oracle 专用连接器,Attunity 推出的用于 Oracle 和 Teradata 的 Microsoft 连接器 - SQL Server Integration Services (SSI...

Attunity 推出的用于 Oracle 和 Teradata 的 Microsoft 连接器(用于 Integration Services (SSIS))Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity for Integration Services (SSIS)



适用于:Applies to: 719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.pngSQL ServerSQL Server(所有支持的版本)719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.pngSQL ServerSQL Server (all supported versions) 719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.png Azure 数据工厂中的 SSIS Integration RuntimeSSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.png Azure 数据工厂中的 SSIS Integration RuntimeSSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory适用于:Applies to: 719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.pngSQL ServerSQL Server(所有支持的版本)719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.pngSQL ServerSQL Server (all supported versions) 719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.png Azure 数据工厂中的 SSIS Integration RuntimeSSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory719f28649793c602f9270966b5ed5c39.png Azure 数据工厂中的 SSIS Integration RuntimeSSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory


适用于 Oracle 和 Teradata 的 Attunity Connector 支持 SQL Server 2017 及更低版本。Atunity Connectors for Oracle and Teradata support SQL Server 2017 and below.

自 SQL Server 2019 起,从此处获取适用于 Oracle 和 Teradata 的最新连接器:From SQL Server 2019, get latest connectors for Oracle and Teradata here:

可下载用于Attunity 提供的 Integration Services 的连接器,当在 SSIS 包中向 Oracle 或 Teradata 加载数据或从中下载数据时,该连接器可优化性能。You can download connectors for Integration Services by Attunity that optimize performance when loading data to or from Oracle or Teradata in an SSIS package.

下载最新的 Attunity 连接器Download the latest Attunity connectors

问题 - Attunity 连接器未显示在 SSIS 工具箱中Issue - The Attunity connectors aren't visible in the SSIS Toolbox

若要在 SSIS 工具箱中查看 Attunity 连接器,所安装的连接器版本所针对的 SQL Server 版本应与计算机上安装的 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 版本相同。To see the Attunity connectors in the SSIS Toolbox, you always have to install the version of the connectors that targets the same version of SQL Server as the version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) installed on your computer. (计算机上可同时安装有其他早期版本的连接器。)此要求不受 SSIS 项目和包中所面向的 SQL Server 版本的影响。(You may also have earlier versions of the connectors installed.) This requirement is independent of the version of SQL Server that you want to target in your SSIS projects and packages.

例如,如果已安装最新版本的 SSDT,则 SSDT 为 17 版,具有一个以 14 开头的内部版本号。For example, if you've installed the latest version of SSDT, you have version 17 of SSDT with a build number that starts with 14. 此版本的 SSDT 添加了对 SQL Server 2017 的支持。This version of SSDT adds support for SQL Server 2017. 若要在 SSIS 包开发中查看和使用 Attunity 连接器(即使想面向更早的 SQL Server 版本),仍须安装最新版本的 Attunity 连接器(5.0 版)。To see and use the Attunity connectors in SSIS package development - even if you want to target an earlier version of SQL Server - you also have to install the latest version of the Attunity connectors, version 5.0. 此版本的连接器也添加了对 SQL Server 2017 的支持。This version of the connectors also adds support for SQL Server 2017.

从“帮助” | “关于 Microsoft Visual Studio”或控制面板中的“程序和功能”检查 Visual Studio 中安装的 SSDT 版本 。Check the installed version of SSDT in Visual Studio from Help | About Microsoft Visual Studio, or in Programs and Features in the Control Panel. 然后安装下表中相应的 Attunity 连接器版本。Then install the corresponding version of the Attunity connectors from the following table.

SSDT 版本SSDT version

SSDT 内部版本号SSDT build number

目标 SQL Server 版本Target SQL Server version

连接器的所需版本Required version of Connectors

下载最新的 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)Download the latest SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

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