android.47d1b4f0,Debug 'app' is ok but fail to run 'app' in android studio

I am using Android Studio to debug my app, when I click the Debug 'app' button to run my app, everything works fine, but when I click the Run 'app' button to run my app, the app crashes, part of the log:

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot V/EasyConfigManager-JNI: managerCallback: callbackInfo 0x546a7008, easyConfigManager_ref 0x401391b8 easyConfigManager_class 0x401391b8

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot V/EasyConfigManager-JNI: EVENT_COMPLETE

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot W/dalvikvm: Invalid indirect reference 0x401391b8 in decodeIndirectRef

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: "Binder_2" prio=5 tid=10 RUNNABLE

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x41a077d0 self=0x546a2440

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: | sysTid=31544 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1426889576

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: at com.softwinner.easyconfig.EasyConfigManager.postEventFromNative(

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot I/dalvikvm: at Method)

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot E/dalvikvm: VM aborting

01-01 08:15:57.910 31532-31544/com.yuzhix.homedot A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x00007b2c (code=-6), thread 31544 (Binder_2)

01-01 08:15:57.910 689-991/? E/IEasyConfigClient: enableStatusChanged

01-01 08:15:57.910 689-991/? E/EasyConfigService: #######state change to:STATE_STOPED

01-01 08:15:57.910 512-545/system_process D/PowerManagerService: Check if boot animation finished...

01-01 08:15:58.020 105-105/? I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

01-01 08:15:58.020 105-105/? I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'Allwinner-Speaker/lark_pro/lark-pro:4.4.2/KVT49L/20170420:eng/test-keys'

01-01 08:15:58.020 105-105/? I/DEBUG: Revision: '0'

01-01 08:15:58.020 105-105/? I/DEBUG: pid: 31532, tid: 31544, name: Binder_2 >>> com.yuzhix.homedot <<<

01-01 08:15:58.020 105-105/? I/DEBUG: signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------

01-01 08:15:58.110 512-545/system_process D/PowerManagerService: Check if boot animation finished...

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: r0 00000000 r1 00007b38 r2 00000006 r3 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: r4 00000006 r5 00000002 r6 00007b38 r7 0000010c

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: r8 51565b30 r9 55b2f5b0 sl 00000001 fp 556cebc0

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: ip 556d4fa8 sp 556ce8b8 lr 400fe065 pc 4010cfa0 cpsr 000f0010

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d0 74726f6261204d56 d1 726174536576696e

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d2 6e614d6769666e75 d3 736f702e7265676c

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d4 0079007300610045 d5 0066006e006f0043

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d6 006c004300670069 d7 0074006e00650069

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d16 ffffffffffffefff d17 0000000000000005

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d20 0000000000004000 d21 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d22 0000000000004000 d23 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000004000

01-01 08:15:58.170 105-105/? I/DEBUG: scr 80000010

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: backtrace:

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #00 pc 00021fa0 /system/lib/ (tgkill+12)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #01 pc 00013061 /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+48)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #02 pc 00013275 /system/lib/ (raise+10)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #03 pc 00011fa9 /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #04 pc 00021854 /system/lib/ (abort+4)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #05 pc 00045b9b /system/lib/ (dvmAbort+78)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #06 pc 0004a4ab /system/lib/ (dvmDecodeIndirectRef(Thread*, _jobject*)+146)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #07 pc 00060383 /system/lib/ (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+158)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #08 pc 00049bdb /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #09 pc 00004957 /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #10 pc 00004a57 /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #11 pc 00004e33 /system/lib/ (android::EasyConfigManager::onConfigCompleted(char const*, char const*, int)+54)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #12 pc 000052eb /system/lib/ (android::BnEasyConfigClient::onTransact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+134)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #13 pc 000191ad /system/lib/ (android::BBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+60)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #14 pc 0001d721 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+508)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #15 pc 0001da9f /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+38)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #16 pc 0001db15 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+48)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #17 pc 0002191d /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #18 pc 0000ea01 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+216)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #19 pc 0004d2a5 /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+68)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #20 pc 0000e533 /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #21 pc 0000d208 /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+72)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #22 pc 0000d3a4 /system/lib/ (pthread_create+240)

01-01 08:15:58.180 105-105/? I/DEBUG: stack:

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce878 dead4321

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce87c 546a2440 [anon:libc_malloc]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce880 556d4fa8

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce884 51565b30 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce888 55b2f5b0 /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.yuzhix.homedot-1.apk@classes.dex

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce88c 00000001

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce890 556cebc0 [stack:31544]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce894 40111561 /system/lib/ (snprintf+80)

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce898 33313833

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce89c 20302038

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8a0 556ce914 [stack:31544]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8a4 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8a8 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8ac 30203020

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8b0 00004000

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8b4 556ce922 [stack:31544]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #00 556ce8b8 00000006

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8bc 00000002

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8c0 00007b38

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8c4 556d4fa8

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8c8 556d4fa8

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8cc 400fe065 /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+52)

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #01 556ce8d0 00000006

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8d4 dead4321

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8d8 546a2440 [anon:libc_malloc]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8dc 400fe279 /system/lib/ (raise+14)

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: #02 556ce8e0 556ce8ec [stack:31544]

01-01 08:15:58.190 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8e4 400fcfad /system/lib/

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near r1:

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b18 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b28 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b38 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b48 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b58 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b68 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b78 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b88 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b98 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007ba8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bb8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bc8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bd8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007be8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bf8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007c08 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near r6:

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b18 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b28 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b38 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b48 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b58 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b68 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b78 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b88 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007b98 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007ba8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bb8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bc8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bd8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007be8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007bf8 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 00007c08 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near r8:

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b10 00001877 55b2f06c 55f6e73d 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b20 41574e65 00000100 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b30 41a0a4c8 0000000a 000b0000 00070004

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b40 55b78043 546a6558 00002061 55b2f5af

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b50 558f3350 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b60 55ca81ad 00000000 00000000 0000011c

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b70 41a0a4c8 00000004 00010002 00010001

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b80 55b4e232 546a6558 00001877 55b2f06c

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565b90 558f33c4 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565ba0 55ca81c9 00000000 41a0a4c8 00000001

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565bb0 0002000b 00010001 55b59d83 546a6558

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565bc0 0000003d 55acf994 558f33dc 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.210 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565bd0 00000000 00000000 55ca81d1 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565be0 41a0a4c8 00000001 0004000c 00020001

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565bf0 55b82a84 546a6558 00001e73 55b2f4fa

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 51565c00 558f33f8 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near r9:

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f590 07004949 49494c56 004c4949 494c5608

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5a0 4c494949 56060049 4949494c 5608004c

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5b0 4949494c 00494c4c 494c5606 005a4949

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5c0 494c5607 4c5a4949 4c560600 4c4a4949

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5d0 4c560500 004c4949 494c5606 004c4c49

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5e0 494c560b 4c4c4c49 4c4c4c4c 4c560500

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f5f0 005a4949 494c5606 004a464a 494c5604

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f600 5605004c 494c494c 4c560600 49494c49

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f610 4c560700 49494c49 56080049 494c494c

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f620 004c4949 494c5606 004c494c 494c5607

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f630 4c4c494c 4c560500 004c4c49 494c5606

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f640 004c4c4c 494c5607 494c4c4c 4c560700

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f650 4c4c4c49 5605004c 5a4c494c 4c560600

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f660 5a5a4c49 4c560400 03005a49 004a4c56

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f670 4a4c5604 56040042 00464a4c 4a4c5604

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 55b2f680 5605004a 4a4a4a4c 4c560500 005a4a4a

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near fp:

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ceba0 550c9fb8 55f6e959 550c9fb8 556cebbc

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cebb0 000000f8 55f6ea5b 51565b30 401391b8

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cebc0 00000002 00000000 0000006f 21000001

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cebd0 1da00005 000000f8 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cebe0 54474690 546a54f8 000000f8 553c6084

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cebf0 553c6074 00007b2c 555d1000 555c1bd4

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec00 401372ec 55f6ee35 553c6084 000000f8

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec10 553c6084 546a6f50 55f6ee41 553c6084

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec20 553c6074 55f6f2ed 556cecac 546a6f54

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec30 00000002 556cec7c 00007b2c 4019f1af

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec40 00000011 00000002 556cec7c 54474bf0

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec50 556cec78 40139384 00002725 401a3723

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec60 00000011 401a321d 54474bf0 41587441

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec70 415b7125 00000000 546a6f54 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec80 553c6028 0000006c 0000006c 0000006c

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556cec90 553c6094 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near ip:

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4f88 00000000 51565b30 00000000 51276658

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4f98 5231768a 41a8d4f0 00000001 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4fa8 0000002b 00000000 419dea60 00000007

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4fb8 556cec7c 556cecac 00000011 556d4fec

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4fc8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4fd8 556d5000 00000000 51282708 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4fe8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d4ff8 00000000 00000000 ed0aa17c c7867178

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5008 931dde53 621eda87 fb854887 24cf5998

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5018 dedfc023 a43ce86d 52705b0b ac00acc0

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5028 6778f39f d9b80d62 6cab48ec 171c39b4

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5038 2e3c59e0 a82f5962 29f96f79 059fe072

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5048 91c8e1e2 db09494e 739805ab df55ed25

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5058 b2c1a1c6 489ffa9c 2f7b05c1 f2acd64c

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5068 b486e7e2 fbc10c8d 8de2060c a4641de2

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556d5078 b623b056 fa4f4186 b6e3b3ee 9a4f5741

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: memory near sp:

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce898 33313833 20302038 556ce914 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8a8 00000000 30203020 00004000 556ce922

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8b8 00000006 00000002 00007b38 556d4fa8

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8c8 556d4fa8 400fe065 00000006 dead4321

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8d8 546a2440 400fe279 556ce8ec 400fcfad

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8e8 00000000 ffffffdf 401352c4 4013522c

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce8f8 00000000 400ffb5f 415d61f0 415d61f0

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce908 dead4321 4010c858 00000000 4156cb9f

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce918 40143324 6c756e28 0000296c 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.220 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce928 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce938 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce948 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce958 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce968 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce978 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 556ce988 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: code around pc:

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cf80 e8bd00f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cf90 ea006e76 e92d50f0 e3a07f43 ef000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cfa0 e8bd50f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cfb0 ea006e6e e92d50f0 e3a070ee ef000000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cfc0 e8bd50f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cfd0 ea006e66 e1520003 8a00008c f5d1f040

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cfe0 e92d4001 e3520010 3a000024 e2603000

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010cff0 e213300f 0a00000e e0422003 e1b0cf83

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d000 44d1e001 44c0e001 24d1c001 24d1e001

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d010 24c0c001 24c0e001 e1b0ce83 aa000001

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d020 f4a1030d f480031d 3a000001 f421070d

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d030 f400071d e2522040 3a000006 f421020d

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d040 f421420d f5d1f100 e2522040 f400022d

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d050 f400422d 2afffff8 e2922020 3a000002

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d060 f421020d e2422020 f400022d e2822020

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 4010d070 e3120010 0a000001 f4210a0d f4000a2d

01-01 08:15:58.230 105-105/? I/DEBUG: code around lr:

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe044 447b4b13 42b3e010 4812d10e 44786a1e

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe054 ec94f7fb e9d6f00d 46224631 ef98f00e

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe064 d00a3001 e00b2400 2b00681b 480ad1eb

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe074 44782403 ec82f7fb f001e002 6804fa1b

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe084 fa18f001 46206005 bf00bd70 0003b35e

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe094 0003b352 0003b34a 0003b326 bf7ef7ff

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0a4 43f0e92d 4a3d4b3c 589c447b 6823b08b

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0b4 460d4606 f0019309 46a1f9fd 8000f8d0

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0c4 d0482d00 f00f4628 280ffe69 d8444604

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0d4 ffe4f7ff d1064286 4629200f e8a0f00d

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0e4 d03c2800 482ee02e f7fb4478 482debc6

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe0f4 e0154478 d11342b0 482b6a06 f7fb4478

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe104 4a2aec3e 447a2120 a8014633 f9fef013

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe114 a8012101 fcfcf01a 46061c42 e011d104

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe124 28006800 e02cd1e6 46294630 f00d4622

01-01 08:15:58.240 105-105/? I/DEBUG: 400fe134 1c43e8dc d11e4607 f9bcf001 29046801

I thought the reason was proguard rules, but it seems that Run 'app' and Debug 'app' generate the same apk package?

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


