ctrl = {
numParticles: 35,
maxRadius: 80,
hue: 220,
hueRange: 15,
fade: 0.36,
halo: true,
zappy: true,
zapComplexity: 1
var gui = new dat.GUI();
gui.add(ctrl, 'numParticles', 1, 150).step(1);
gui.add(ctrl, 'maxRadius', 30, 150).step(1);
gui.add(ctrl, 'hue', 0, 359).step(1);
gui.add(ctrl, 'hueRange', 0, 180).step(1);
gui.add(ctrl, 'fade', 0, 0.4).step(0.001);
gui.add(ctrl, 'zapComplexity', 0, 4).step(1);
gui.add(ctrl, 'halo');
// gui.add(ctrl, 'zappy');
// create a canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
// attach element to DOM
// background color [r, g, b]
var bg = [10, 10, 30]
var wh = window.innerHeight
// get the canvas context (this is the part we draw to)
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
function setup() {
// setup the canvas size to match the window
canvas.width = window.innerWidth
canvas.height = window.innerHeight
wh = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight
// set the 0,0 point to the middle of the canvas, this is not necessary but it can be handy
ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2)
fill(bg, 1)
// fill entire canvas with a preset color
function fill(rgb, amt) {
ctx.beginPath(); // start path
ctx.rect(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2, canvas.width, canvas.height) // set rectangle to be the same size as the window
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${rgb[0]}, ${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${amt})` // use the rgb array/color for fill, and amt for opacity
ctx.fill() // do the drawing
function drawCircle(x, y, r, color) {
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
ctx.fillStyle = color || 'white'
function Particle() {
// initialize loopers with random trange and offset
this.loop1 = new Looper(1200 + 200 * Math.random(), 9000 * Math.random())
this.loop2 = new Looper(880 + 950 * Math.random(), 9000 * Math.random())
this.loop3 = new Looper(550 + 920 * Math.random(), 9000 * Math.random())
this.history = []
this.history_max = 1
this.c = ``
this.hsv = {}
this.offset = Math.random() // some color offset for the color
this.signals = 0 // count connection - update every frame
this.sstrength = 0 // running average using signals
this.destroy = function() {
this.loop1 = null
this.loop2 = null
this.loop3 = null
this.history = null
this.history_max = null
this.c = null
this.hsv = null
this.offset = null
delete this
this.draw = function() {
this.sstrength = this.signals * 0.02 + this.sstrength * 0.91;
this.loop1.update() // update looper
this.loop2.update() // update looper
this.loop3.update() // update looper
// set x,y, radius, and color params
var x = this.loop1.sin * (canvas.width / 4) + this.loop2.sin * (canvas.width / 3) * this.loop3.cos * this.loop2.sin
var y = this.loop1.cos * (canvas.height / 4) + this.loop2.cos * (canvas.height / 3) * this.loop3.cos * this.loop2.sin
// var r = 0.2 + 3 * this.loop1.sinNorm * this.loop2.sinNorm // set the radius
this.hsv = {
// this is where we set the color...
h: ctrl.hue + ctrl.hueRange * (this.loop3.cosNorm + this.offset) * this.loop2.sinNorm,
// the saturation depends on the loop
s: 80 + 7 * this.loop1.sinNorm,
// ..and so does the value - we want to keep that close to 50%
v: 70 + 5 * this.loop3.sin
this.c = `hsla(${this.hsv.h}, ${this.hsv.s}%, ${this.hsv.v}%, ${1})`
if (ctrl.halo) {
var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(Math.round(x), Math.round(y), 0, Math.round(x), Math.round(y), ctrl.maxRadius);
grd.addColorStop(0.0, `hsla(${this.hsv.h}, ${this.hsv.s}%, ${this.hsv.v}%, ${0.1 * this.sstrength})`);
// grd.addColorStop(0.2, `hsla(${this.hsv.h}, ${this.hsv.s}%, ${this.hsv.v}%, ${0.03 * this.sstrength})`);
grd.addColorStop(0.9, `hsla(${this.hsv.h}, ${this.hsv.s}%, ${this.hsv.v}%, ${0})`);
drawCircle(x, y, ctrl.maxRadius, grd); // draw the circle
this.history = [
[x, y]
this.signals = 0;
this.addSignal = function() {
// initialize a set of particle
var particles = []
function draw() {
// fill context with background color
fill(bg, ctrl.fade)
//add particles
while (particles.length < ctrl.numParticles) {
particles.push(new Particle())
// drop old particles
while (particles.length >= ctrl.numParticles) {
var x0
var y0
var x1
var y1
var d
var r = ctrl.maxRadius * ctrl.maxRadius
var s
// update all the particles
for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
particles[i].draw() // do it once
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (particles[j] && particles[j].history && particles[j].history.length > 0) {
x0 = particles[i].history[0][0]
y0 = particles[i].history[0][1]
x1 = particles[j].history[0][0]
y1 = particles[j].history[0][1]
d = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)
if (d < r && d > 50) {
s = 1 - Math.sin(d / r * d / r * Math.PI / 2)
if (!ctrl.zappy) {
// straight line
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineWidth = s * 1.6;
ctx.strokeStyle = particles[i].c
} else {
// zappy line
var iterations = [{
x: x0,
y: y0
}, {
x: x1,
y: y1
var newiterations, ii, ij
for (ii = 0; ii < ctrl.zapComplexity; ii++) {
newiterations = [iterations[0]]
for (ij = 1; ij < iterations.length; ij++) {
newiterations.push(getRandMidpoint(iterations[ij - 1], iterations[ij], ctrl.maxRadius / 3 / (ii * ii + 1) * (1 - s * 0.7)))
iterations = newiterations.concat([])
ctx.moveTo(iterations[0].x, iterations[0].y);
ctx.lineWidth = s * 1.6;
ctx.strokeStyle = particles[i].c
for (ii = 1; ii < iterations.length; ii++) {
ctx.lineTo(iterations[ii].x, iterations[ii].y);
// this is a draw loop, this will execute frequently and is comparable to EnterFrame on other platform
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
// start enterFrame loop
// force running setup
// re-setup canvas when the size of the window changes
window.addEventListener("resize", setup)
// create a class to hold value and have built in incrementing functionality
function Looper(steps, start) {
this.val = start || 0 // set value to start value if defined, or 1
this.steps = steps || 100 // set steps to passed value or default to 100
this.norm = this.val / this.range // initialize normalized value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sin to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
this.update = function() {
this.val = (this.val + 1) % this.steps // update value
this.norm = this.val / this.steps // update normalize value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sine to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
function getRandMidpoint(pa, pb, range) {
var a = Math.atan2(pb.y - pa.y, pb.x - pa.x) + Math.PI / 2
var half = {
y: (pb.y - pa.y) / 2 + pa.y,
x: (pb.x - pa.x) / 2 + pa.x
var offset = Math.random() * range - range / 2
var ho = {
x: Math.cos(a) * offset + half.x,
y: Math.sin(a) * offset + half.y
return ho