


试卷总分:100    得分:0

一、 单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)

1.  We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves () civil society.

A. to

B. in

C. through

D. with

满分:2  分

2.  They bought Grandma a gift () she liked it very much.

A. or

B. so

C. but

D. and

满分:2  分

3.  Rather than (), the wounded preferred to die.

A. surrendering

B. to surrendering

C. surrender

D. to surrender

满分:2  分

4.  — Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station? — Turn left at the first light. You can't () it.

A. find

B. catch

C. miss

D. forget

满分:2  分

5.  Without your support, we () .

A. would not succeed

B. would not have succeeded

C. would not succeeded

D. would have succeeded

满分:2  分

6.  — We made up. — ().

A. Good job

B. That’s OK

C. Very nice

D. I'm really happy for you

满分:2  分

7.  How beautifully she sings! I have never heard ().

A. the better voice

B. a good voice

C. the best voice

D. a better voice

满分:2  分

8.  — I’m leaving for London tomorrow, Joss. — ().

A. Take your time.

B. That’s it.

C. All the best!

D. It doesn’t matter.

满分:2  分

9.  Didn’t you see the man () ?

A. I nodded just now

B. whom I nodded just now

C. I nodded to him just now

D. I nodded to just now

满分:2  分

10.  — It would be great if you can play cards with us tomorrow.— ().

A. I’d love to. Where shall we meet?

B. I am not OK with that.

C. Who do we play with?

D. That is a piece of cake.

满分:2  分

11.  In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, ().

A. our holiday the will be better

B. our holiday will be the better

C. the better our holiday will be

D. the better will our holiday be

满分:2  分

12.  It’s high time the children () to school.

A. go

B. will go

C. are going

D. went

满分:2  分

13.  He wandered () the countryside.

A. of

B. about

C. through

D. from

满分:2  分

14.  They all went to the museum, () I didn’t.

A. for

B. but

C. or

D. so

满分:2  分

15.  The windows of the room () once a week.

A. has been cleaned

B. is cleaned

C. are cleaned

D. are cleaning

满分:2  分

16.  — (). — I’m terribly busy these days.

A. How do you do?

B. How old are you?

C. How are things with you, Jimmy?

D. Where are you from?

满分:2  分

17.  () some degree, both sides reach an agreement, from which both sides benefit a lot.

A. In

B. To

C. About

D. From

满分:2  分

18.  — I am leaving for Harbin tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?— ().

A. Have a good time.

B. Thank you. I’d love to.

C. I have no idea.

D. Not at all.

满分:2  分

19.  I have made up my mind to go back to () I lived when I was young to work.

A. which

B. where

C. who

D. what

满分:2  分

20.  I () waste time when I was studying.

A. was used to

B. used to

C. will use to

D. use to

满分:2  分

21.  Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular().

A. base

B. ground

C. basis

D. field

满分:2  分

22.  — Will it () long to get there? — No. It's not far at all.

A. take me

B. come me

C. stay me

D. go me

满分:2  分

23.  — I’m afraid I’ve got to be running along. See you later.— ().

A. Very well.

B. My pleasure.

C. See you.

D. Never mind.

满分:2  分

24.  Their talks are expected to focus () arms control.

A. on

B. with

C. over

D. in

满分:2  分

25.  — Why don’t we go to see a film now?— ().

A. What are you talking about?

B. I am tied up.

C. What a delightful idea

D. I don’t want to go with you.

满分:2  分

26.  If I had known my life was going to () like this, I would have let them help me.

A. turn in

B. turn up

C. turn on

D. turn out

满分:2  分

27.  We know that we stand on others’ shoulder and () we make progress.

A. inch by inch

B. hand in hand

C. face to face

D. side by side

满分:2  分

28.  They’ve () several scenes in which I appeared.

A. cut through

B. cut out

C. cut in

D. cut back

满分:2  分

29.  The old men and the children must () in our country.

A. take good care

B. be taken good care

C. take care of

D. be taken care of

满分:2  分

30.  If I () the job, I would do it in a different way.

A. would do

B. shall do

C. were to do

D. do

满分:2  分

31.  —Hi, this is Alex speaking.—Sorry, ()

A. who are you?

B. tell me who that is?

C. I can’t hear you well.

D. I don’t know you.

满分:2  分

32.  () we see you again next year?

A. Are

B. Do

C. Will

D. Did

满分:2  分

33.  — Congratulations on passing the college entrance examination. — ().

A. Good job

B. Thank you

C. Very well

D. Not too bad

满分:2  分

34.  The boy () a cigarette in the bathroom by his mother.

A. caught smoking

B. was caught smoking

C. caught to smoke

D. was caught to smoke

满分:2  分

35.  —Who is that speaking?—().

A. I am David speaking

B. That is David speaking

C. This is David speaking

D. He is David speaking

满分:2  分

36.  —I am sorry I have the wrong number.—()

A. You are so careless.

B. You are so considerate.

C. It doesn’t matter.

D. What is wrong?

满分:2  分

37.  — Good morning, Bob. How are you doing? — ().

A. Hello.

B. Good evening.

C. Not too bad. And you?

D. How do you do?

满分:2  分

38.  The speech he made stuck () the key points.

A. from

B. on

C. with

D. to

满分:2  分

39.  — We get knowledge () from books () from life.— Yes, both are important.

A. either;or

B. neither;nor

C. not only;but also

D. not;but

满分:2  分

40.  It depends on () they will reach an agreement.

A. /

B. if

C. whether

D. what

满分:2  分

41.  If I () time, I () certainly go to the movies with you.

A. had…would

B. have…should

C. have…would

D. had…will

满分:2  分

42.  I will never recommend () a very low-calorie diet alone.

A. eat

B. ate

C. eaten

D. eating

满分:2  分

43.  Nic () a job in a bank, but to our surprise he didn’t take it.

A. is offered

B. offered

C. was offered

D. has offered

满分:2  分

44.  — Hi, Tom. How are you? — ().

A. Never mind.

B. My pleasure.

C. Can’t complain.

D. Not at all.

满分:2  分

45.  The earth () round the sun.

A. will move

B. moved

C. is moving

D. moves

满分:2  分

46.  It is very important () a foreign language.

A. to learn

B. to have learned

C. learn

D. being learning

满分:2  分

47.  Only when one is () of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.

A. feasible

B. aware

C. sensitive

D. critical

满分:2  分

48.  How do you do?— ().

A. How do you do?

B. Fine, thank you.

C. Very well

D. Not too bad.

满分:2  分

49.  — Hi, Joe. Haven’t seen you for ages! How's everything going? — ().

A. Just so-so.

B. Me, too.

C. You are welcome.

D. Oh, my God.

满分:2  分

50.  The weather turned out to be very good, () was more than I had expected.

A. of which

B. which

C. that

D. in which

满分:2  分






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