This gem is a rails plugin that vendorizes the WysiHTML5-Enhanced Rich-Text editor for use with Rails asset pipeline.
You can learn more about WysiHTML5-Enhanced on Github
gem install wysihtml5n-rails
In your application.css (or any other Sprokets-enabled CSS file) add:
//= require wysihtml5n
Alternatively, if you're using SASS you can import wysihtml5n modules individually:
In your application.js (or any other Sprockets-enabled Javascript file) add:
//= require wysihtml5n
Or include the editor modules individually:
//= require wysihtml5n/jcrop
//= require wysihtml5n/wysihtml5-0.3.0
//= require wysihtml5n/wysihtml5-enhanced
Finally, initialize the editor:
You can pass options to editor
# use only some editor tools
$('.wysiwyg').wysiHTML5N({toolbar: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'bold', 'italic']})
Font Awesome 3 vs 4
By default gem uses Font Awesome 3 ().
To initialize editor with Font Awesome 4 icon style () :
$('.wysiwyg').wysiHTML5N({icon_style: 'font_awesome_4'})
Wysihtml5n-rails depends on:
Rails 3.1+
The Twitter Bootstrap CSS file that's bundled with Wysihtml5n-rails only contains styles for forms and buttons. If you're already using Twitter Bootstrap in your application there's no need to require it again.