python shell是什么字体,Python处理shell字符串

I still do not understand completely how python's unicode and str types work. Note: I am working in Python 2, as far as I know Python 3 has a completely different approach to the same issue.

What I know:

str is an older beast that saves strings encoded by one of the way too many encodings that history has forced us to work with.

unicode is an more standardised way of representing strings using a huge table of all possible characters, emojis, little pictures of dog poop and so on.

The decode function transforms strings to unicode, encode does the other way around.

If I, in python's shell, simply say:

>>> my_string = "some string"

then my_string is a str variable encoded in ascii (and, because ascii is a subset of utf-8, it is also encoded in utf-8).

Therefore, for example, I can convert this into a unicode variable by saying one of the lines:

>>> my_string.decode('ascii')

u'some string'

>>> my_string.decode('utf-8')

u'some string'

What I don't know:

How does Python handle non-ascii strings that are passed in the shell, and, knowing this, what is the correct way of saving the word "kožušček"?

For example, I can say

>>> s1 = 'kožušček'

In which case s1 becomes a str instance that I am unable to convert into unicode:

>>> s1='kožušček'

>>> s1


>>> print s1


>>> s1.decode('ascii')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in


UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9e in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

Now, naturally I can't decode the string with ascii, but what encoding should I then use? After all, my sys.getdefaultencoding() returns ascii! Which encoding did Python use to encode s1 when fed the line s1=kožušček?

Another thought I had was to say

>>> s2 = u'kožušček'

But then, when I printed s2, I got

>>> print s2


which means that Python lost a whole letter. Can someone explain this to me?


str objects contain bytes. What those bytes represent Python doesn't dictate. If you produced ASCII-compatible bytes, you can decode them as ASCII. If they contain bytes representing UTF-8 data they can be decoded as such. If they contain bytes representing an image, then you can decode that information and display an image somewhere. When you use repr() on a str object Python will leave any bytes that are ASCII printable as such, the rest are converted to escape sequences; this keeps debugging such information practical even in ASCII-only environments.

Your terminal or console in which you are running the interactive interpreter writes bytes to the stdin stream that Python reads from when you type. Those bytes are encoded according to the configuration of that terminal or console.

In your case, your console encoded the input you typed to a Windows codepage, most likely. You'll need to figure out the exact codepage and use that codec to decode the bytes. Codepage 1252 seems to fit:

>>> print 'ko\x9eu\x9a\xe8ek'.decode('cp1252')


When you print those same bytes, your console is reading those bytes and interpreting them in the same codec it is already configured with.

Python can tell you what codec it thinks your console is set to; it tries to detect this information for Unicode literals, where the input has to be decoded for you. It uses the locale.getpreferredencoding() function to determine this, and the sys.stdin and sys.stdout objects have an encoding attribute; mine is set to UTF-8:

>>> import sys

>>> sys.stdin.encoding


>>> import locale

>>> locale.getpreferredencoding()


>>> 'kožušèek'


>>> u'kožušèek'


>>> print u'kožušèek'


Because my terminal has been configured for UTF-8 and Python has detected this, using a Unicode literal u'...' works. The data is automatically decoded by Python.

Why exactly your console lost a whole letter I don't know; I'd have to have access to your console and do some more experiments, see the output of print repr(s2), and test all bytes between 0x00 and 0xFF to see if this is on the input or output side of the console.

I recommend you read up on Python and Unicode:

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