该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼
check [001] 1
goto @away
checklevel 255
Welcome .[BACKSLASH]
I will give you items to suit your class :)[BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
You do not appear to be the lord,[BACKSLASH]
or his Companion![BACKSLASH]
, why do you return so soon?[BACKSLASH]
I have given you your items, what you did with them[BACKSLASH]
is none of my concern, please leave, i have a bad head![BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
You will have to tell me your gender, i have poor eyesight[BACKSLASH]
and poor hearing... [BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
checkjob Warrior
give DragonSlayer 1
give PowerRing 2
give GreenBead 1
give SteelArmour(m)
give BlackIronHelm 1
give BlackIronGlove 2
give ParalysisRing 1
SET [001] 1
A big strong warrior such as you [BACKSLASH]
should have these items![BACKSLASH]
goto @mwiz
checkjob wizard
give DragonStaff 1
give DragonRobe(M) 1
give DragonBracelet 2
give DemonicBells 1
give SpiritRing 2
give VioletRing 2
give ProtectionRing 1
give RecoveryRing 1
SET [001] 1
You are a proud wizard ,
Take these items![BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
goto @mtao
checkjob taoist
give SoulSabre 1
give TitanArmour(M) 1
give TitanRing 2
give SoulBracelet 2
give SoulNecklace 1
give Amulet 5
SET [001] 1
Aha! a well trained taoist deserves these items![BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
checkjob Warrior
give DragonSlayer 1
give PowerRing 2
give GreenBead 1
give SteelArmour(f)
give BlackIronHelm 1
give BlackIronGlove 2
give ParalysisRing 1
SET [001] 1
A big strong warrior such as you [BACKSLASH]
should have these items![BACKSLASH]
goto @fwiz
checkjob wizard
give DragonStaff 1
give DragonRobe(f) 1
give DragonBracelet 2
give DemonicBells 1
give SpiritRing 2
give VioletRing 2
give ProtectionRing 1
give RecoveryRing 1
SET [001] 1
You are a proud wizard ,
Take these items![BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
goto @ftao
checkjob taoist
give SoulSabre 1
give TitanArmour(F) 1
give TitanRing 2
give SoulBracelet 2
give SoulNecklace 1
give Amulet 5
SET [001] 1
Aha! a well trained taoist deserves these items![BACKSLASH] [BACKSLASH]
Sorry, but for some reason this forum erases backslashes,
copy this into note pad, then press ctrl+h (REPLACE)
type in the search field "[BACKSLASH]"
type in the replace with field (bah silly forum) "backslash", but not the word :-P
then hit replace all.
that should be it done, u should see all [BACKSLASH] replaced b an actual backslash.