
[ICICS'21] Exposing DeepFakes via Localizing the Manipulated Artifacts.

Wenxin Li, Qi Wang, Run Wang,  Lei Zhao* and Lina Wang.

in the 2021 International Conference on Information and Communications Security

[Security'21] VScape: Assessing and Escaping Virtual Call Protections.

Kaixiang Chen, Chao Zhang, Tingting Yin, Xingman Chen, Lei Zhao

In the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, 2021

Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing.

Lei Zhao, Pengcheng Cao, Yue Duan, Heng Yin, Jifeng Xuan.

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Online

[CCS'20] PatchScope: Memory Object Centric Patch Diffing.

Lei Zhao, Yuncong Zhu, Jiang Ming, Yichen Zhang, Haotian Zhang, Heng Yin.

Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Virtual Event, November 9-13, 2020. (Acceptance ratio 16.9%=121/715)



工程科学与技术, Vol. 52 No. 4, 2020.07



信息安全学报,Vol.5 No.1, 2020.01

[ICICS'19] Capturing the Persistence of Facial Expression Features for Deep Fake Video Detection.

Yiru Zhao, Wanfeng Ge, Wenxin Li, Run Wang,  Lei Zhao* and Jiang Ming.

in the 2019 International Conference on Information and Communications Security

[GlobeCom 19] Defending against ROP exploits with nearly zero overhead.

Peng Qin, Cheng Tan, Lei Zhao* and Yueqiang Cheng

The 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)

[NDSS'19] Send Hardest Problems My Way: Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing

Lei Zhao, Yue Duan, Heng Yin, and Jifeng Xuan.

in the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, February 2019. (Acceptance rate: 17.4%)

SmartPI: Understanding Permission Implications of Android Apps from User Reviews.

Run Wang, Zhibo Wang, Benxiao Tang, Lei Zhao, Lina Wang.

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC), 19(12), 2020: 2933-2945, [CCF-A, SCI]

General Defense Method Defeating Motion Sensor Side Channel Based on Laplace Mechanism (in Chinese)


TANG Benxiao, WANG Lina, WANG Run, ZHAO Lei, CHEN Qingsong.

Journal of Software(软件学报), 30(8), 2019: 2392-2414. [EI]

Software Homology Detection with Dynamic Birthmarks Based on Memory Object Access Sequences (in Chinese)


CHEN Tong, ZHAO Lei*, WANG Lina, WANG Run.

Journal of Wuhan University (Natural Science Edition) (武汉大学学报·理学版), 02, 2019: 185-194.

A Defensive Method Against Physical Secsor-Based Side-Channel Attack Based on Differential Privacy (in Chinese).

Benxiao Tang, Lina Wang, Run Wang, Lei Zhao, Danlei Wang.

Journal of Computer Research and Development. 55(7): 1371-1392, 2018.

Niffler: A Context-Aware and User-Independent Side-Channel Attack System for Password Inference.

Benxiao Tang, Zhibo Wang, Run Wang, Lei Zhao, Lina Wang.

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018.5, 2018

SPRD: Fast Applicaiton Repackaging Detection Approach in Android based on Application's UI and Program Dependency Grapy.

Run Wang, Lina Wang, Benxiao Tang, Lei Zhao.

Journal of Communications, 39(3):159-271, 2018. (in Chinese)

Attack Provenance Tracing in the Cyberspace: Solutions, Challenges and Future Directions.

Cheng Tan, Qian Wang, Lina Wang, Lei Zhao*

IEEE Network Magazine, 2018

CAPT: Context-Aware provenance tracing for attack investigation.

Cheng Tan, Lei Zhao*, Weijie Liu, Lai Xu, Lina Wang.

China Communications (2018)

[JSS] deExploit: Identifying misuses of input data to diagnose memory-corruption exploits at the binary level.

Run Wang, Pei Liu, Lei Zhao*

Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 124 (2017)

[ICAPDS'17] Baseline Is Fragile: On the Effectiveness of Stack Pivot Defense.

Fei Yan, Fan Huang, Lei Zhao.

IEEE International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Systems. IEEE, 2017.

Fault localization guided execution comparison for failure comprehension.

Mengleng Liu, Pei Liu, Xiaoshuang Yang, Lei Zhao*.

2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion. Pages 163-166, Aug 2016. EI:20164302944919

[COMPSAC'15] Reversing and identifying overwritten data structures for memory-corruption exploit diagnosis.

Lei Zhao, Xiangyu Ren, Lina Wang, Yueqiang Cheng.

In Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference, Taichung, Taiwan - July 1-5, 2015

[COMPSAC'15] Regression Identification of Coincidental Correctness via Weighted Clustering.

Xiaoshuang Yang, Mengleng Liu, Ming Cao, Lei Zhao*, Lina Wang.

In Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference, Taichung, Taiwan - July 1-5, 2015

[IJSEKE] A Fault Localization Framework to Alleviating the Impact of Execution Similarity.

Lei Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang, Lina Wang, Xiaodan Yin.

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2013, 35(7): 963-998

Collaborative Reversing of Input Formats and Program Data Structures for Security Applications.

Lei Zhao, Xiangyu Ren, Hao Zhang, Lina Wang.

China Communications, 2014, 11(9): 135-147.

vPatcher: VMI-Based Transparent Data Patching to Secure Software in the Cloud.

Hao Zhang, Lei Zhao*, Lai Xu, Lina Wang.

In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014), Chang Sha, China, 2014.

CACDP :A cryptographic access control strategy for dynamic policy.

Hao Zhang,Lei Zhao*, Bo Feng, Lina Wang.

Research and Development of Computer,2014(7):1424-1435.

cMonitor: VMI-Based Fine-Grained Monitoring Mechanism in Cloud.

Hao Zhang, Lei Zhao*, Lai Xu, Lina Wang.

Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2014, 19(5): 393-397.

Mining Associations for Fault Localization.

Lei Zhao, Lina Wang,Dongming Gao, Zhenyu Zhang, Zuoting Xiong.

Journal of Computer (in Chinese), 2012(12):2528-2540.

Learning Fine-Grained Structured Input for Memory Corruption Detection.

Lei Zhao, Debin Gao, Lina Wang.

In Proceedings of the 15th Information Security Conference (ISC 2012). LNCS 7483, pp. 151–167, 2012

PAFL: Fault Localization via Noise Reduction on Coverage Vector.

Lei Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang, Lina Wang, Xiaodan Yin.

In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), pp: 203-206

Statistical Fault Localization via Semi-Dynamic Program Slicing.

Rongwei Yu, Lei Zhao, Lina Wang, Xiaodan Yin.

In Proceedings of 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEE ICESS-11/FCST-11, pp: 695-670

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