the all available wireless network! So many tricks in Windows 2008!

All in one:
1. The Vista driver is OK for Windows 2008
2.  Make sure that Device Manager shows the Wireless enabled and working properly
3. Switch the wireless on if  there is a switch on your laptop
4.  Enable the wireless service by Server Manager

Learn a little bit everyday!