
1、 Part II: Solutions Guide52Instructors Manual for Computer Organization and Design1.1q1.2u1.3f1.4a1.5c1.6d1.7i1.8k1.9j1.10o1.11w1.12p1.13n1.14r1.15y1.16s1.17l1.18g1.19x1.20z1.21t1.22b1.23h1.24m1.25e1.26v1.27j1.28b1.29f1.30j1.31i1.32e1SolutionsPart II: Solutions Guide531.33d1.34g1.35c1.36g1.37d1.38c1.39j1.40b1.41f1.42h1.43a1.44a1.45Time for Time for 1.46As discussed in section 1.4, die costs rise very fast with increasing die area. Con- sider a wafer with a large number of defects. It is quite li。

2、kely that if the die area is very small, some dies will escape with no defects. On the other hand, if the die area is very large, it might be likely that every die has one or more defects. In general, then, die area greatly affects yield (as the equations on page 48 indicate), and so we would expect that dies from wafer B would cost much more than dies from wafer A.1.47The die area of the Pentium processor in Figure 1.16 is 91 mm2and it contains about 3.3 million transistors, or roughly 36,000 p。

3、er square millimeter. If we assume the period has an area of roughly .1 mm2, it would contain 3500 transistors (this is certainly a very rough estimate). Similar calculations with regard to Figure 1.26 and the Intel 4004 result in 191 transistors per square millimeter or roughly 19 transistors.1.48We can write Dies per wafer = f(Die area)1) and Yield = f(Die area)2) and thus Cost per die = f(Die area)3). More formally, we can write: 1.49No solution provided.1.50From the caption in Figure 1.16 we。

4、 have 198 dies at 100% yield. If the defect density is 1 per square centimeter, then the yield is approximated by 1/(1 + 1 .91/2)2) = .47. Thus 198 .47 = 93 dies with a cost of $1000/93 = $10.75 per die.1.51Defects per area.1 2- - revolution1 2- - = rev1 5400- - minutes rev- -60 ondssec minute- -5.56 ms =1 2- - revolution1 2- - = rev1 7200- - minutes rev- -60 ondssec minute- -4.17 ms =Cost per dieCost per wafer Dies per waferyield - -=Dies per waferWafer area Die area- -=Yield1 1Defect per areaD。

5、ie area 2 + () 2- -=54Instructors Manual for Computer Organization and Design1.521.531.54No solution provided.1.55No solution provided.1.56No solution provided.1980Die area0.16Yield0.48Defect density17.041992Die area0.97Yield0.48Defect density1.981992 + 1980Improvement8.62Yield1 1Defects per areaDie area 2 + () 2- -=Part II: Solutions Guide552.1For program 1, M2 is 2.0 (10/5) times as fast as M1. For program 2, M1 is 1.33 (4/3) times as fast as M2.2.2Since we know the number of instructions exec。

6、uted and the time it took to execute the instructions, we can easily calculate the number of instructions per second while running program 1 as (200 106)/10 = 20 106for M1 and (160 106)/5 = 32 106for M2.2.3We know that Cycles per instruction = Cycles per second / Instructions per sec- ond. For M1 we thus have a CPI of 200 106cycles per second / 20 106instructions per second = 10 cycles per instruction. For M2 we have 300/32 = 9.4 cycles per instruc- tion.2.4We are given the number of cycles per 。

7、second and the number of seconds, so we can calculate the number of required cycles for each machine. If we divide this by the CPI well get the number of instructions. For M1, we have 3 seconds 200 106cy- cles/second = 600 106cycles per program / 10 cycles per instruction = 60 106in- structions per program. For M2, we have 4 seconds 300 106cycles/second = 1200 106cycles per program / 9.4 cycles per instruction = 127.7 106instructions per pro- gram.2.5M2 is twice as fast as M1, but it does not co。

8、st twice as much. M2 is clearly the ma- chine to purchase.2.6If we multiply the cost by the execution time, we are multiplying two quantities, for each of which smaller numbers are preferred. For this reason, cost times execution time is a good metric, and we would choose the machine with a smaller value. In the example, we get $10,000 10 seconds = 100,000 for M1 vs. $15,000 5 seconds = 75,000 for M2, and thus M2 is the better choice. If we used cost divided by execution time and assume we choos。

9、e the machine with the larger value, then a machine with a ridiculous- ly high cost would be chosen. This makes no sense. If we choose the machine with the smaller value, then a machine with a ridiculously high execution time would be cho- sen. This too makes no sense.2.7We would define cost-effectiveness as performance divided by cost. This is essen- tially (1/Execution time) (1/Cost), and in both cases larger numbers are more cost- effective when we multiply. 2.8We can use the method in Exercise 2.7, but the execution time is the sum of the two execut。


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计算机组成原理:硬件/软件接口 第五版英文原版答案计算机组成设计硬件/软件接口(原书第5版)》是计算机组成设计的经典畅销教材,第5版经过全面更新,关注后PC时代发生在计算机体系结构领域的革命性变革——从单核处理器到多核微处理器,从串行到并行。本书特别关注移动计算和云计算,通过平板电脑、云体系结构以及ARM(移动计算设备)和x86(云计算)体系结构来探索和揭示这场技术变革。   与前几版一样,本书采用MIPS处理器讲解计算机硬件技术、汇编语言、计算机算术、流水线、存储器层次结构以及I/O等基本功能。   《计算机组成设计硬件/软件接口(原书第5版)》特点   更新例题、练习题和参考资料,重点关注移动计算和云计算这两个新领域。   涵盖从串行计算到并行计算的革命性变革,第6章专门介绍并行处理器,每章中都涉及并行硬件软件的相关主题。   全书采用Intel Core i7、ARM Cortex-A8和NVIDIA Fermi GPU作为实例。   增加“运行更快”这一新实例,说明正确理解硬件技术的重要性,它能使软件性能提高200倍。   讨论并强调计算机体系结构的“8个伟大思想”——通过并行提高性能、通过流水线提高性能、通过预测 提高性能、面向摩尔定律的设计、存储器层次、使用抽象简化设计、加速大概率事件和通过冗余提高可靠性
这本最畅销的计算机组成书籍经过全面更新,关注现今发生在计算机体系结构领域的革命性变革:从单处理器发展到多核微处理器。此外,出版这本书的ARM版是为了强调嵌入式系统对于全亚洲计算行业的重要性,并采用ARM处理器来讨论实际计算机的指令集和算术运算,因为ARM是用于嵌入式设备的最流行的指令集架构,而全世界每年约销售40亿个嵌入式设备。与前几版一样,本书采用了一个MIPS处理器来展示计算机硬件技术、流水线、存储器层次结构以及I/O等基本功能。此外,本书还包括一些关于x86架构的介绍。   本书主要特点   ·采用ARMv6(ARM11系列)为主要架构来展示指令系统和计算机算术运算的基本功能。   ·覆盖从串行计算到并行计算的革命性变革,新增了关于并行化的一章,并且每章中还有一些强调并行硬件软件主题的小节。   ·新增一个由NVIDIA的首席科学家和架构主管撰写的附录,介绍了现代GPU的出现和重要性,首次详细描述了这个针对可视计算进行了优化的高度并行化、多线程、多核的处理器。   ·描述一种度量多核性能的独特方法——“Roofline model”,自带benchmark测试和分析AMD Opteron X4、Intel Xeon 5000、Sun UltraSPARC T2和 IBM Cell的性能。   ·涵盖了一些关于闪存和虚拟机的新内容。   ·提供了大量富有启发性的练习题,内容达200多页。   ·将AMD Opteron X4和Intel Nehalem作为贯穿本书的实例。   ·用SPEC CPU2006组件更新了所有处理器性能实例。


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