I am creating a program along the lines of Codingbat.com.
During Runtime, it needs to compile code, and then execute it. This has all been handled.
Currently, I am forced to use the JavacTool, which requires it to be packed alongside.
I have 2 basic questions:
1) How can I stop the ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() from returning null when ran from an executable jar?
2) If the above is not possible, is there a way to add the jar of com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTool; without having it as a referenced library, so that it acts like a regular import?
Thanks for answering this, if you would like, I could upload the Jar with the referenced library, and the jar without it.
Just to be clear, the one with the referenced library works, but it is way to large, and slower then the jar that is ran through eclipse, that uses the JavaCompiler, not the JavacTool
I am pretty sure this is possible with java as I have seen it before, yet forget where and how.
I suspect it's just a problem of which version of Java you run. If you run the version which comes with the JRE, it won't have the tools available. If you run the version which comes with the JDK, it will.
As an example, here's a short but complete program:
import javax.tools.*;
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Running it with the JRE version of java.exe on my laptop:
c:\Users\Jon\Test>"\Program Files\java\jre7"\bin\java Test
And now with the JDK:
c:\Users\Jon\Test>"\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0"\bin\java Test
So try explicitly specifying the a Java binary associated with the JDK.