

'use strict';

var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();

function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }

function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }

var initialise = function initialise() {

var application = new Application();

// application.scaleFactor = 2;

application.clearOnRedraw = Application.FADE;

application.fadeColour = 'rgba(0,0,0,.03)';

application.fillColour = 'rgba(30,30,30,1)';


var vfield = new VectorField();

vfield.scale = 300;

vfield.amplitude = 40;

// vfield.debug = true;


var maxNum = 1000;

var num = 0;

var addTracer = function addTracer(position, colour) {

if (num > maxNum) return;


var tracer = new BranchTracer(position.x, position.y);

tracer.field = vfield;

var momentum = new Vector(Math.random(), Math.random());

momentum.length = Math.random() * 2;

tracer.momentum = momentum;

tracer.friction = 0.97;

if (colour) {

tracer.colour = colour;

} else {

tracer.colour = 'RGBA(' + Math.round(Math.random() * 255) + ',' + 100 + Math.round(Math.random() * 155) + ',255,0.2)';



return tracer;


var seed = addTracer(new Vector(window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2), 'RGBA(255, 100, 100, 0.8)');

seed.branchChance = 5;

seed.friction = 0.985;

seed.onBranch = addTracer;

setInterval(function () {

vfield.z = Math.random() * 10000;

}, 10000);

var stage = application.stage;


application.onPointerMove({ clientX: window.innerWidth / 2, clientY: window.innerHeight / 2 });


application.animating = true;

// application.runFor(60 * 120);



var Application = function () {

function Application() {

_classCallCheck(this, Application);

this.stage = document.createElement('canvas');

this.animate = this.animate.bind(this);

this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this);

this.onPointerDown = this.onPointerDown.bind(this);

this.onPointerup = this.onPointerup.bind(this);

this.onPointerMove = this.onPointerMove.bind(this);



Application.prototype.initialiseEvents = function initialiseEvents() {

window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, false);

document.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, false);

document.addEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerup, false);

document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, false);


Application.prototype.deInitialiseEvents = function deInitialiseEvents() {

window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize, false);

document.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, false);

document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerup, false);

document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, false);


Application.prototype.addActor = function addActor(actor) {

if (actor instanceof Actor) {




Application.prototype.runFor = function runFor(ticks) {

var interval = 1 / 60;

var i = 0;

for (i; i < ticks; i++) {

this.triggerEvent('application-animate', { now:, then: this.then, interval: interval, application: this });




Application.prototype.animate = function animate() { =;

var interval = - this.then;

this.triggerEvent('application-animate', { now:, then: this.then, interval: interval, application: this });


this.then =;

if (this.animating) {




Application.prototype.render = function render() {

var _this = this;

var dims = this.dimensions;

if (this.clearOnRedraw == Application.CLEAR) {

this.context.clearRect(0, 0, dims.width, dims.height);

} else if (this.clearOnRedraw == Application.FADE) {

this.context.fillStyle = this.fadeColour;

this.context.fillRect(0, 0, dims.width, dims.height);


this.actors.forEach(function (actor) {




Application.prototype.onResize = function onResize(e) {


this.dimensions = new Vector(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


Application.prototype.onPointerDown = function onPointerDown(e) {};

Application.prototype.onPointerup = function onPointerup(e) {};

Application.prototype.onPointerMove = function onPointerMove(e) {

var pointer = new Vector(e.clientX, e.clientY);

this.triggerEvent('application-pointermove', { pointer: pointer });


Application.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent(event, data) {

if (window.CustomEvent) {

var event = new CustomEvent(event, { detail: data });

} else {

var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');

event.initCustomEvent(event, true, true, data);




_createClass(Application, [{

key: 'actors',

get: function get() {

if (!this._actors) this._actors = [];

return this._actors;


}, {

key: 'scaleFactor',

set: function set(value) {

if (value >= 1) {

this._scaleFactor = value;




get: function get() {

return this._scaleFactor || 1;


}, {

key: 'dimensions',

set: function set(value) {

if (value instanceof Vector) {


this.stage.width = value.width;

this.stage.height = value.height;

this.context.fillStyle = this.fillColour;

this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height);

this._dimensions = value;



get: function get() {

return this._dimensions || new Vector(0, 0);


}, {

key: 'stage',

set: function set(value) {

if (value instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {

value.className = this.className;

this._stage = value;

this.context = this.stage.getContext('2d');

this.context.fillStyle = this.fillColour;

this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height);




get: function get() {

return this._stage || null;


}, {

key: 'now',

set: function set(value) {

if (!isNaN(value)) this._now = value;


get: function get() {

return this._now || 0;


}, {

key: 'then',

set: function set(value) {

if (!isNaN(value)) this._then = value;


get: function get() {

return this._then || 0;


}, {

key: 'animating',

set: function set(value) {

if (value === true && this.animating !== true) {

this._animating = true; =;

this.then =;




get: function get() {

return this._animating === true;


}, {

key: 'fadeColour',

set: function set(value) {

this._fadeColour = value;


get: function get() {

return this._fadeColour || 'rgba(255,255,255,.5)';


}, {

key: 'fillColour',

set: function set(value) {

this._fillColour = value;


get: function get() {

return this._fillColour || 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';


}, {

key: 'clearOnRedraw',

set: function set(value) {

if ([Application.NOCLEAR, Application.CLEAR, Application.FADE].indexOf(value) > -1) {

this._clearOnRedraw = value;



get: function get() {

return this._clearOnRedraw || Application.NOCLEAR;


}, {

key: 'className',

get: function get() {

return 'drawer';



return Application;


Application.NOCLEAR = 0;

Application.CLEAR = 1;

Application.FADE = 2;

var Actor = function () {

function Actor(x, y, w, h) {

_classCallCheck(this, Actor);

this.dimensions = new Vector(w, h);

this.position = new Vector(x, y);


Actor.prototype.render = function render() {};

_createClass(Actor, [{

key: 'dimensions',

set: function set(value) {

if (value instanceof Vector) this._dimensions = value;


get: function get() {

return this._dimensions || new Vector(0, 0);


}, {

key: 'position',

set: function set(value) {

if (value instanceof Vector) this._position = value;


get: function get() {

return this._position || new Vector(0, 0);



return Actor;


var VectorField = function (_Actor) {

_inherits(VectorField, _Actor);

function VectorField() {

var x = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[0];

var y = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];

var w = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];

var h = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[3];

_classCallCheck(this, VectorField);

var _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, x, y, w, h));

_this2.noise = new Noise();

_this2.helpers = [];

_this2.mousepos = new Vector(0, 0);

_this2.onResize = _this2.onResize.bind(_this2);

_this2.onPointerMove = _this2.onPointerMove.bind(_this2);

// document.addEventListener('application-pointermove', this.onPointerMove, false);

window.addEventListener('resize', _this2.onResize);


return _this2;


VectorField.prototype.render = function render(application) {

this.helpers.forEach(function (helper) {




VectorField.prototype.preDraw = function preDraw() {};

VectorField.prototype.postDraw = function postDraw() {};

VectorField.prototype.solveForPosition = function solveForPosition(v) {

if (!v instanceof Vector) return;

v = v.clone();

v.x -= window.innerWidth / 2;

v.y -= window.innerHeight / 2;

var scale = this.scale;

var amp = this.amplitude;

// let waveform = new Vector(Math.cos(v.x / scale) * amp, Math.sin(v.y / scale) * amp);

// return new Vector(waveform.y - waveform.x, -waveform.x - waveform.y);

var envelope = this.amplitude;

var noise = this.noise.noise(v.x / scale, v.y / scale, this.z) * scale;

if (noise > envelope) noise = envelope;

if (noise < -envelope) noise = -envelope;

var noise1 = this.noise.noise(v.y / scale, v.x / scale, this.z / scale);

var transV = new Vector(1, 0);

transV.length = noise;

transV.angle = noise1 * 10;

return transV;

var transv = v.subtractNew(this.mousepos);

transv = new Vector(transv.y - transv.x, -transv.x - transv.y);

transv.length *= 0.03;

if (transv.length > 50) {

transv.length = 50;


transv.length -= 50;

transv.length *= -1;

return transv;


VectorField.prototype.onPointerMove = function onPointerMove(e) {

var _this3 = this;

this.mousepos = e.detail.pointer;

this.helpers.forEach(function (helper) {

helper.vector = _this3.solveForPosition(helper.position);



VectorField.prototype.onResize = function onResize(e) {

if (!this.debug) return;

this.helpers.forEach(function (helper) {



this.helpers = [];

var w = this.sampleWidth;

var curpos = new Vector(0, 0);

while (curpos.y < window.innerHeight + w) {

curpos.x = 0;

while (curpos.x < window.innerWidth + w) {

this.helpers.push(new Arrow(curpos.x, curpos.y, 10, 10, this.solveForPosition(curpos)));

curpos.x += w;


curpos.y += w;



_createClass(VectorField, [{

key: 'scale',

set: function set(value) {

if (value > 0) {

this._scale = value;



get: function get() {

return this._scale || 500;


}, {

key: 'amplitude',

set: function set(value) {

if (value > 0) {

this._amplitude = value;



get: function get() {

return this._amplitude || 10;


}, {

key: 'sampleWidth',

set: function set(value) {

if (value > 0) this._sampleWidth = value;


get: function get() {

return this._sampleWidth || 30;


}, {

key: 'z',

set: function set(value) {

if (value > 0) this._z = value;


get: function get() {

return this._z || 30;


}, {

key: 'mousepos',

set: function set(value) {

if (value instanceof Vector) this._mousepos = value;


get: function get() {

return this._mousepos || new Vector(0, 0);


}, {

key: 'debug',

set: function set(value) {

this._debug = value === true;


get: function get() {

return this._debug === true;


}, {

key: 'strokeStyle',

get: function get() {

return 'black';


}, {

key: 'strokeWidth',

get: function get() {

return 0;



return VectorField;


var Tracer = function (_Actor2) {

_inherits(Tracer, _Actor2);

function Tracer() {

var x = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 200 : arguments[0];

var y = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 200 : arguments[1];

var w = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 40 : arguments[2];

var h = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 20 : arguments[3];

_classCallCheck(this, Tracer);

var _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, x, y, w, h));

_this4.onAnimate = _this4.onAnimate.bind(_this4);

document.addEventListener('application-animate', _this4.onAnimate, false);

_this4.friction = 0.99;

_this4.momentum = new Vector(1, 0);

return _this4;


Tracer.prototype.onAnimate = function onAnimate(e) {

var force = this.field.solveForPosition(this.position).multiplyScalar(0.01);

var app = e.detail.application;

var oldPosition = this.position.clone();

var draw = true;



if (this.momentum.length < 1) this.momentum.length = 1;

if (this.momentum.length > 20) this.momentum.length = 20;


if (this.position.x < -this.dimensions.width) {

this.position.x = app.dimensions.width + this.dimensions.width;

draw = false;

} else if (this.position.x > app.dimensions.width + this.dimensions.width) {

this.position.x = -this.dimensions.width;

draw = false;


if (this.position.y < -this.dimensions.height) {

this.position.y = app.dimensions.height + this.dimensions.height;

draw = false;

} else if (this.position.y > app.dimensions.height + this.dimensions.height) {

this.position.y = -this.dimensions.height;

draw = false;


if (draw) {

var context = app.context;

var opacity = Math.abs((this.momentum.length - 10) / 20);

// console.log(opacity, this.momentum.length);

// console.log(oldPosition, this.position);


context.lineWidth = this.momentum.length / 2;

context.strokeStyle = this.colour;

context.moveTo(oldPosition.x, oldPosition.y);

context.lineTo(this.position.x, this.position.y);




_createClass(Tracer, [{

key: 'colour',

set: function set(value) {

this._colour = value;


get: function get() {

return this._colour || 'RGBA(255,255,255,0.1)';



return Tracer;


var BranchTracer = function (_Tracer) {

_inherits(BranchTracer, _Tracer);

function BranchTracer() {

_classCallCheck(this, BranchTracer);

return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Tracer.apply(this, arguments));


BranchTracer.prototype.onAnimate = function onAnimate(e) {, e);

if (Math.random() * 100 < this.branchChance) {




_createClass(BranchTracer, [{

key: 'onBranch',

set: function set(value) {

if (typeof value == 'function') this._onBranch = value.bind(this);


get: function get() {

return this._onBranch || function () {};


}, {

key: 'branchChance',

set: function set(value) {

if (value > 0 && value <= 100) this._branchChance = value;


get: function get() {

return this._branchChance || 0.2;



return BranchTracer;


var Noise = function () {

function Noise(r) {

_classCallCheck(this, Noise);

if (r == undefined) r = Math;

this.grad3 = [[1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 1], [0, -1, 1], [0, 1, -1], [0, -1, -1]];

this.p = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

this.p[i] = Math.floor(r.random() * 256);


// To remove the need for index wrapping, double the permutation table length

this.perm = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) {

this.perm[i] = this.p[i & 255];


} = function dot(g, x, y, z) {

return g[0] * x + g[1] * y + g[2] * z;


Noise.prototype.mix = function mix(a, b, t) {

return (1.0 - t) * a + t * b;


Noise.prototype.fade = function fade(t) {

return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0);


Noise.prototype.noise = function noise(x, y, z) {

// Find unit grid cell containing point

var X = Math.floor(x);

var Y = Math.floor(y);

var Z = Math.floor(z);

// Get relative xyz coordinates of point within that cell

x = x - X;

y = y - Y;

z = z - Z;

// Wrap the integer cells at 255 (smaller integer period can be introduced here)

X = X & 255;

Y = Y & 255;

Z = Z & 255;

// Calculate a set of eight hashed gradient indices

var gi000 = this.perm[X + this.perm[Y + this.perm[Z]]] % 12;

var gi001 = this.perm[X + this.perm[Y + this.perm[Z + 1]]] % 12;

var gi010 = this.perm[X + this.perm[Y + 1 + this.perm[Z]]] % 12;

var gi011 = this.perm[X + this.perm[Y + 1 + this.perm[Z + 1]]] % 12;

var gi100 = this.perm[X + 1 + this.perm[Y + this.perm[Z]]] % 12;

var gi101 = this.perm[X + 1 + this.perm[Y + this.perm[Z + 1]]] % 12;

var gi110 = this.perm[X + 1 + this.perm[Y + 1 + this.perm[Z]]] % 12;

var gi111 = this.perm[X + 1 + this.perm[Y + 1 + this.perm[Z + 1]]] % 12;

// The gradients of each corner are now:

// g000 = grad3[gi000];

// g001 = grad3[gi001];

// g010 = grad3[gi010];

// g011 = grad3[gi011];

// g100 = grad3[gi100];

// g101 = grad3[gi101];

// g110 = grad3[gi110];

// g111 = grad3[gi111];

// Calculate noise contributions from each of the eight corners

var n000 =[gi000], x, y, z);

var n100 =[gi100], x - 1, y, z);

var n010 =[gi010], x, y - 1, z);

var n110 =[gi110], x - 1, y - 1, z);

var n001 =[gi001], x, y, z - 1);

var n101 =[gi101], x - 1, y, z - 1);

var n011 =[gi011], x, y - 1, z - 1);

var n111 =[gi111], x - 1, y - 1, z - 1);

// Compute the fade curve value for each of x, y, z

var u = this.fade(x);

var v = this.fade(y);

var w = this.fade(z);

// Interpolate along x the contributions from each of the corners

var nx00 = this.mix(n000, n100, u);

var nx01 = this.mix(n001, n101, u);

var nx10 = this.mix(n010, n110, u);

var nx11 = this.mix(n011, n111, u);

// Interpolate the four results along y

var nxy0 = this.mix(nx00, nx10, v);

var nxy1 = this.mix(nx01, nx11, v);

// Interpolate the two last results along z

var nxyz = this.mix(nxy0, nxy1, w);

return nxyz;


return Noise;


var conversionFactor = 180 / Math.PI;

var radianToDegrees = function radianToDegrees(radian) {

return radian * conversionFactor;


var degreesToRadian = function degreesToRadian(degrees) {

return degrees / conversionFactor;


// Taken from


* A basic 2D Vector class that provides simple algebraic functionality in the form

* of 2D Vectors.


* We use Getters/setters for both principle properties (x & y) as well as virtual

* properties (rotation, length etc.).


* @class Vector

* @author Liam Egan * @version 0.1.1

* @created Dec 19, 2016


var Vector = function () {


* The Vector Class constructor


* @constructor

* @param {number} x The x coord

* @param {number} y The y coord


function Vector(x, y) {

_classCallCheck(this, Vector);

this.x = x;

this.y = y;



* Resets the vector coordinates


* @public

* @param {number} x The x coord

* @param {number} y The y coord


Vector.prototype.reset = function reset(x, y) {

this.x = x;

this.y = y;



* Clones the vector


* @public

* @return {Vector}The cloned vector


Vector.prototype.clone = function clone() {

return new Vector(this.x, this.y);



* Adds one vector to another.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to add to this one

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.add = function add(vector) {

this.x += vector.x;

this.y += vector.y;

return this;



* Clones the vector and adds the vector to it instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to add to this one

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.addNew = function addNew(vector) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.add(vector);



* Adds a scalar to the vector, modifying both the x and y


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to add to the vector

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.addScalar = function addScalar(scalar) {

return this.add(new Vector(scalar, scalar));



* Clones the vector and adds the scalar to it instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to add to the vector

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.addScalarNew = function addScalarNew(scalar) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.addScalar(scalar);



* Subtracts one vector from another.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to subtract from this one

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.subtract = function subtract(vector) {

this.x -= vector.x;

this.y -= vector.y;

return this;



* Clones the vector and subtracts the vector from it instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to subtract from this one

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.subtractNew = function subtractNew(vector) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.subtract(vector);



* Subtracts a scalar from the vector, modifying both the x and y


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to subtract from the vector

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.subtractScalar = function subtractScalar(scalar) {

return this.subtract(new Vector(scalar, scalar));



* Clones the vector and subtracts the scalar from it instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to add to the vector

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.subtractScalarNew = function subtractScalarNew(scalar) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.subtractScalar(scalar);



* Divides one vector by another.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to divide this by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.divide = function divide(vector) {

if (vector.x !== 0) {

this.x /= vector.x;

} else {

this.x = 0;


if (vector.y !== 0) {

this.y /= vector.y;

} else {

this.y = 0;


return this;



* Clones the vector and divides it by the vector instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to divide the clone by

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.divideNew = function divideNew(vector) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.divide(vector);



* Divides the vector by a scalar.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide both x and y by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.divideScalar = function divideScalar(scalar) {

var v = new Vector(scalar, scalar);

return this.divide(v);



* Clones the vector and divides it by the provided scalar.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide both x and y by

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.divideScalarNew = function divideScalarNew(scalar) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.divideScalar(scalar);



* Multiplies one vector by another.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to multiply this by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.multiply = function multiply(vector) {

this.x *= vector.x;

this.y *= vector.y;

return this;



* Clones the vector and multiplies it by the vector instead


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {Vector} vector The vector to multiply the clone by

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.multiplyNew = function multiplyNew(vector) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.multiply(vector);



* Multiplies the vector by a scalar.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply both x and y by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar = function multiplyScalar(scalar) {

var v = new Vector(scalar, scalar);

return this.multiply(v);



* Clones the vector and multiplies it by the provided scalar.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply both x and y by

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.multiplyScalarNew = function multiplyScalarNew(scalar) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.multiplyScalar(scalar);



* Alias of {@link Vector#multiplyScalar__anchor multiplyScalar}


Vector.prototype.scale = function scale(scalar) {

return this.multiplyScalar(scalar);



* Alias of {@link Vector#multiplyScalarNew__anchor multiplyScalarNew}


Vector.prototype.scaleNew = function scaleNew(scalar) {

return this.multiplyScalarNew(scalar);



* Rotates a vecor by a given amount, provided in radians.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} radian The angle, in radians, to rotate the vector by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotate = function rotate(radian) {

var x = this.x * Math.cos(radian) - this.y * Math.sin(radian);

var y = this.x * Math.sin(radian) + this.y * Math.cos(radian);

this.x = x;

this.y = y;

return this;



* Clones the vector and rotates it by the supplied radian value


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} radian The angle, in radians, to rotate the vector by

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateNew = function rotateNew(radian) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.rotate(radian);



* Rotates a vecor by a given amount, provided in degrees. Converts the degree

* value to radians and runs the rotaet method.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} degrees The angle, in degrees, to rotate the vector by

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateDeg = function rotateDeg(degrees) {

return this.rotate(degreesToRadian(degrees));



* Clones the vector and rotates it by the supplied degree value


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} degrees The angle, in degrees, to rotate the vector by

* @return {Vector} Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateDegNew = function rotateDegNew(degrees) {

return this.rotateNew(degreesToRadian(degrees));



* Alias of {@link Vector#rotate__anchor rotate}


Vector.prototype.rotateBy = function rotateBy(radian) {

return this.rotate(radian);



* Alias of {@link Vector#rotateNew__anchor rotateNew}


Vector.prototype.rotateByNew = function rotateByNew(radian) {

return this.rotateNew(radian);



* Alias of {@link Vector#rotateDeg__anchor rotateDeg}


Vector.prototype.rotateDegBy = function rotateDegBy(degrees) {

return this.rotateDeg(degrees);



* Alias of {@link Vector#rotateDegNew__anchor rotateDegNew}


Vector.prototype.rotateDegByNew = function rotateDegByNew(radian) {

return tjos.rotateDegNew(radian);



* Rotates a vector to a specific angle


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} radian The angle, in radians, to rotate the vector to

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateTo = function rotateTo(radian) {

return this.rotate(radian - this.angle);



* Clones the vector and rotates it to the supplied radian value


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} radian The angle, in radians, to rotate the vector to

* @return {Vector}Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateToNew = function rotateToNew(radian) {

var v = this.clone();

return v.rotateTo(radian);



* Rotates a vecor to a given amount, provided in degrees. Converts the degree

* value to radians and runs the rotateTo method.


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} degrees The angle, in degrees, to rotate the vector to

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateToDeg = function rotateToDeg(degrees) {

return this.rotateTo(degreesToRadian(degrees));



* Clones the vector and rotates it to the supplied degree value


* @public

* @chainable

* @param {number} degrees The angle, in degrees, to rotate the vector to

* @return {Vector} Returns the clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.rotateToDegNew = function rotateToDegNew(degrees) {

return this.rotateToNew(degreesToRadian(degrees));



* Normalises the vector down to a length of 1 unit


* @public

* @chainable

* @return {Vector}Returns itself, modified


Vector.prototype.normalise = function normalise() {

return this.divideScalar(this.length);



* Clones the vector and normalises it


* @public

* @chainable

* @return {Vector}Returns a clone of itself, modified


Vector.prototype.normaliseNew = function normaliseNew() {

return this.divideScalarNew(this.length);



* Calculates the distance between this and the supplied vector


* @param {Vector} vector The vector to calculate the distance from

* @return {number} The distance between this and the supplied vector


Vector.prototype.distance = function distance(vector) {

return this.subtractNew(vector).length;



* Calculates the distance on the X axis between this and the supplied vector


* @param {Vector} vector The vector to calculate the distance from

* @return {number} The distance, along the x axis, between this and the supplied vector


Vector.prototype.distanceX = function distanceX(vector) {

return this.x - vector.x;



* Calculated the distance on the Y axis between this and the supplied vector


* @param {Vector} vector The vector to calculate the distance from

* @return {number} The distance, along the y axis, between this and the supplied vector


Vector.prototype.distanceY = function distanceY(vector) {

return this.y - vector.y;



* Calculates the dot product between this and a supplied vector


* @example

* // returns -14

* new Vector(2, -3).dot(new Vector(-4, 2))

* new Vector(-4, 2).dot(new Vector(2, -3))

* new Vector(2, -4).dot(new Vector(-3, 2))


* @param {Vector} vector The vector object against which to calculate the dot product

* @return {number} The dot product of the two vectors

*/ = function dot(vector) {

return this.x * vector.x + this.y * vector.y;



* Calculates the cross product between this and the supplied vector.


* @example

* // returns -2

* new Vector(2, -3).cross(new Vector(-4, 2))

* new Vector(-4, 2).cross(new Vector(2, -3))

* // returns 2

* new Vector(2, -4).cross(new Vector(-3, 2))


* @param {Vector} vector The vector object against which to calculate the cross product

* @return {number} The cross product of the two vectors


Vector.prototype.cross = function cross(vector) {

return this.x * vector.x - this.y * vector.y;



* Getters and setters



* (getter/setter) The x value of the vector.


* @type {number}

* @default 0


_createClass(Vector, [{

key: 'x',

set: function set(x) {

if (typeof x == 'number') {

this._x = x;

} else {

throw new TypeError('X should be a number');



get: function get() {

return this._x || 0;



* (getter/setter) The y value of the vector.


* @type {number}

* @default 0


}, {

key: 'y',

set: function set(y) {

if (typeof y == 'number') {

this._y = y;

} else {

throw new TypeError('Y should be a number');



get: function get() {

return this._y || 0;



* (getter/setter) The length of the vector presented as a square. If you're using

* length for comparison, this is quicker.


* @type {number}

* @default 0


}, {

key: 'lengthSquared',

set: function set(length) {

var factor;

if (typeof length == 'number') {

factor = length / this.lengthSquared;


} else {

throw new TypeError('length should be a number');



get: function get() {

return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;



* (getter/setter) The length of the vector


* @type {number}

* @default 0


}, {

key: 'length',

set: function set(length) {

var factor;

if (typeof length == 'number') {

factor = length / this.length;


} else {

throw new TypeError('length should be a number');



get: function get() {

return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSquared);



* (getter/setter) The angle of the vector, in radians


* @type {number}

* @default 0


}, {

key: 'angle',

set: function set(radian) {

if (typeof radian == 'number') {


} else {

throw new TypeError('angle should be a number');



get: function get() {

return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);



* (getter/setter) The angle of the vector, in radians


* @type {number}

* @default 0


}, {

key: 'angleInDegrees',

set: function set(degrees) {

if (typeof degrees == 'number') {


} else {

throw new TypeError('angle should be a number');



get: function get() {

return radianToDegrees(Math.atan2(this.y, this.x));



* (getter/setter) Vector width.

* Alias of {@link Vector#x x}


* @type {number}


}, {

key: 'width',

set: function set(w) {

this.x = w;


get: function get() {

return this.x;



* (getter/setter) Vector height.

* Alias of {@link Vector#x x}


* @type {number}


}, {

key: 'height',

set: function set(h) {

this.y = h;


get: function get() {

return this.y;



* (getter/setter) Vector area.

* @readonly


* @type {number}


}, {

key: 'area',

get: function get() {

return this.x * this.y;



return Vector;



适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持Safari、IE8及以下浏览器。

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