
这篇内容列举了一系列基于Matlab的工具和软件,包括ROMS可视化和分析工具、浮标跟踪软件、系泊动力设计工具、潮汐椭圆参数转换程序、空间几何分析工具包、Kriging插值软件、扩展等高线绘制功能、声纳深度校正、 ternary图制作以及潮汐分析工具。这些工具涵盖了海洋科学研究、数据可视化和处理等多个方面。

m_pack is a

collection of matlab tools and several utilities related with ROMS

visualization and analysis (including SpectrHA) From Martinho Marta



tracking software for Matlab 5 from Eurofloat.


dynamics and design tools: A MATLAB 5 package to design,

analyze and model oceanographic moorings, from Richard Dewey.

Tidal Ellipse Tools from Zhigang Xu. These convert

between u and v amplitude and phase parameters and tidal ellipse

parameters (major axis, ellipticity, inclination and phase). There

is also a program to estimate vertical profiles of tidal ellipse

parameters, given sea-elevation gradients. Postscript documentation is provided.

Spatial and

Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolkit. Gridding, tesselation, and



Toolkit: A gui-driven collection of routines to make Kriging of

hydrographic and other spatial data a simple process, by Dr.

Dezhang Chu.


Extended contouring capabilities for Matlab 4 & 5.

Can handle parametric surfaces, filled contours,

publication-quality labelling and more.

COLORBARF Produces a colorbar for a filled contour plot with

the appropriate colors and tick marks. From Blair Greenan.

Carter corrects single-beam echosounder depths using Carter's

tables. (As you undoubtedly know, most ship's echosounders assume

sound velocity to be 1500m/s, which is only very approximate.

Carter's tables were thus produced to enable a correction to a more

realistic depth, using an assumed mean sound speed that depends on

latitude and longitude.) From Mike Meredith.

Schlee makes a ternary diagram for sand, mud and gravel,

assuming that mud=(silt+clay).

Shepard_Ternary_Plot plots sand, silt and clay fraction data on

a ternary plot that is marked with the Shepard classification

scheme labels .

Sand/Silt/Clay plotting routine based on a different

classification scheme (Folk, 1954)

MATHEMATICA-based Wavelet tidal analysis software (No longer active) - Tidal analysis tools for

non-stationary tidal processes (e.g., barotropic river tides and

continental shelf internal tides). Developed by David Jay and Ed

Flinchem. Note: although this software isn't in Matlab, it

seemed useful enough to link here anyway!

Sturges - For some purposes we want to remove the annual cycle

in a long data set, particularly for cross spectra with other data.

Trivial for monthly data, but less so for weekly or daily


1 2/3维图像分割工具箱 2 PSORT粒子群优化工具箱 3 matlab计量工具箱Lesage 4 MatCont7p1 5 matlab模糊逻辑工具箱函数 6 医学图像处理工具箱 7 人工蜂群工具箱 8 MPT3安装包 9 drEEM toolbox 10 DOMFluor Toolbox v1.7 11 Matlab数学建模工具箱 12 马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)工具箱MDPtoolbox 13 国立SVM工具箱 14 模式识别与机器学习工具箱 15 ttsbox1.1语音合成工具箱 16 分数阶傅里叶变换的程序FRFT 17 魔方模拟器与规划求解 18 隐马尔可夫模型工具箱 HMM 19 图理论工具箱GrTheory 20 自由曲线拟合工具箱ezyfit 21 分形维数计算工具箱FracLab 2.2 22 For-Each 23 PlotPub 24 Sheffield大学最新遗传算法工具箱 25 Camera Calibration 像机标定工具箱 26 Qhull(二维三维三角分解、泰森图)凸包工具箱 2019版 27 jplv7 28 MatlabFns 29 张量工具箱Tensor Toolbox 30 海洋要素计算工具箱seawater 31 地图工具箱m_map 32 othercolor配色工具包 33 Matlab数学建模工具箱 34 元胞自动机 35 量子波函数演示工具箱 36 图像局域特征匹配工具箱 37 图像分割graphcut工具箱 38 NSGA-II工具箱 39 chinamap中国地图数据工具箱(大陆地区) 40 2D GaussFit高斯拟合工具箱 41 dijkstra最小成本路径算法 42 多维数据快速矩阵乘法 43 约束粒子群优化算法 44 脑MRI肿瘤的检测与分类 45 Matlab数值分析算法程序 46 matlab车牌识别完整程序 47 机器人工具箱robot-10.3.1 48 cvx凸优化处理工具箱 49 hctsa时间序列分析工具箱 50 神经科学工具箱Psychtoolbox-3-PTB 51 地震数据处理工具CREWES1990版 52 经济最优化工具箱CompEcon 53 基于约束的重构分析工具箱Cobratoolbox 54 Schwarz-Christoffel Toolbox 55 Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW)海洋学工具箱 56 光声仿真工具箱K-Wave-toolbox-1.2.1 57 语音处理工具箱Sap-Voicebox 58 贝叶斯网工具箱Bayes Net Toolbox(BNT) 59 计算机视觉工具箱VFfeat-0.9.21 60 全向相机校准工具箱OCamCalib_v3.0 61 心理物理学数据分析工具箱Palamedes1_10_3 62 生理学研究工具箱EEGLAB 63 磁共振成像处理工具箱CONN 18b 64 matlab 复杂网络工具箱 65 聚类分析工具箱FuzzyClusteringToolbox 66 遗传规划matlab工具箱 67 粒子群优化工具箱 68 数字图像处理工具箱DIPUM Toolbax V1.1.3 69 遗传算法工具箱 70 鱼群算法工具箱OptimizedAFSAr 71 蚁群算法工具箱 72 matlab优化工具箱 73 数据包络分析工具箱 74 图像分割质量评估工具包 75 相关向量机工具箱 76 音频处理工具箱 77 nurbs工具箱 78 Nurbs-surface工具箱 79 grabit数据提取工具箱 80 量子信息工具箱QLib 81 DYNAMO工具箱 82 NEDC循环的整车油耗量 83 PlotHub工具箱 84 MvCAT_Ver02.01 85 Regularization Tools Version 4.1 86 MatrixVB 4.5(含注册) 87 空间几何工具箱 matGeom-1.2.2 88 大数计算工具箱 VariablePrecisionIntegers 89 晶体织构分析工具包 mtex-5.7.0 90 Minimal Paths 2工具箱 91 Matlab数学建模工具




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