深大复试题 计算机专业,2018深圳大学计算机技术考研复试真题
































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录 第一章 从零开始 8 1.1试分析 8 1.2 IDE的选择与评测结果 10 1.3 DreamJudge的使用 11 1.4输入输出技巧 12 1.5头文件技巧 15 1.6数组使用技巧 16 1.7审时度势 — 复杂度与是否可做 19 1.8 C++ STL的使用 21 1.9多组输入的问题 27 第二章 入门经典 29 2.1 简单模拟 30 2.2 进制转换类问题 32 2.3 排版类问题 37 2.4 日期类问题 42 2.5 字符串类问题 45 2.6 排序类问题 47 2.7 查找类问题 54 2.8 贪心类问题 61 2.9 链表类问题 65 第三章 数学 68 3.1 同模余定理 69 3.2 最大公约数(GCD) 72 3.3 最小公倍数(LCM) 74 3.4 斐波那契数列 75 3.5 素数判定 76 3.6 素数筛选 78 3.7 分解素因数 81 3.8 二分快速幂 83 3.9 常见数学公式总结 85 3.10 规律神器OEIS 87 第四章 高精度问题 89 4.1 Python解法 90 4.2 Java解法 91 4.3 C/C++解法 92 第五章 数据结构 93 5.1 栈的应用 94 5.2 哈夫曼树 96 5.3 二叉树 102 5.4 二叉排序树 111 5.5 hash算法 114 5.6 前缀树 115 第六章 搜索 121 6.1 暴力枚举 122 6.2 广度优先搜索(BFS) 124 6.3 递归及其应用 127 6.4 深度优先搜索(DFS) 130 6.5 搜索剪枝技巧 135 6.6 终极骗分技巧 138 第七章 图论 139 7.1 理论基础 140 7.2 图的存储 145 7.3 并查集 148 7.4 最小生成树问题 151 7.5 最短路径问题 155 7.6 拓扑排序 162 第八章 动态规划 165 8.1 递推求解 166 8.2 最大子段和 168 8.3 最长上升子序列(LIS) 170 8.4 最长公共子序列(LCS) 174 8.5 背包类问题 176 8.6 记忆化搜索 179 8.7 字符串相关的动态规划 182
江苏科技大学计算机科学与技术专业,考研复试包括以下几个方面: 一、英语复试科 1.阅读理解 Directions: In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. A recent survey of more than 400 business firms indicates that economic growth in the United States may slow down in the next few years. The survey was conducted by the National Association of Business Economists, which also found that the rate of inflation will increase. The survey found that the average economic growth rate for the next three years will be 2.7 percent, compared to 3.3 percent for the previous three years. Inflation is expected to rise from 3 percent to 4 percent during the same period. The survey also found that employment will increase by only 1.7 percent annually over the next three years, compared to 2.4 percent for the previous three years. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? A. Economic growth in the United States. B. Inflation in the United States. C. A survey of business firms. D. Employment in the United States. 2. According to the survey, the average economic growth rate for the next three years will be ________. A. 2.4 percent B. 2.7 percent C. 3.0 percent D. 3.3 percent 3. What is the expected increase in inflation for the next three years? A. 1 percent B. 2 percent C. 3 percent D. 4 percent 4. According to the survey, employment will increase by ________ annually over the next three years. A. 1.7 percent B. 2.4 percent C. 3.0 percent D. 3.3 percent 5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Economic growth will increase over the next three years. B. Inflation is expected to remain the same over the next three years. C. Employment will increase at a faster rate over the next three years. D. The survey was conducted by the National Association of Business Economists. 2.翻译 Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to communicate with each other instantly and inexpensively. E-mail, chat rooms, and instant messaging are just a few of the ways people can communicate online. Because of this, the Internet has become an important tool for businesses, governments, and individuals. People can buy and sell goods and services online, share information, and even participate in virtual meetings. However, the Internet can also be a dangerous place. Hackers can steal personal and financial information, and viruses can damage computer systems. Therefore, it is important to use caution when using the Internet and to protect your computer with antivirus software and firewalls. 3.口试 Directions: In this section, you will be asked to express your opinions on a given topic. You will have one minute to prepare your answer, and then you will have two minutes to speak. You should speak for at least one minute, and you may use the notes you make during the preparation time. Topic: Should college students be required to take physical education classes? Possible answer: In my opinion, college students should be required to take physical education classes. First of all, physical education classes can help students maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many college students spend a lot of time sitting in classrooms or studying in libraries, and they may not have time to engage in physical activities. Physical education classes can provide students with opportunities to exercise and improve their physical fitness. Secondly, physical education classes can also help students develop teamwork and leadership skills. Many physical education classes involve team sports, such as basketball or volleyball, and students need to work together to achieve their goals. This can help them learn how to cooperate with others and develop leadership skills. Finally, physical education classes can also be a good way for students to relieve stress. College students often face a lot of pressure from academic studies and other responsibilities, and physical activities can be a good way to relieve stress and improve mental health. Therefore, I believe that college students should be required to take physical education classes.


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