


Fofeword to the Flrt Editlon


1 Foundation

Problem: Bullding a Network

1.1 Requlroments

1.1.1 Connectivlty

1.1.2 Cot-Effectlv Resource Sharlng

1.1.3 Support for Common Sorvices

1.1.4 Perfonmance

1.2 Network Archlfeture

1.2.1 Layering and Protocols

12.2 OSL Archltecture

1.2.3 Intemet Archltoetura

1.3 Implementlng Network Software

l.3.l Appllcatlon Programmlng Infrface (Sookf)

1.3.2 Example Appllcation

1.3.3 Protocol Implemtatlon lssues

1.4 Summary

Open lssue: Ublquitous Networklng

Further Reading


2 Oirect Link Networks

Problem: Phyically Connrctlng Hof

2.1 Hardware Bulldlng Blocks

2.1.1 Nodes

2.1.2 Unks

2.2 Encodlng (NRZ. NRZl. Manchester, 4B/5B)

2.3 Framlng

2.3. l Byte-Oriented Protocols (BlSYNC,PPP, DDCMP)

2.3.2 Bit-Orienfod Protocols (HDLC)

2.3.3 Clock-Based Framing (SONET)

2.4 Error Dfctlon

2.4.1 TWo-Dimensional Parity

2.4.2 Internt Checlkum Algorithm

2.4.3 Cyclic Redundanc Check

2.5 Rellable transmisssion

2.5.1 Stop-and-Wait

2.5.2 Siiding Wlndow

2.5.3 Concurront Loglcal Channels

2.6 Ethernet (802.3)

2.0.1 Phylcal Properties

2.0.2 Access Protocol

2.6.3 Experience with Ethernet

2.7 Tokon Rings (802.5. FDDl)

2.7.1 Phylcal Propertis

2.7.2 Tokon Ring Media Access Control

2.7.3 Tokon Rlng Malnfnance

2.7.4 Frane Format

2.7.5 FODl

2.8 Wireless(802.11)

2.8.1 Phylcal Proporties

2.8.2 Collislon Avoldance

2.8.3 Distributlon Syfm

2.8.4 Frame Format

2.9 Network Adaptors

2.9.1 Compononts

2.9.2 Viow from the Hot

2.9.3 Device Drivers

2.9.4 Momory Bottleneck

2.10 Summary

Open Issue: Does It Belong in Hardware?

Further Roadlng

3 Packet Switching

Problom: Not All Notworks Are Dlrectly Connected

3.1 Swltchlng and Forwardlng

3.1.1 Dtagrams

3.1.2 Vlrtual Circult Swltchlng

3.1.3 Sourco Routlng

3.1.4 Implomention and Parformance

3.2 Bridges and LAN Swltches

3.2.1 Lesrning Brldges

3.2.2 Spanning Tree Algorlthm

3.2.3 Broadcast and Multlcast

3.2.4 Limifetions of Brldges

3.3 Cell Switehlng (ATM)

3.3.1 Cells

3.3.2 Segmenttlon and Reasmbly

3.3.3 Vlrtual Paths

3.3.4 Phylcal Layers for ATM

3.3.5 ATM in the LAN

3.4 Swltching Hardware

3.4.1 DeslgnQoals

3.4.2 Ports and Fabrlcs

3.4.3 Crossbar Swltches

3.4.4 Share-Medis Switches

3.4.5 Self-Routlng Fabrics

3.8 Summary

Open lssue: The Future of ATM

Furtler Roading


4 Internetworking

Problem: There is More Than One Ntwork

4.1 Simple Intermetworking (IP)

4. 1.1 What is an Internetwok?

4.1.2 ServlceModol

4.1.3 Olobal Addresses

4.1.4 Datagram Forwardlng in iP

4.1.8 Address Tramlatlon (ARP)

4.1.6 Hot Configurtlon (DHCP)

4.1. 7 Error Roportlng (lCMP)

4.1.8 Vlrtual Ntworks and Tunineis

4.2 Routing

4.2.1 Ntwork as a Graph

4.2.2 Dltance Vector (RlP)

4.2.3 Unk State (OSPF)

4.2.4 Metrics

4.2.5 Routing for Mobiie Hosts

4.3 Qlobal internet

4.3.1 Subnettlng

4.3.2 Classless Routlng (ClDR)

4.3.3 Infrdomain Routlng (BQP)

4.3.4 Routlng Areas

4.3.5 IP version 6 (IPv6)

4.4 Muiticat

4.4.1 Unk-State Multlcast

4.4.2 Difnce-Vector Multicat

4.4.3 Protocol lncdopendont Muitlcat (PlM)

4.6 Summary

Opon issue: IP, ATM, and MPLS

Further Reading


5 End-to-End Protocols

Problem: Qettlng Proesses to Communlcate

5.l Simpte Demultlplexer (UDP)

5.2 Reliable Byte Stream (TCP)

5.2.1 End-to-End issues

5.2.2 Sogment Format

5.2.3 Connectlon Establishment and Tormlnation

5.2.4 Slldlng Wlndow Revisitod

5.2.8 Adaptive Retransmission

5.2.9 Racord Boundaries

5.2.7 TCP Extensions

5.2.8 Aiternative Deslgn Cholces

5.3 Ronote Procedure Call

5.3.1 Bulk Transfer (BLAST)

5.3.2 Requestroply(CHAN)

5.3.3 Dispatcler (SELECT)

5.3.4 Putting it All Togther (SunRPC. DCE)

5.4 Performance

5.4.1 Experimental Method

5.4.2 Latency

5.4.3 Throughput

5.5 Summary

Open Lssue: Application-Speclflc Protocoisis

Further Reading


6 Congestion Control and Resourca Allocation

Problem: Allocatlng Resourees

6.1 lssues in Resource Allocatlon

6.1.1 Network Model

6.1.2 Taxonomy

6.1.3 Evaluation Criteria

6.2 Queulng Discipllnes

6.2.1 FlFO

6.2.2 FairQueulng

6.3 TCP Congestlon Control

6.3.1 Addltlve increase/Multlpllcative Decrease

6.3.2 Slow Start

6.3.3 Fart Retransmlt and Fast Recovery

6.4 Congation-Avoidance Mechanlsma

6.4. 1 DECblt

6.4.2 Random Early Defctlon (RED)

6.4.3 Sourca Baaed Congetlon Avoldance

6.5 Quallty of Sorvice

6.5.1 Application Requiroments

6.5.2 Intogratod Servlces (RSVP)

6.6.3 Dlfferentiate Servlces

6.5.4 ATM Quality of Service

6.6 Summary

Open lssue: lnside versus Outslde the Network

Further Readlng

7 End-to-End Data

Problem: What Do We Do wlth the Data?

7.1 Presenttion Formatting

7.1.1 Taxonomy

7.1. 2 Examipies(XDR.ASN.l.NDR)

7.2 Df Compression

7.2.1 Lossless Compresslon Algorithms

7.2.2 image Compresslon (JPEO)

7.2.3 Vldeo Compresson (MPEQ)

7.2.4 Transmlttlng MPEQ over a Network

7.2.8 Audlo Compresslon (MP3)

7.3 Summry

Open iasue: Compufr Networks Meet Consuner Electronics

Further Roading


8 Network Security

Problem: Securlng the Data

8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms

8.1.1 Requirements

8.1.2 The Df Eneryption Standard (DES)

8.1.3 RSA

8.1.4 Message Digest 5 (MD5)

8.1.5 implenmontation and porformanee

8.2 Socurlty Mechanisms

8.2.1 Authentlcatlon Protocols

8.2.2 Message intogrity Protoeols

8.2.3 Publle Key Ditrlbutlon (X.509)

8.3 Example Sys tems

8.3.1 Privacy Enhanced Mall (PEM)

8.3.2 Pretty Good Prtvacy (PGP)

8.3.3 Tranport Layer Security (TLS. SSL. HTTPS)

8.3.4 IP Security (IPSEC)

8.4 Firewalls

8.4.1 Fller-Based Firewalls

8.4.2 Proxy-Bassd Flrewalls

8.4.3 Umltatlons

8.5 Summary

Open issue: Donial-of-Service Attacks

Further Readlng


9 Applications

Problem: Applications Need Their Own Protoeols

9.1 Name Service (DNS)

9.1.1 Domaln Hierarchy

9.1.2 Name Servers

9.1.3 Name Resolution

9.2 TradltloMl Applicatlons

9.2.1 Electronlc Mail (SMTP, MlME)

9.2.2 World Wlde Web(HTTP)

9.2.3 Network Management (SNMP)

9.3 Multimedia Applications

9.3.1 Requirements

9.3.2 Real-tlme Tranport Protocol (RTP)

9.3.3 Session Control and Call Control (H.323)

9.4 Summary

Open lssue: Programming the Network

Further Reading




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Computer Networks Fourth Edition,Andrew S. Tanenbaum,计算机网络经典原教程. Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Uses of Computer Networks Section 1.2. Network Hardware Section 1.3. Network Software Section 1.4. Reference Models Section 1.5. Example Networks Section 1.6. Network Standardization Section 1.7. Metric Units Section 1.8. Outline of the Rest of the Book Section 1.9. Summary Chapter 2. The Physical Layer Section 2.1. The Theoretical Basis for Data Communication Section 2.2. Guided Transmission Media Section 2.3. Wireless Transmission Section 2.4. Communication Satellites Section 2.5. The Public Switched Telephone Network Section 2.6. The Mobile Telephone System Section 2.7. Cable Television Section 2.8. Summary Chapter 3. The Data Link Layer Section 3.1. Data Link Layer Design Issues Section 3.2. Error Detection and Correction Section 3.3. Elementary Data Link Protocols Section 3.4. Sliding Window Protocols Section 3.5. Protocol Verification Section 3.6. Example Data Link Protocols Section 3.7. Summary Chapter 4. The Medium Access Control Sublayer Section 4.1. The Channel Allocation Problem Section 4.2. Multiple Access Protocols Section 4.3. Ethernet Section 4.4. Wireless LANs Section 4.5. Broadband Wireless Section 4.6. Bluetooth Section 4.7. Data Link Layer Switching Section 4.8. Summary Chapter 5. The Network Layer Section 5.1. Network Layer Design Issues Section 5.2. Routing Algorithms Section 5.3. Congestion Control Algorithms Section 5.4. Quality of Service Section 5.5. Internetworking Section 5.6. The Network Layer in the Internet Section 5.


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