电子书下载:TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginner’s Guide

TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginners Guide

Book Description
TortoiseSVN is a Subversion client that gives you quick and easy access to all of Subversion’s features. Perhaps you are aware of the importance of version control in software development or document management, but do you know how to use TortoiseSVN for efficient project management? Here is the first book about version control with TortoiseSVN.

TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginner’s Guide provides a comprehensive coverage of TortoiseSVN in its entirety. It is easy to follow the instructions with clear explanations and screenshots. This book will introduce the important features of TortoiseSVN and at the same time, give you a deeper and clearer understanding of the basic functionality, providing the answers to many questions that are encountered when using TortoiseSVN. TortoiseSVN is a client to SVN, but with this book and TortoiseSVN, you don’t need to know anything about SVN, or wade through boring version control theory to get started using one of the most powerful version control applications in the world.

The book begins by introducing you to the basics of TortoiseSVN and tools needed to get started with version control. It then dives deep into details, covering the methods available to check and commit changes and keep track of data. Chapters cover conflict management, branching and merging of a project to avoid disturbing the main development version, using TortoiseSVN with popular bug-tracking systems, and much more.

 By following the practical steps in this book, you will learn every aspect of using TortoiseSVN–from setting up the subversion server, to working with revision logs, and providing security and protection for your subversion server.

An engaging, step-by-step guide on how to use TortoiseSVN to make version control on Windows a quick and easy experience

What you will learn from this book

  • Select the working copy of a file to maintain coherency and avoid conflicts
  • Create and apply patches while maintaining consistency in the project
  • Work with revision graphs to check the changes made to the project
  • View who has made changes
  • Leave messages in the project to explain what you have done
  • Lock files so that no one else can change them while you are working on them
  • Create branches to allow maintaining multiple versions of the project at once, and merge them later
  • Use TortoiseSVN with Visual Studio
  • Use TortoiseSVN with common bug tracking applications
  • Secure and protect your Subversion server using SSL

Written in an engaging style, this book offers step-by-step examples with screenshots offering clear guidance at key steps. It uses the example of a small software house called Shiny Moose Software to guide you through the features of TortoiseSVN.

Who this book is written for
If you are a software developer, translator or documentation writer, or if your software house/open source project relies on TortoiseSVN for version control, then this book is for you. No prior experience with TortoiseSVN or version control is required. As long as you are a confident user of Windows, you will be able to use this book to get started easily with TortoiseSVN.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 260 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (January, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849513449
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849513449
  • File Size: 7.5 MiB


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早在2000年,CollabNet, Inc.就开始召集开发人员开发CVS的替代品。CollabNet 提供一套名为SourceCast协同工作套件,其中的一部分组件是版本控制。虽然SourceCast使用CVS作为其最初的版本控制系统,但是CVS的种种限制从一开始就处处可见,最后CollabNet明白必须要找到一个更好的解决方案。不幸的是,至少在免费license中,因为没有更好的选择,CVS已经广泛成为了开源世界中事实上的标准。所以CollabNet决定开发一个新的版本控制系统,保留CVS的基本特性但去除CVS的bug和不好的特性。   在2000年2月,他们联系《使用CVS开发开源项目》(Open Source Development with CVS)(Coriolis, 1999)的作者Karl Fogel,并征求了他是否愿意在这个新的项目中担任一个角色。巧合的是,当时Karl已经和他的朋友Jim Blandy讨论了一个关于新的版本控制系统的设计。在1995年,这两人就成立了Cyclic Software,一个提供CVS的商业支持的软件公司。虽然他们经营商业服务,但是仍然在每天都在工作中使用CVS。使用CVS的挫折感使得Jim认真思考更好的方法来管理数据,不但确定名字为“Subversion”,而且完成了Subversion档案库的基础设计。   当CollabNet的电话到来时,Karl立即答应了加入项目中,而且Jim让他的雇主RedHat Software同意让他在这个项目中不定期工作。CollabNet雇用了Karl和Ben Collins-Sussman,并在5月开始了详细设计工作。在得到了来自CollabNet的Brian Behlendorf、Jason Robbins和Greg Stein(当时是一名活跃在WebDAV/DeltaV规范过程的自由程序员)很多创意的帮助下,Subversion很快地引起了一个活跃开发者社区的注意。它找出并欢迎很多同样在CVS上受到挫折的社员能来为这个项目做点什么。   Subversion 最初的设计Team定下了几个简单的目标。 它必须在功能上可取代 CVS,也就是说, 所有 CVS 可做到的事, 它都要能够作到。 在修正最明显的瑕疵的同时, 还要保留相同的开发模式。 还有, Subversion 应该要和 CVS 很相像, 任何 CVS 使用者只要花费少许的力气, 就可以很快地上手。   经过十四个月的编码后, Subversion 于2001年8月31日开始实现 “自行管理”。 也就是说, 开发人员不再使用 CVS 来管理 Subversion 的代码, 而以 Subversion 自己来管理。   从启动这个项目到现在,虽然CollabNet提供了大部分的资金(它付出几位全职 Subversion 开发人员的薪水), 但这还是个开源项目, 由一组松散透明的规则所约定。 CollabNet 拥有代码的版权完全符合 Debian Free Software Guidelines。 换句话说, 每个人都可以随意地免费下载、修改、以及重新发布 Subversion; 完全不需要经过 CollabNet, 或是任何人的允许。




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