My query is to do with a function that is part of a parsing script Im developing. I am trying to write a python function to find the column number corresponding to a matched value in excel. The excel has been created on the fly with openpyxl, and it has the first row (from 3rd column) headers that each span 4 columns merged into one. In my subsequent function, I am parsing some content to be added to the columns corresponding to the matching headers. (Additional info: The content I'm parsing is blast+ output. I'm trying to create a summary spreadsheet with the hit names in each column with subcolumns for hits, gaps, span and identity. The first two columns are query contigs and its length. )
I had initially written a similar function for xlrd and it worked. But when I try to rewrite it for openpyxl, I find that the max_row and max_col function wrongly returns a larger number of rows an