判断操作系统版本:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Platform               Operating System Version                          Command


AIX<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />4.3.3       4.3.3                                                      $ oslevel -r

AIX5.1          5.1                                                         $ oslevel -r

HP                HP-UX version 11.0 (64-bit).                     $ uname -a

Linux            SuSE Linux Enterprise Server

                     7 (or SLES-7) withkernel

                     2.4.7, and glibc 2.2.2.

                     Note: In addition to this

                     distribution, Oracle

                     Corporation works with other

                     Linux distribution vendors

                     to certify Oracle products

                     with their default kernel

                     and OS utilities.                                         $ uname -a

Solaris           32-Bit 2.6 (5.6),

                     7 (5.7) or 8 (5.8)                                      $ uname -a

Solaris           64-Bit 8 (5.8)                                                  $ uname -a

Tru64            5.1 or 5.1A                                              $ /usr/sbin/sizer -v



Platform                             Command


AIX                            $ /usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem  or lscfg -vp

Linux                          $ /usr/sbin/dmesg | grep "Physical:"

HP                              $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo  or cstm->sel->map->infolog

Solaris                         $ /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size"

Tru64                          $ /bin/vmstat -P | grep "Total Physical Memory" or /var/adm/messages



Platform                       Command


AIX                             # lsdev -Cc processor

                                   # lsattr -El proc0

HP-UX                         # ioscan -knfC processor

Tru64                          # psrinfo -v

Solaris                          # psrinfo -v

Linuix                          # dmesg




Platform                             Command


AIX                            $ /usr/sbin/lsps -a

HP                              $ /usr/sbin/swapinfo -a

Linux                          $ /sbin/swapon -s

Tru64                          $ /sbin/swapon -s

Solaris                         $ /usr/sbin/swap -1



Platform                             Command


AIX                            $ instfix -a -ivk APAR_number

HP                              $ /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch

Linux                          $ rpm -qa

Solaris 32-bit               $ pkginfo -i package name

Solaris 64-bit               $ showrev -p

Tru64                          $ /usr/sbin/dupatch -track -type kit




Platform                             Command

AIX                            $ lslpp -l os_package

Solaris                         $ pkginfo -i os_package

Tru64                          $ setld -i |grep os_package




Platform                             Command


AIX                            HACMP

                                   $ /usr/bin/l***c -ls grpsvcs

                                   Note: Verify that the CLSTRMGR_cluster_id has number of

                                   providers equal to the number of nodes.      

                                   PSSP 3.4

                                   $ /usr/bin/l***c -ls hags

                                   Note: Verify that css has the correct number of nodes. There

                                   should also be a local provider.

HP                              $ /usr/sbin/cmviewcl -v

Linux                          $ ps -efl | egrep ‘watchdogd|oracm’

                                   if all of watchdogd and oracm program appears in the

                                      process list, Oracle Cluster Management Software is running.

                                   if all of watchdogd and oracm program does not appear

                                      in the process list, restart the Oracle Cluster Management Software.

Solaris                         $ ps -ef | grep clustd

                                   if the clustd program appears in the process list, clustd is running.

                                   if the clustd program does not appear in the process list,

                                      restart the Cluster Membership Monitor.

Tru64                          $ /usr/sbin/clu_get_info

                                   Note: Verify that the correct number of cluster members are

                                   configured. Member state for all nodes should be "up".

                                   #asemgr (菜单式)




Platform                          Command

AIX                             # lsdev -Cc cdrom

                                   # mkdir /cdrom

                                   # mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

                                   # umount /cdrom


HP-UX                         $ ioscan -fun -C disk


disk 10 10/12/5.2.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-5701TA /dev/dsk/c4t2d0 /dev/rdsk/c4t2d0

vi /etc/pfs_fstab file,add item "device_file mount_point filesystem_type translation_method"

                                   example : "/dev/dsk/c4t2d0 /SD_CDROM pfs-rrip xlat=unix 1 0"

                         # nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &

                                  # nohup /usr/sbin/pfsd &

                                   # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount /SD_CDROM

                                   # /usr/sbin/pfs_umount /SD_CDROM


Linuix                          # ps -aux | grep automount

                                   # eject

                                   # vi /etc/auto.master

                                   # su root

                                   # mkdir /cdrom

                                   # mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom

                                   # umount /cdrom


Solaris                          # cd /

                                   # eject

                                   # mkdir /cdrom

                                   # mount -r -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

                                   # umount /cdrom



Tru64                          # ls -l /dev/disk/cdrom*c

                                   # mkdir /cdrom

                                   # mount -t cdfs -r -o nodefperm,noversion,rrip /dev/disk/cdrom0c /cdrom

                            # umount /cdrom



AIX                     mksysb

HP                       make_recovery –Acv



Tru64                   btcrteate

                            init 1,mount –a,vdump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /vdump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /usr ,(tru5.x的磁带文件为/dev/tape/tape*);




platform                磁带设备文件(倒带)              磁带设备文件(不倒带)

AIX                      /dev/rmt0                                          /dev/rmt0.1

HP-UX                  /dev/0m                                      /dev/0mn

Solaris                   /dev/rmt/0                                              /dev/rmt/0n

Tru64                   /dev/rmt0h,/dev/tape/tape*           /dev/nrmt0h,/dev/ntape/tape*

Linux                    /dev/rmt/0                                              /dev/rmt/0n