web文件服务器api,Web API

# Web API

- [Seafile Web API V2](#)

- [API Basics](#)

- [Status Code](#)

- [Quick Start](#)

- [Account](#)

- [List Accounts(Admin only)](#)

- [Get Account Info(Admin only)](#)

- [Create Account(Admin only)](#)

- [Update Account(Admin only)](#)

- [Delete Account(Admin only)](#)

- [Check Account Info](#)

- [Get Server Information](#)

- [Starred Files](#)

- [List starred files](#)

- [Star A File](#)

- [Unstar A File](#)

- [User Messages](#)

- [List User Messages](#)

- [Reply A User Message](#)

- [Count Unseen Messages](#)

- [Group](#)

- [List Groups](#)

- [Add A Group](#)

- [Delete Group](#)

- [Rename Group](#)

- [Group Member](#)

- [Add A Group Member](#)

- [Delete A Group Member](#)

- [Group Message](#)

- [Get Group Messages](#)

- [Get Group Message Detail](#)

- [Send A Group Message](#)

- [Reply A Group Message](#)

- [Get Group Message Replies](#)

- [Share](#)

- [File Share Link](#)

- [List File Share Links](#)

- [Create File Share Link](#)

- [Delete File Share Link](#)

- [List Direntry in Dir Download Link](#)

- [Shared Libraries](#)

- [List Shared Libraries](#)

- [List Be Shared Libraries](#)

- [Share A Library](#)

- [Unshare A Library](#)

- [Shared Files](#)

- [List Shared Files](#)

- [Download Shared File](#)

- [Get Shared File Detail](#)

- [Delete Shared File](#)

- [Download Private Shared File](#)

- [Get Private Shared File Detail](#)

- [Library](#)

- [Library](#)

- [Get Default Library](#)

- [Create Default Library](#)

- [List Libraries](#)

- [Get Library Info](#)

- [Get Library Owner](#)

- [Get Library History](#)

- [Create Library](#)

- [Check/Create Sub Library](#)

- [Delete Library](#)

- [Decrypt Library](#)

- [Create Public Library](#)

- [Remove Public Library](#)

- [Fetch library download info](#)

- [List Virtual Libraries](#)

- [Search Libraries](#)

- [File](#)

- [Download File](#)

- [Get File Detail](#)

- [Get File History](#)

- [Download File From a Revision](#)

- [Create File](#)

- [Rename File](#)

- [Lock File](#)

- [Unlock File](#)

- [Move File](#)

- [Copy File](#)

- [Revert File](#)

- [Delete File](#)

- [Upload File](#)

- [Get Upload Link](#)

- [Upload File](#)

- [Update file](#)

- [Get Update Link](#)

- [Update File](#)

- [Get Upload Blocks Link](#)

- [Get Update Blocks Link](#)

- [Directory](#)

- [List Directory Entries](#)

- [Create New Directory](#)

- [Rename Directory](#)

- [Delete Directory](#)

- [Download Directory](#)

- [Share Directory](#)

- [Batch Delete](#)

- [Get Avatar](#)

- [Get User Avatar](#)

- [Get Group Avatar](#)

- [Get Thumbnail](#)

- [Get Thumbnail Image](#)

- [List Group And Contacts](#)

- [Get File Activities](#)

- [Add Organization](#)

# Seafile Web API V2

### API Basics

All API calls must be authenticated with a valid Seafile API key.


curl -H 'Authorization: Token 24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/auth/ping/


The api key can be retrieved by the obtain auth api. See the [Quick Start](#) for details.

For each API, we provide `curl` examples to illustrate the usage.

### Status Code

- 200: OK

- 201: CREATED





- 404: NOT_FOUND







### Quick Start



curl https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/ping/



**obtain auth token**


curl -d "username=username@example.com&password=123456" https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/auth-token/

{"token": "24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96"}


**auth ping**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token 24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/auth/ping/



### Account

### List Accounts


**Request parameters**

- start (default to 0)

- limit (default to 100)

- scope (default None, accepted values: 'LDAP' or 'DB')

To retrieve all users, just set both `start` and `limit` to `-1`.

If scope parameter is passed then accounts will be searched inside the specific scope, otherwise it will be used the old approach: first LDAP and, if no account is found, DB.

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/


**Sample response**




"email": "foo@foo.com"



"email": "bar@bar.com"





- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

### Get Account Info


**Request parameters**

**Sample request**


curl -v -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/user@mail.com/


**Sample response**



"is_staff": false,

"is_active": true,

"id": 2,

"create_time": 1356061187741686,

"usage": 651463187,

"total": 107374182400,

"email": "user@mail.com"




- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

### Check Account Info


**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/account/info/


**Sample response**



"usage": 26038531,

"total": 104857600,

"email": "user@example.com"




- 403 Invalid token

### Create Account


**Request parameters**

- password

- is_staff (defaults to False)

- is_active (defaults to True)

**Sample request**


curl -v -X PUT -d "password=123456" -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/newaccount@gmail.com/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 201 CREATED

< Location: https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/newaccount@gmail.com/






Response code 201(Created) is returned and the Location header provides shared link.



- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

### Update Account


**Request parameters**

At least one of followings:

- password

- is_staff

- is_active

- name

- note

- storage

**Sample request**


curl -v -X PUT -d "password=654321&is_staff=true&storage=1073741824" -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/user@mail.com/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK






Response code 200(OK) is returned.



- 400 Bad Request, keyword password is required

- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

### Delete Account


**Sample request**


curl -v -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/accounts/newaccount@gmail.com/


**Sample response**





- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

### Get Server Information



- No authentication required.

- Added in seafile community edition server `4.0.5` or pro edition server `4.0.3`

**Sample request**


curl https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/server-info/


**Sample response**

Sample response from a seafile community edition server:



"version": "4.0.6",

"features": [





Sample response from a seafile pro edition server:



"version": "4.0.6",

"features": [








### Starred Files

### List starred files


**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e6199b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/starredfiles/


**Sample response**




"repo": "99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0",

"mtime": 1355198150,

"org": -1,

"path": "/foo/bar.doc",

"dir": false,

"size": 0



"repo": "99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0",

"mtime": 1353751237,

"org": -1,

"path": "/add_folder-blue.png",

"dir": false,

"size": 3170




### Star A File


**Request parameters**

- repo_id (post)

- p (post)

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "repo_id=dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32&p=/foo.md" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/starredfiles/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 201 CREATED

< Location: https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/starredfiles/





Response code is 201(Created) and Location header provides url of starred file list.


- 400 `repo_id` or `p` is missing, or `p` is not valid file path(e.g. /foo/bar/).

### Unstar A File


**Request parameters**

- repo_id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -v -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' 'https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/starredfiles/?repo_id=dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32&p=/foo.md'


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200(OK), and a string named "success" is returned.


- 400 `repo_id` or `p` is missing, or `p` is not valid file path(e.g. /foo/bar/).

### User Messages

### List User Messages


**Request parameters**

- id_or_email

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/user/msgs/2/"


**Sample response**



"to_email": "user@example.com",

"next_page": -1,

"msgs": [


"attachments": [


"path": "/123.md",

"repo_id": "c7436518-5f46-4296-97db-2fcba4c8c8db"



"timestamp": 1398233096,

"from_email": "user@example.com",

"msgid": 3,

"msg": "another test msg",

"nickname": "user"



"attachments": [],

"timestamp": 1398233067,

"from_email": "user@example.com",

"msgid": 2,

"msg": "a test msg",

"nickname": "user"






- 404 user not found

### Reply A User Message


**Request parameters**

- id_or_email

- message

**Sample request**


curl -d "message=this is a user msg reply" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/user/msgs/2/"


**Sample response**



"msgid": 4




- 404 user not found

### Count Unseen Messages


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/unseen_messages/"


**Sample response**



"count": 1



### Group

### List Groups


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/"


**Sample response**



"replynum": 0,

"groups": [


"ctime": 1398134171327948,

"creator": "user@example.com",

"msgnum": 0,

"mtime": 1398231100,

"id": 1,

"name": "lian"



"ctime": 1398236081042441,

"creator": "user@example.com",

"msgnum": 0,

"mtime": 0,

"id": 2,

"name": "123"





### Add A Group


**Request parameters**

- group_name

**Sample request**


curl -X PUT -d "group_name=newgroup" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/"


**Sample response**


{"group_id": 3, "success": true}



- 400 There is already a group with that name.

### Delete Group


**Request parameters**


**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/1/"



200 if everything is fine.


- 400 if ad group id format

- 404 if Group not found

- 403 if Forbid to delete group

- 520 if Failed to remove group (generic error)

### Rename Group


**Request parameters**

- operation (value must be 'rename')

- newname (the new name for the group)

**Sample request**


curl -d "operation=rename&newname=pinkfloyd_lovers" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/1/"



200 if everything is fine.


- 404 if Group not found

- 403 if Forbid to rename group

- 400 if Newname is missing or if Group name is not valid of if There is already a group with that name or Operation can only be rename.

### Group Member

#### Add A Group Member


**Request parameters**

- user_name

**Sample request**


curl -X PUT -d "user_name=user@example.com"-H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/1/members/"


**Sample response**


{"success": true}



- 400 invalid group id

- 403 only administrators can add group members

- 404 unable to find group

#### Delete A Group Member


**Request parameters**

- user_name

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -d "user_name=user@example.com" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groups/1/members/"


**Sample response**


{"success": true}



- 400 invalid group id

- 403 only administrators can remove group members

- 404 unable to find group

### Group Message

#### Get Group Messages


**Request parameters**

- group_id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/group/msgs/1/"


**Sample response**



"next_page": -1,

"msgs": [


"reply_cnt": 0,

"timestamp": 1398230602,

"replies": [],

"from_email": "user@example.com",

"msgid": 1,

"msg": "test discuss",

"nickname": "user"





#### Get Group Message Detail


**Request parameters**

- group_id

- msg_id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/group/1/msg/1/"


**Sample response**



"reply_cnt": 2,

"timestamp": 1398230602,

"replies": [


"msg": "this is another test",

"timestamp": 1398232319,

"nickname": "user",

"msgid": 1,

"from_email": "user@example.com"



"msg": "this is another test",

"timestamp": 1398232508,

"nickname": "user",

"msgid": 3,

"from_email": "user@example.com"



"from_email": "user@example.com",

"msgid": 1,

"msg": "test discuss",

"nickname": "user"




- 404 message not found

#### Send A Group Message


**Request parameters**

- message

- group_id

- repo_id(optional)

- path(optional)

**Sample request**


curl -d "message=this is another test&repo_id=c7436518-5f46-4296-97db-2fcba4c8c8db&path=/123.md" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/group/msgs/1/"


**Sample response**



"msgid": 3



#### Reply A Group Message


**Request parameters**

- group_id

- msg_id

- message

**Sample request**


curl -d "message=this is a reply" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/group/1/msg/1/"


**Sample response**



"msgid": 3




- 404 message not found

#### Get Group Message Replies


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/new_replies/"


**Sample response**




"reply_cnt": 1,

"timestamp": 1398231100,

"replies": [


"msg": "@user test reply",

"timestamp": 1398234493,

"nickname": "123",

"msgid": 5,

"from_email": "user@example.com"



"from_email": "user@example.com",

"att": {

"repo": "c7436518-5f46-4296-97db-2fcba4c8c8db",

"path": "/123.md",

"type": "file",

"src": "recommend"


"msgid": 3,

"msg": "this is another test",

"nickname": "user"




### Share

### File Share Link

#### List File Share Links


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-links/"


**Sample response**


{"fileshares": [{"username": "user@example.com", "repo_id": "a582d3bc-bcf5-421e-9125-741fa56d18d4", "ctime": null, "s_type": "d", "token": "e410827494", "view_cnt": 0, "path": "/123/"}, {"username": "user@example.com", "repo_id": "affc837f-7fdd-4e91-b88a-32caf99897f2", "ctime": null, "s_type": "f", "token": "0ae587a7d1", "view_cnt": 0, "path": "/lian123.md"}]}


#### Create File Share Link


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p (Path to the file)

- share_type (optional, `download` or `upload`, default `download`)

- password (optional)

- expire (optional)

**Sample request**

Create download link for file


curl -v -X PUT -d "p=/foo.md" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/afc3b694-7d4c-4b8a-86a4-89c9f3261b12/file/shared-link/


Create download link for directory with password and expire date


curl -v -X PUT -d "password=password&expire=6&p=/123/" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/afc3b694-7d4c-4b8a-86a4-89c9f3261b12/file/shared-link/


Create upload link for directory


curl -v -X PUT -d "share_type=upload&p=/123/" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/afc3b694-7d4c-4b8a-86a4-89c9f3261b12/file/shared-link/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 201 CREATED

< Location: https://cloud.seafile.com/f/9b437a7e55/





Response code 201(Created) is returned and the Location header provides shared link.



- 400 Path is missing

- 400 Password(if link is encrypted) is missing

- 500 Internal server error

#### Delete File Share Link


**Request parameters**

- t

**Sample request**


curl -v -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-links/?t=0ae587a7d1"


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK



#### List Direntry in Dir Download Link


**Request parameters**

- token (upload link token)

- p (sub folder path)

- password (if link is encrypted)

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/d/3af7c46595/dir/?p=/subfolder/"


**Sample response**


[{"mtime": 1436846750, "type": "dir", "name": "sadof", "id": "1806dbdb700b7bcd49e6275107c7ccf7b3ea1776"}, {"id": "bdb06f6de972c42893fda590ac954988b562429c", "mtime": 1436431020, "type": "file", "name": "test.mdert", "size": 20}]


### Shared Libraries

#### List Shared Libraries


**Sample request**


curl -v -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-repos/


**Sample response**


[{"repo_id": "7d42522b-1f6f-465d-b9c9-879f8eed7c6c", "share_type": "personal", "permission": "rw", "encrypted": false, "user": "user@example.com", "last_modified": 1361072500, "repo_desc": "ff", "group_id": 0, "repo_name": "\u6d4b\u8bd5\u4e2d\u6587pdf"}, {"repo_id": "79bb29cd-b683-4844-abaf-433952723ca5", "share_type": "group", "permission": "rw", "encrypted": false, "user": "user@example.com", "last_modified": 1359182468, "repo_desc": "test", "group_id": 1, "repo_name": "test_enc"}]


#### List Be Shared Libraries


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/beshared-repos/"


**Sample response**


"[{"user": "user@example.com", "repo_id": "989e3952-9d6f-4427-ab16-4bf9b53212eb", "share_type": "personal", "permission": "rw", "encrypted": false, "repo_desc": "lib shared to imwhatiam", "enc_version": false, "last_modified": 1398218747, "is_virtual": false, "group_id": 0, "repo_name": "lib shared to imwhatiam"}]"


#### Share A Library


**Request parameters**

- share_type ('personal', 'group' or 'public')

- user (or users)

- group_id

- permission

If share_type is 'personal' then 'user' or 'users' param are required, if share_type is 'group' then 'group_id' parameter is required. If share_type is 'public' no other params is required.

'user' or 'users' parameters can be a comma separated list of emails, in this case the share will be done for more users at the same time. If a problem is encountered during multiple users sharing then the sharing process is aborted.

**Sample request**


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-repos/7d42522b-1f6f-465d-b9c9-879f8eed7c6c/?share_type=group&user=user@example.com&group_id=1&permission=rw"


**Sample response**




#### Unshare A Library


**Request parameters**

- share_type ('personal', 'group' or 'public')

- user

- group_id

If share_type is 'personal' then 'user' param is required, if share_type is 'group' then 'group_id' parameter is required. If share_type is 'public' no other params is required.

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-repos/7d42522b-1f6f-465d-b9c9-879f8eed7c6c/?share_type=personal&user=user@example.com&group_id=0"


**Sample response**




### Shared Files

#### List Shared Files


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-files/"


**Sample response**


{"priv_share_in": [{"s_type": "f", "repo_id": "989e3952-9d6f-4427-ab16-4bf9b53212eb", "permission": "r", "to_user": "user@example.com", "token": "94aace406a", "from_user": "user@example.com", "path": "/lib.md"}], "priv_share_out": [{"s_type": "f", "repo_id": "affc837f-7fdd-4e91-b88a-32caf99897f2", "permission": "r", "to_user": "user@example.com", "token": "b7b31bc39b", "from_user": "user@example.com", "path": "/lian123.md"}]}


#### Download Shared File


**Request parameters**

- token(file share token)

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/f/ad93cd0d66/"


**Sample response**





- 404 repo/token/file not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to get file id by path

#### Get Shared File Detail


**Request parameters**

- token(file share token)

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/f/ad93cd0d66/detail/"


**Sample response**


{"repo_id": "989e3952-9d6f-4427-ab16-4bf9b53212eb", "name": "lib.md", "mtime": 1398218747, "path": "/lib.md", "type": "file", "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "size": 0}



- 404 repo/token/file not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to get file id by path

#### Delete Shared File


**Request parameters**

- t

**Sample request**


curl -v -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/shared-files/?t=94aace406a"


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK



#### Download Private Shared File


**Request parameters**

- token(private file share token)

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/s/f/c5aa5f0219/"


**Sample response**





- 404 repo/token/file not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to get file id by path

#### Get Private Shared File Detail


**Request parameters**

- token(private file share token)

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/s/f/c5aa5f0219/detail/"


**Sample response**


{"repo_id": "989e3952-9d6f-4427-ab16-4bf9b53212eb", "name": "lib.md", "shared_by": "user@example.com", "mtime": 1398218747, "path": "/lib.md", "type": "file", "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "size": 0}



- 404 repo/token/file not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to get file id by path

### Library

### Library

#### Get Default Library


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/default-repo/"


**Sample response**



"repo_id": "691b3e24-d05e-43cd-a9f2-6f32bd6b800e",

"exists": true



#### Create Default Library


**Sample request**


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/default-repo/"


**Sample response**



"repo_id": "691b3e24-d05e-43cd-a9f2-6f32bd6b800e",

"exists": true



#### List Libraries


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token 24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/


**Sample response**




"permission": "rw",

"encrypted": false,

"mtime": 1400054900,

"owner": "user@mail.com",

"id": "f158d1dd-cc19-412c-b143-2ac83f352290",

"size": 0,

"name": "foo",

"type": "repo",

"virtual": false,

"desc": "new library",

"root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"



"permission": "rw",

"encrypted": false,

"mtime": 1400054802,

"owner": "user@mail.com",

"id": "0536b11a-a5fd-4482-9314-728cb3472f54",

"size": 0,

"name": "foo",

"type": "repo",

"virtual": false,

"desc": "new library",

"root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"




#### Get Library Info


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -G -H 'Authorization: Token 24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/632ab8a8-ecf9-4435-93bf-f495d5bfe975/


**Sample response**



"encrypted": false,

"password_need": null,

"mtime": null,

"owner": "self",

"id": "632ab8a8-ecf9-4435-93bf-f495d5bfe975",

"size": 1356155,

"name": "org",

"root": "b5227040de360dd22c5717f9563628fe5510cbce",

"desc": "org file",

"type": "repo"



#### Get Library Owner


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/owner/


**Sample response**



"owner": "user@example.com"




- 403 Permission error, only administrator can perform this action

#### Get Library History


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/history/


**Sample response**


{"commits": [{"rev_file_size": 0, "rev_file_id": null, "ctime": 1398045167, "creator_name": "imwhatiam123@gmail.com", "creator": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "root_id": "ca2625da6be6e211ddd584615ef3bfaa531e66aa", "rev_renamed_old_path": null, "parent_id": "205c469f0830df09b13024601524058757a43128", "new_merge": false, "repo_id": "691b3e24-d05e-43cd-a9f2-6f32bd6b800e", "desc": "Modified \"api.md\"", "id": "eb62721812e0c3122889b5facde971b353ad176b", "conflict": false, "second_parent_id": null}, {"rev_file_size": 0, "rev_file_id": null, "ctime": 1398045158, "creator_name": "imwhatiam123@gmail.com", "creator": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "root_id": "0b7a31adf4ea8b29ad5a5920420b548da11dd32f", "rev_renamed_old_path": null, "parent_id": "2ba85ee6072efea51a3483843ea7de9b6d1d1eb2", "new_merge": false, "repo_id": "691b3e24-d05e-43cd-a9f2-6f32bd6b800e", "desc": "Added \"api.md\"", "id": "205c469f0830df09b13024601524058757a43128", "conflict": false, "second_parent_id": null}], "page_next": false}


#### Create Library


**Request parameters**

- name

- desc (defaults to "new repo")

- passwd (needed by encrypt library)

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "name=foo&desc=new library" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/


**Sample response**



"encrypted": "",

"enc_version": 0,

"repo_id": "f15811fd-5c19-412c-b143-2ac83f352290",

"magic": "",

"relay_id": "c5e41170db250ea497075e2911104faf0105b7fb",

"repo_version": 1,

"relay_addr": "cloud.seafile.com",

"token": "c1f3defe9ba408cd7964427ec276843e9d10c23b",

"relay_port": "10001",

"random_key": "",

"email": "user@mail.com",

"repo_name": "foo"




Response code 200 and newly created library information are returned.


- 400 Library name missing.

- 520 Operation failed.

#### Check/Create Sub Library

check if a dir has a corresponding sub_repo, if it does not have, create one


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- name

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/sub_repo/?p=/\&name=sub_lib


**Sample response**


{"sub_repo_id": "c0a3283c-013c-4a7c-8f68-006f06fa6dec"}



- 400 Argument missing


#### Delete Library


**Sample request**


curl -v -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/8f5f2222-72a8-454f-ac40-8397c5a556a8/


**Sample response**




400 Library does not exist.


403 Only library owner can perform this operation.

#### Decrypt Library


**Request parameters**

- password

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "password=123" -H 'Authorization: Token e6a33d61954f219a96b60f635cf02717964e4385' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/0c2465a5-4753-4660-8a22-65abec9ec8d0/


**Sample response**



- 400 Incorrect password

- 409 Repo is not encrypt

- 500 Internal server error

#### Create Public Library


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/public/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200(OK), and a string "success" is returned.



- 404 Repo not found

- 403 Forbid to access this repo

- 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, Unable to make repo public

#### Remove Public Library


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/public/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200(OK), and a string "success" is returned.



- 404 Repo not found

- 403 Forbid to access this repo

- 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, Unable to remove public repo

#### Fetch library download info


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/download-info/


**Sample response**



"applet_root": "https://localhost:13420",

"relay_addr": "localhost",

"token": "46acc4d9ca3d6a5c7102ef379f82ecc1edc629e1",

"repo_id": "dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32",

"relay_port": "10002",

"encrypted": "",

"repo_name": "test",

"relay_id": "8e4b13b49ca79f35732d9f44a0804940d985627c",

"email": "user@example.com"



#### List Virtual Libraries


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/virtual-repos/"


**Sample response**




{"virtual_perm": "rw", "store_id": null, "worktree_invalid": false, "encrypted": false, "origin_repo_name": "lian", "last_modify": 0, "no_local_history": false, "head_branch": null, "last_sync_time": 0, "id": "51344de8-456f-4dc7-ac08-718827994252", "size": 0, "share_permission": null, "worktree_changed": false, "worktree_checktime": 0, "origin_path": "/lian", "is_virtual": true, "origin_repo_id": "a582d3bc-bcf5-421e-9125-741fa56d18d4", "version": 1, "random_key": null, "is_original_owner": true, "shared_email": null, "enc_version": 0, "head_cmmt_id": "bc666fdc60d2352b9f6a0324ac64168d43724eed", "desc": null, "index_corrupted": false, "magic": null, "name": "lian", "worktree": null, "auto_sync": false, "relay_id": null},

{"virtual_perm": "rw", "store_id": null, "worktree_invalid": false, "encrypted": false, "origin_repo_name": "lian", "last_modify": 0, "no_local_history": false, "head_branch": null, "last_sync_time": 0, "id": "c0a3283c-013c-4a7c-8f68-006f06fa6dec", "size": 0, "share_permission": null, "worktree_changed": false, "worktree_checktime": 0, "origin_path": "/", "is_virtual": true, "origin_repo_id": "a582d3bc-bcf5-421e-9125-741fa56d18d4", "version": 1, "random_key": null, "is_original_owner": true, "shared_email": null, "enc_version": 0, "head_cmmt_id": "ff18229aadc9acc73ad481278d5b4c42b3353aa0", "desc": null, "index_corrupted": false, "magic": null, "name": "123", "worktree": null, "auto_sync": false, "relay_id": null}




#### Search Libraries


**Request parameters**

- q

- per_page (optional)

**Sample request**


curl -G -H 'Authorization: Token 24fd3c026886e3121b2ca630805ed425c272cb96' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/search/?q=keyword


**Sample response**



"has_more": false,

"total": 3,

"results": [


"repo_id": "691b3e24-d05e-43cd-a9f2-6f32bd6b800e",

"name": "api.md",

"oid": "8ea78453bb474359cd9d8e2c4c4d8d9cbdcef0a2",

"last_modified": 1398045167,

"fullpath": "/api.md",

"size": 18939



"repo_id": "c5509062-9bca-4933-a7e0-c6da1d5f82be",

"name": "home.md",

"oid": "dda57aaffa5179829e064c7d0c142f47a8a65d3b",

"last_modified": 1397096831,

"fullpath": "/home.md",

"size": 1954



"repo_id": "c5509062-9bca-4933-a7e0-c6da1d5f82be",

"name": "\u5e38\u89c1\u5b89\u88c5\u95ee\u9898.md",

"oid": "8573f982eeb478b932a55ec13218f4f90a7c5a27",

"last_modified": 1397188959,

"fullpath": "/\u5e38\u89c1\u5b89\u88c5\u95ee\u9898.md",

"size": 1050






- 404 Search not supported.

- 400 Missing argument q.

### File

#### Download File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -v -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**





- 400 Path is missing

- 404 File not found

- 520 Operation failed.

#### Get File Detail


- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/detail/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**



"id": "013d3d38fed38b3e8e26b21bb3463eab6831194f",

"mtime": 1398148877,

"type": "file",

"name": "foo.py",

"size": 22




- 400 Path is missing

- 520 Operation failed.

#### Get File History


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/history/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**






"rev_file_size": 0,

"repo_id": "a582d3bc-bcf5-421e-9125-741fa56d18d4",

"ctime": 1398149763,

"creator_name": "user@example.com",

"creator": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

"root_id": "b64d413d9894c9206beac3faf9c2a0d75b4a8ebf",

"rev_renamed_old_path": null,

"parent_id": "8e546762e1657ab22dad83e9cb1e5ea31a767c9a",

"new_merge": false,

"version": 1,

"conflict": false,

"desc": "Added \"foo.c\"",

"id": "9464f7499bfa7363d563282361339eaf96a93318",

"rev_file_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

"second_parent_id": null



"rev_file_size": 0,

"repo_id": "a582d3bc-bcf5-421e-9125-741fa56d18d4",

"ctime": 1398146059,

"creator_name": "user@example.com",

"creator": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

"root_id": "572413414257c76039897e00aeb35f819471206b",

"rev_renamed_old_path": null,

"parent_id": "f977bdb0ebb205645c3b42216c2817e511c3f68f",

"new_merge": false,

"version": 1,

"conflict": false,

"desc": "Added \"foo.c\"",

"id": "a1ec20709675f4dc8db825cdbca296be245d189b",

"rev_file_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

"second_parent_id": null






- 400 Path is missing

- 404 File not found

#### Download File From a Revision


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- commit_id

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/revision/?p=/foo.c\&commit_id=a1ec20709675f4dc8db825cdbca296be245d189b


**Sample response**





- 400 Path is missing

- 404 Revision not found

#### Create File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- operation

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "operation=create" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED





Response code is 201, and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 403 FORBIDDEN, You do not have permission to move file

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to create file

#### Rename File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- operation

- newname

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "operation=rename&newname=newfoo.c" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**








Response code is 301, and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 400 BAD REQUEST, Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/) or newname is missing(newname too long)

- 403 FORBIDDEN, You do not have permission to rename file

- 404 NOT FOUND, repo not found

- 409 CONFLICT, the newname is the same to the old

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to rename file

#### Lock File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- operation

**Sample request**


curl -v -X PUT -d "operation=lock&p=/foo.c" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200, and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 400 BAD REQUEST, Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/)

- 403 FORBIDDEN, You do not have permission to lock file

- 404 NOT FOUND, repo not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to lock file

#### Unlock File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- operation

**Sample request**


curl -v -X PUT -d "operation=unlock&p=/foo.c" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200, and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 400 BAD REQUEST, Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/)

- 403 FORBIDDEN, You do not have permission to lock file

- 404 NOT FOUND, repo not found

- 520 OPERATION FAILED, fail to unlock file

#### Move File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

- operation

- dst_repo

- dst_dir

**Sample request**


curl -v -d "operation=move&dst_repo=affc837f-7fdd-4e91-b88a-32caf99897f2&dst_dir=/" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**








Response code is 301, and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 400 BAD REQUEST, Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/)

- 403 FORBIDDEN, You do not have permission to move file

- 404 NOT FOUND, repo not found


#### Copy File


**Request parameters**

- p: source folder path, defaults to `"/"`

- file_names: list of file/folder names to copy. Multiple file/folder names can be seperated by `:`.

- dst_repo: the destination repo id

- dst_dir: the destination folder in `dst_repo`

**Sample request**


curl -d "dst_repo=73ddb2b8-dda8-471b-b7a7-ca742b07483c&dst_dir=/&file_names=foo.c" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/c7436518-5f46-4296-97db-2fcba4c8c8db/fileops/copy/


**Sample response**





- 400 missing argument

- 403 You do not have permission to copy file

- 404 repo not found

- 502 failed to copy file

#### Revert File


**Request parameters**

- repo_id

- p

- commit_id

**Sample request**


curl -v -X PUT -d "commit_id=a1ec20709675f4dc8db825cdbca296be245d189b&p=/foo.c" -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/8f5f2222-72a8-454f-ac40-8397c5a556a8/file/revert/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK


{"ret": 0}




Response code 200(OK) is returned.



- 400 Path is missing

#### Delete File


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -v -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/file/?p=/foo.c


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





- 400 Path is missing

- 520 Operation failed.


This can also be used to delete directory.

#### Upload File

##### Get Upload Link


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0/upload-link/


**Sample response**






500 Run out of quota


##### Upload File

After getting the upload link, POST to this link for uploading files.




400 Bad request

440 Invalid filename

441 File already exists

500 Internal server error


**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -F file=@test.txt -F filename=test.txt -F parent_dir=/ http://cloud.seafile.com:8082/upload-api/ef881b22


**Sample response**





For python client uploading, see [https://cloud.seafile.com/f/1b0ade6edc/](https://cloud.seafile.com/f/1b0ade6edc/)

#### Update file

##### Get Update Link


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0/update-link/


**Sample response**






500 Run out of quota


##### Update File

After getting the upload link, POST to this link for uploading files.


**Request parameters**

- target_file

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" -F file=@test.txt -F filename=test.txt -F target_file=/test.txt http://cloud.seafile.com:8082/upload-api/ef881b22



The id of the updated file

**Sample response**





- 400 Bad request

- 440 Invalid filename

- 500 Internal server error

#### Get Upload Blocks Link


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0/upload-blks-link/


**Sample response**





- 403 Can not access repo

- 520 above quota

#### Get Update Blocks Link


**Request parameters**

- repo-id

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd" https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0/update-blks-link/


**Sample response**





- 403 Can not access repo

- 520 above quota

### [Directory]()

#### List Directory Entries


- repo-id

- p (optional): The path to a directory. If `p` is missing, then defaults to '/' which is the top directory.

- oid (optional)

**Sample request**


curl -H "Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d9b477fd" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/99b758e6-91ab-4265-b705-925367374cf0/dir/?p=/foo


**Sample response**

If oid is the latest oid of the directory, returns `"uptodate"` , else returns




"id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

"type": "file",

"name": "test1.c",

"size": 0



"id": "e4fe14c8cda2206bb9606907cf4fca6b30221cf9",

"type": "dir",

"name": "test_dir"





- 404 The path is not exist.

- 440 Repo is encrypted, and password is not provided.

- 520 Operation failed..

#### Create New Directory


- repo-id

- p

- operation=mkdir (post)

**Sample request**


curl -d "operation=mkdir" -v -H 'Authorization: Tokacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/?p=/foo


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 201 CREATED

< Location: https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/?p=/foo





Response code 201(Created) is returned, and Location header provides the url of created directory.


- 400 Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/)

- 520 Operation failed.


Newly created directory will be renamed if the name is duplicated.

#### Rename Directory



- p (path)

- operation=rename (post)

- newname (the new name for directory)

**Sample request**


curl -d "operation=rename&newname=pinkfloyd_newfolder" -v -H 'Authorization: Tokacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/?p=/foo



Response code 200 if everything is ok


- 403 if You do not have permission to rename a folder

- 400 if newname is not given

- 520 if Failed to rename directory (generic problem)


If the new name is the same of the old name no operation will be done.

#### Delete Directory


- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -X DELETE -v -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/?p=/foo


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK





Response code is 200(OK), and a string `"success"` is returned.


- 400 Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/)

- 520 Operation failed.


This can also be used to delete file.

#### Download Directory


- repo-id

- p

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/?p=/foo


**Sample response**





- 400 Path is missing or invalid(e.g. p=/), or unable to download directory, size is too large

- 404 Repo(path) not found(exist)

- 520 Operation failed.

#### Share Directory


- repo-id

- emails

- s_type

- path

- perm

**Sample request**


curl -v -X POST -d "emails=user@example.com&s_type=d&path=/dir&perm=r" -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd3606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/dae8cecc-2359-4d33-aa42-01b7846c4b32/dir/share/


**Sample response**



< HTTP/1.0 200 OK




Response code is 200(OK).

#### Batch Delete

Pipelining over HTTP/1.1 can be used to delete multiple files and directories without losing performance.

A sample request looks like `curl -X DELETE https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/{repo-id}/dir/?p=/foo http://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/{repo-id}/dir/?p=/bar`. This code snippet shows how to use Python client to batch delete multiple files and directories. See [http://cloud.seafile.com/f/f7fd5d5b9d/](http://cloud.seafile.com/f/f7fd5d5b9d/)

### Get Avatar

### Get User Avatar


**Request parameters**

- user

- size

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/avatars/user/user@example.com/resized/80/


**Sample response**



"url": "",

"is_default": true,

"mtime": 0



### Get Group Avatar


**Request parameters**

- group_id

- size

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/avatars/group/1/resized/80/


**Sample response**



"url": "",

"is_default": true,

"mtime": 0



### Get Thumbnail

### Get Thumbnail Image


**Request parameters**

- repo_id

- p

- size

**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token 40f9a510a0629430865dc199a3880898ad2e48fc' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/repos/fbead5d0-4817-4446-92f3-7ac8e6a8e5f5/thumbnail/?p=/5.jpg\&size=123 > thumbnail.png


### List Group And Contacts


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/groupandcontacts/"


**Sample response**



"contacts": [


"msgnum": 0,

"mtime": 0,

"lastmsg": null,

"email": "user@example.com",

"name": "123"



"umsgnum": 0,

"replynum": 0,

"groups": [


"ctime": 1398134171327948,

"creator": "user@example.com",

"msgnum": 0,

"mtime": 0,

"lastmsg": null,

"id": 1,

"name": "lian"



"gmsgnum": 0,

"newreplies": []



### Get File Activities


**Sample request**


curl -H 'Authorization: Token f2210dacd9c6ccb8133606d94ff8e61d99b477fd' "https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/events/"


**Sample response**


{"more_offset": 16, "events":[{"repo_id": "6f3d28a4-73ae-4d01-a727-26774379dcb9", "author": "mysnowls@163.com", "nick": "lins05", "time": 1398078909, "etype": "repo-update", "repo_name": "Downloads", "desc": "Added \"seafile-cli_3.0.2_i386.tar.gz\"."},{"repo_id": "6f3d28a4-73ae-4d01-a727-26774379dcb9", "author": "mysnowls@163.com", "nick": "lins05", "time": 1398075540, "etype": "repo-update", "repo_name": "Downloads", "desc": "Added \"seafile-server_3.0.0_x86-64.tar.gz\"."}], "more": false}


### Add Organization


**Request parameters**

- username

- password

- org_name

- prefix

- quota

- member_limit

**Sample request**


curl -v -X POST -d "username=example@example.com&password=example&org_name=example&prefix=example&quota=100&member_limit=10" -H "Authorization: Token ccdff90e4d1efe76b2b3d91c06b027a5cff189d4" -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' https://cloud.seafile.com/api2/organization/


**Sample response**








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


