rtl8821ae驱动linux下载,下载驱动Realtek 8821AE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC Windows 8.1 Windows 7 x64 Win...

dc6ebd877f044651da583b24a6ca3022.pngNEC comes to the market with a new corporate-oriented 27-inch monitor, entitled MultiSync EA275UHD. The greenhorn features 639x230x418 mm dimensions and is differentiated by a sleek design. The display sits on a multifunction stand with height, tilt, pivot, and swivel adjustments. According to the designers, this solution will absolutely suit the needs of CAD/CAM engineers, entry-level graphics enthusiasts, corporate personnel, etc.

NEC MultiSync EA275UHD is based on AH-IPS panel, boasting 3840x2160 4K resolution. It is also characterized by 16:9 aspect ratio, 6 ms response time, static contrast ratio – 1000:1, dynamic contrast ratio – 15.000:1, and utmost brightness – 350 cd/m2. As far as connectivity is concerned, the model comes equipped with a 3-port USB 3.0 hub for peripherals as well as three video outputs (DVI-D, HDMI 2.0 and DisplayPort 1.2). Audio facilities are ensured by two integrated speakers and a headphone socket.

To continue, this monitor is thought …

f98e31d6ba1e2942585b61146abb3c88.pngHIS is projecting to gladden all fans of highly efficient graphics cards with an indigenous design by introducing R9 280 IceQ X2 OC adapter. The new-comer differentiates itself primarily by a gold-shining coating and a factory overclocking. It is based on R9 280 Tahiti Pro GPU with dynamically heightened clock frequencies: 847 MHz/953 MHz (nominal/dynamic) against 827 MHz/933 MHz found in an etalon adapter from AMD.

HIS R9 280 IceQ X2 OC boasts 3 GB of GDDR5 video memory with 384-bit interface. It runs at the nominal 1250 MHz frequency, speeding up to an efficient index of 5.0 GHz frequency. Memory bandwidth makes up 240 Gb/sec. The integrated GPU features 1792 stream processors, 112 TMUs and 32 ROPs.

The card accommodates a couple of mini-DisplayPort video ports, as well as one HDMI and one DVI-I ports. This facilitates for the creation of multi-screen configurations. With the purpose to ensure the best image quality when working with exacting applications, the …

b7a9e376054f33da0fac737ba027d685.pngMotherboard Intel DH77DF is a part of a series Media, which focuses on working with media content, including the creation and viewing of video. Support for high-performance processors and the availability of high-grade graphics card slot allows use it for building a compact gaming systems.

DH77DF uses a blue color PCB material, like many other Intel products of mass series. There is only one indicator green LED of power supply. The board looks very good good, mainly due to the dense deployment of a large number of elements in a limited space. This integration continues to amaze also in the age of quad phones.

The manufacturer managed to install on board two standard slots for memory modules, so that the total amount up to 16 GB — this is also more than enough for most usage scenarios. Officially supported speeds up to DDR3-1600. Test modules by default worked in 1333, but after selecting in BIOS Setup XMP profile it could start in 2000, but with the 2133 system it was not …

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首先,真实的这是我踩了4天的坑,新入手的 Thinkpad E470C i5-6125U 商务极速版 一块ssd256G(我不是打广告哈),我是想吐槽它,因为涉及的是网,所以直接说它的以太网(就是有线,再白话文点就是插网线的驱动网)是集成的网卡rlt8111/8618/8411,下面划重点啦哈!!!【敲黑板,duang duang duang】无线网是 Retaltek Semicondutor Co. Ltd Device c821【就是rtl8821ce】【Retaltek官网说明】,没错就是这个坑比的网卡,2017年9月04一位外国友人在unix&linux;的官网上写道【Your wireless device is a Realtek RTL8821CE that is not yet supported in Linux. I would contact Lenovo about a replacement for your laptop that is made by Intel. Lenovo uses a whitelist in the BIOS and they will only boot if a supported wireless card is present in the internal slot】就是告诉你linux现在不支持这个型号的网卡,nmm这还搞什么搞?我气得想退货,反正我还没到7天无理由退货,我女票也在旁边说退了吧,这花钱买个不好使的,咋用?【没绣啊】但是我想作为一名理科男中的IT男怎么能被这点困难吓退?没有困难要制造困难再去解决,有困难就要埋头苦干的去解决困难,正在我沉浸在着解决这个困难的时候大家对我投来各种羡慕的幻想中,女票一巴掌打在我的头上!!!吃饭。。。想啥美事呢,这天还没黑呢。东北的女人果然惹不起,乖乖吃完饭继续来战这个问题。【都是一个一个字敲出来的大家就当娱乐一下,别紧张下面一定能解决这个问题】【这个很重要先在Bios里面把secrety root 设置成disable 】
### 回答1: 您好,rtl8821ae驱动Linux下载可以在Realtek官网上进行下载。具体下载地址为:https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/network-interface-controllers-10-100-1000m-gigabit-ethernet-pci-express-software ### 回答2: rtl8821ae是一种用于无线网络连接的芯片,它需要驱动程序来使得在linux系统下能够正常工作。由于不同的linux系统会有不同的驱动需求,下面就简单介绍几种通用的下载方法。 1. 命令行安装 大部分linux系统都支持使用命令行安装驱动,这里以Ubuntu系统为例。打开终端输入以下命令: sudo apt-get install linux-generic 接下来会开始下载驱动并进行安装,需要注意的是,这种方法并不能保证一定会成功,因为驱动的版本和系统的版本有可能不兼容。 2. 使用源码安装 如果上述方法失败了,可以尝试使用源码进行安装,这可以在git官网下载到最新版本的驱动。 首先需要安装相关的编译工具: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential git 接下来进入git目录,clone最新版本的驱动: git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git 进入刚下载的文件夹,编译驱动: cd rtlwifi_new make 如果出现编译错误,可以通过安装kernel header文件解决: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic 最后,将编译后的驱动安装到系统中: sudo make install 3. 使用PPA安装 如果通过以上两种方法都无法成功安装驱动,可以考虑使用PPA(Package Personal Archive)方式,这种方法适用于Debian和Ubuntu系统。 首先,创建PPA源: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hanipouspilot/rtlwifi sudo apt-get update 接着安装驱动: sudo apt-get install rtl8821ae-dkms 最后,重启系统即可生效。 总之,无论采用哪种方式安装驱动,都需要根据自己的系统和版本选择相应的方法。如果还有其他问题需要解决,可以参考一些相关的文档或者社区,寻求帮助。 ### 回答3: rtl8821ae是一款无线网卡芯片,它的驱动Linux系统上可以通过两种方式进行下载。其中一种是通过官方网站下载,另一种是通过Linux系统自带的驱动管理工具进行下载。 官方网站下载 rtl8821ae的官方网站是Realtek Semiconductor Corp.,该公司提供了官方的Linux驱动程序,可以从其网站上下载。以下是下载步骤: 1.打开Realtek的官方网站http://www.realtek.com.tw。 2.选择“Downloads”栏目,再选择“Wireless LAN ICs”的子选项。 3.选择“RTL8821AE Software”选项,然后找到与你的Linux系统匹配的版本进行下载。 终端下载 另一种方式是在Linux终端窗口中,使用驱动管理工具进行下载。以下是下载步骤: 1.打开终端窗口,输入以下命令将系统更新到最新: sudo apt-get update 2.安装驱动管理工具: sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential git 3.从GitHub上下载驱动: git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git 4.安装下载好的驱动: cd rtlwifi_new make sudo make install 5.重启Linux系统,rtl8821ae驱动成功安装完成。 需要注意的是,驱动程序的安装可能因为不同的Linux系统版本和网卡型号而异。因此,在下载和安装的过程中,应该尽可能确保选择最适合自己系统和网卡的驱动程序。


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