

Public cmnu, re



Private Sub Form_Load()

Form1.Caption = "用户信息系统(" & "未登录" & ")"

End Sub


Private Sub mnubs_Click()

Dim msg

If re = 0 Then msg = MsgBox("你还未登录,无法查看变数。", 0 + 64, "无法查看变数"):

Exit Sub

Dialog4.Show 1

End Sub


Private Sub mnudialog3_Click()

Dim msg

If re = 0 Then msg = MsgBox("你还未登录,无法查看好友列表。", 0 + 64, "无法查看好友列表"):

Exit Sub

Dialog3.Show 1

End Sub


Private Sub mnulog_Click()

Dim msg, f, i, s

If re <> 0 Then msg = MsgBox("用户正在使用本系统,请注销后再登录。", 0 + 64,

"无法登录系统"): Exit Sub

cmnu = 1: Dialog2.Show 1

If re > 0 Then f = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", re):

Form1.Caption = "用户信息系统(" & dtxt(f, " ", 1) & ")"

End Sub


Private Sub mnuvuce_Click()

cmnu = 2: Dialog2.Show 1

End Sub


Private Sub mnuvuxk_Click()

Dim i, s, f

re = 0: Form1.Caption = "用户信息系统(" & "未登录" & ")"

End Sub


Private Sub mnuxngsmima_Click()

Dim msg

If re = 0 Then msg = MsgBox("你还未登录,无法修改密码。", 0 + 64, "无法修改密码"):

Exit Sub

cmnu = 3: Dialog2.Show 1

End Sub


Private Sub mnuend_Click()


End Sub



Private Sub CancelButton_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub Combo1_Click()

Dim i, s

For i = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1

If Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(i) Then Exit


Next i

i = i + 1: s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", i): Check1.Value

= Val(dtxt(s, " ", 3)): Label4_Click

If Val(dtxt(s, " ", 3)) = 1 Then

Text1.Text = dtxt(s, " ", 2)


Text1.Text = "":

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim i, s

If cmnu = 1 Then

For i = 0 To Frame1.Count - 1

Frame1(i).Visible = IIf(Int(i) = 0, True,


Frame1(i).BorderStyle = 0

Next i

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", i):

Combo1.AddItem dtxt(s, " ", 1)

Next i

Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(IIf(re = 0, 0, re -

1)): Combo1_Click

OKButton.Caption = "登录": Dialog2.Caption =

"登录系统": Text5.Text = "": Label4_Click

End If

If cmnu = 2 Then

For i = 0 To Frame1.Count - 1

Frame1(i).Visible = IIf(Int(i) = 1, True,


Frame1(i).BorderStyle = 0

Next i

For i = 0 To Label3.Count - 1

Label3(i).Caption = Choose(i + 1, "号码", "密码",


Next i

OKButton.Caption = "注册": Dialog2.Caption =


Text2.Text = "": Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text =


End If

If cmnu = 3 Then

For i = 0 To Frame1.Count - 1

Frame1(i).Visible = IIf(Int(i) = 1, True,


Frame1(i).BorderStyle = 0

Next i

For i = 0 To Label3.Count - 1

Label3(i).Caption = Choose(i + 1, "旧密码", "新密码",


Next i

OKButton.Caption = "修改": Dialog2.Caption =


Text2.Text = "": Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text =

"": Text2.PasswordChar = "*"

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Label5_Click()

Dim i, s, a, msg

If filecount(App.Path & "\log.txt") = 0 Or Combo1.Text = ""

Then Exit Sub

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path & "\log.txt")

s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", i)

If dtxt(s, " ", 1) = Combo1.Text Then Exit


Next i

If i <= filecount(App.Path & "\log.txt") Then

msg = MsgBox("是否要删除此用户?", 4 + 32, "确认删除用户")

If msg = vbYes Then

Call filerem(App.Path & "\log.txt", i): Kill

App.Path & "\friend\" & dtxt(s, " ", 1) & ".txt"

Kill App.Path & "\user\" & dtxt(s, " ",

1) & ".txt": a = i: a = IIf(a = 1, 1, a - 1):


For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path &

"\log.txt", i): Combo1.AddItem dtxt(s, " ", 1)

Next i

Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(a - 1):


End If


msg = MsgBox("此用户不存在,无法删除此用户!", 0 + 16,


End If

End Sub


Private Sub OKButton_Click()

Dim i, msg, j, s: j = 0

If cmnu = 1 Then

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", i)

If dtxt(s, " ", 1) = Combo1.Text Then Exit


Next i

If Text1.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入密码", 0 +

16, "密码为空"): Exit Sub

If dtxt(s, " ", 2) = Text1.Text And i <=

filecount(App.Path & "\log.txt") Then

Form1.Caption = dtxt(s, " ", 1): re = i

s = ctxt(" ", Left(s, defc(s, " ", 2) - 1),

Check1.Value): Call Module1.filelist(App.Path & "\log.txt", i,

s): Unload Me


If dtxt(s, " ", 2) <> Text1.Text


msg = MsgBox("密码错误,请重新输入", 0 +

16, "密码错误"): Text1.Text = "": Label4_Click

ElseIf UCase(Text5.Text) <>

UCase(Label4.Caption) Then

msg = MsgBox("验证码错误,请重新输入", 0

+ 16, "验证码错误"): Text5.Text = "": Label4_Click


End If

End If

End If

If cmnu = 2 Then

If Text2.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入用户名", 0

+ 16, "用户名为空"): Exit Sub

If Text3.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入密码", 0 +

16, "密码为空"): Exit Sub

If Text4.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入确认密码", 0

+ 16, "确认密码为空"): Exit Sub

j = 0

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", i)

If dtxt(s, " ", 1) = Text2.Text Then j = j +


Next i

If j = 0 And Text3.Text = Text4.Text Then

s = ctxt(" ", Text2.Text, Text3.Text, 0): Call

Module1.fileadd(App.Path & "\log.txt", 0, s):

Call fileclear(App.Path & "\user\" &

Text2.Text & ".txt"): Call fileclear(App.Path & "\friend\"

& Text2.Text & ".txt")

msg = MsgBox("恭喜你,注册成功", 0 + 64, "注册成功"): Unload



If j <> 0 Then msg =

MsgBox("用户名已存在,请重新输入", 0 + 16, "用户名已存在"): Text2.Text = "": Exit


If Text3.Text <> Text4.Text Then msg =

MsgBox("密码输入不一致,请重新输入", 0 + 16, "密码输入不一致"): Text3.Text = "":

Text4.Text = "": Exit Sub

End If

End If

If cmnu = 3 Then

If Text2.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入旧密码 ", 0

+ 16, "旧密码为空"): Exit Sub

If Text3.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入新密码", 0

+ 16, "新密码为空"): Exit Sub

If Text4.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入确认新密码",

0 + 16, "确认新密码为空"): Exit Sub

s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", re)

If dtxt(s, " ", 2) = Text2.Text And Text3.Text =

Text4.Text Then

s = ctxt(" ", Left(s, defc(s, " ", 1) - 1),

Text3.Text, 0): Call Module1.filelist(App.Path & "\log.txt",

re, s)

msg = MsgBox("恭喜你,修改密码成功", 0 + 64, "修改密码成功"):

Unload Me


If Text2.Text <> dtxt(s, " ", 2) Then msg

= MsgBox("旧密码错误,请重新输入", 0 + 16, "旧密码错误"): Text2.Text = "": Exit


If Text3.Text <> Text4.Text Then msg =

MsgBox("新密码与确认新密码输入不一致,请重新输入", 0 + 16, "新密码与确认新密码输入不一致"):

Text3.Text = "": Text4.Text = "": Exit Sub

End If

End If

End Sub



Option Explicit: Dim f


Private Sub CancelButton_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdmove_Click(Index As Integer)

Dim i, s, a

If List1.SelCount <> 0 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then Exit For

Next i

i = i + 1: a = i: s = fileline(f, i)

If Index = 0 Then

If i > 1 Then

Call Module1.filerem(f, i): i

= i - 1

Call Module1.fileadd(f, i,


End If

End If

If Index = 1 Then

If i < filecount(f) Then

Call Module1.filerem(f, i): i

= i + 1

Call Module1.fileadd(f, i,


End If

End If

Call file: List1.Selected(i - 1) = True: Call


End If

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdok_Click()

Dim i, s, a, re1:

If re = 0 Then Exit Sub

For i = 1 To filecount(f)

s = fileline(f, i)

If dtxt(s, "=", 1) = Text1.Text Then Exit


Next i

re1 = i

If List1.SelCount <> 0 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then Exit For

Next i

a = i + 1

If Text1.Text = "" Then Call Label2_Click(2):

Exit Sub

If re1 <= filecount(f) And re1 <> a


s = fileline(f, a): i = MsgBox("变数名已存在,请重新输入",

16, "变数名已存在")

Text1.SetFocus: Text1.Text = dtxt(s, "=", 1):

Exit Sub


s = ctxt("=", Text1.Text, IIf(Text2.Text = "",

0, Text2.Text)): Call filelist(f, a, s)

End If


If Text1.Text = "" Then i = MsgBox("请输入变数名", 16,

"变数名为空"): Exit Sub

If re1 <= filecount(f) Then i =

MsgBox("变数名已存在,请重新输入", 16, "变数名已存在"): Text1.SetFocus: Text1.Text =

"": Exit Sub

s = ctxt("=", Text1.Text, IIf(Text2.Text = "", 0,


Call Module1.fileadd(f, 0, s): a =


End If

Call file: If List1.ListCount > 0 Then List1.Selected(a - 1) =


End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim s

s = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", re): Me.Caption = "查看变数("

& dtxt(s, " ", 1) & ")"

f = ctxt("", App.Path, "\user\", dtxt(s, " ", 1), ".txt"): Call


Call file: If List1.ListCount > 0 Then List1.Selected(0) = True

Else Label3.Caption = "": Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text = ""

End Sub


Private Sub Label2_Click(Index As Integer)

Dim i, s, b, a, j, msg

If Index = 0 Then

a = InputBox("请输入变数名称", "查找变数")

If a = "" Then co 1: Exit Sub

For i = 1 To filecount(f)

s = fileline(f, i)

If dtxt(s, "=", 1) = a Then Exit For

Next i

If i <= filecount(f) Then

List1.Selected(i - 1) = True


For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True

Then List1.Selected(i) = False: Exit For

Next i

Label3.Caption = "": Text1.Text = a: Text2.Text

= ""

End If

co 1: Text2.SetFocus: Call cmd

ElseIf Index = 1 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then

List1.Selected(i) = False: Exit For

Next i

Label3.Caption = "": Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text

= "": Text1.SetFocus: Call cmd

ElseIf Index = 2 Then

If List1.SelCount > 0 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True

Then Exit For

Next i

msg = MsgBox("是否要删除此变数?", 4 + 32, "确认删除变数"): co


If msg = vbYes Then

i = i + 1: Call filerem(f, i):

a = IIf(i = 1, 1, i - 1): Call file

If List1.ListCount > 0 Then

List1.Selected(a - 1) = True Else Call List1_Click

End If

End If

ElseIf Index = 3 Then

msg = MsgBox("是否要清空变数?", 4 + 32, "确认清空变数"): co


If msg = vbYes Then Call fileclear(f): Call file:

Call List1_Click


End If

End Sub


Private Sub List1_Click()

Dim i, s

If List1.SelCount > 0 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then Exit For

Next i

s = fileline(f, i + 1)

If s = "" Then Exit Sub

Label3.Caption = ctxt("", "变数", dtxt(s, "=", 1),

"的值为:", dtxt(s, "=", 2))

Text1.Text = dtxt(s, "=", 1): Text2.Text =

dtxt(s, "=", 2)


Label3.Caption = "": Text1.Text = "": Text2.Text

= "":

End If

Call cmd

End Sub


Private Sub OKButton_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As


If KeyCode = 13 Then Cmdok.Value = True

If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then Call List1_Click

If KeyCode = vbKeyF2 Then Call Label2_Click(1)

If KeyCode = vbKeyDown And Shift = 2 Then

Cmdmove(1).Value = True

ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyUp And Shift = 2 Then

Cmdmove(0).Value = True

ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyUp Or KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then

Dim i, y

If List1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

If List1.SelCount = 0 Then

If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then List1.Selected(0) =


If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then

List1.Selected(List1.ListCount - 1) = True


For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True

Then Exit For

Next i

If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then i = fmod(i + 1,

List1.ListCount): List1.Selected(i) = True

If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then i = fmod(i - 1,

List1.ListCount): List1.Selected(i) = True

End If


End If

End Sub


Private Sub Text2_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As


Call Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)

End Sub


Public Sub file()

Dim i, s: List1.Clear

For i = 1 To filecount(f)

s = fileline(f, i): List1.AddItem dtxt(s, "=",


Next i

End Sub


Public Sub cmd()

Dim i

If List1.SelCount > 0 And List1.ListCount > 1 Then

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then Exit For

Next i

If i = 0 Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = False: Cmdmove(1).Enabled =


ElseIf i = List1.ListCount - 1 Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True: Cmdmove(1).Enabled =



Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True: Cmdmove(1).Enabled =


End If


Cmdmove(0).Enabled = False: Cmdmove(1).Enabled =


End If

End Sub



Option Explicit: Dim z


Private Sub Cmdadd1_Click()

Dim i, re1, re2, msg, s, c, s1, j, a

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

If fileline(z, i) = Combo2.Text Then Exit


Next i

re1 = i: s = fileline(z, re1)

For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

If List1.Selected(i) = True Then Exit For

Next i

If i > List1.ListCount - 1 Then msg = MsgBox("你还没有选择好友,请选择好友", 0

+ 64, "请选择好友"): Exit Sub

c = i + 1: j = 0

If Option1(0).Value = True Then

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s1 = fileline(App.Path & "\friendlist.txt",


If dtxt(s1, " ", 2) = Text2.Text Then j = j +


If j = c Then Exit For

Next i

ElseIf Option1(1).Value = True Then

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s1 = fileline(App.Path & "\friendlist.txt",


If dtxt(s1, " ", 1) = Text2.Text Then j = j +


If j = c Then Exit For

Next i


End If

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i)

If midij(s, 2, Len(s)) = dtxt(s1, " ", 1) Then

Exit For

Next i

If i <= filecount(z) Then

msg = MsgBox("该好友已经存在你的好友列表中,不需要添加", 0 + 16,



Call fileadd(z, re1 + pc(Combo2.Text) + 1,

ctxt("", " ", dtxt(s1, " ", 1))): Call tree: TreeView1.Nodes(re1 +

pc(Combo2.Text)).Selected = True

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdfind_Click()

Me.Width = IIf(Me.Width = 8910, 5030, 8910)

If Me.Width = 8910 Then Text2.Text = "": Call item(1):

Label2.Caption = "": List1.Clear: Option1(0).Value = True

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdfind1_Click()

Dim i, a, s, j: List1.Clear: j = 0

If Option1(0).Value = True Then

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path & "\friendlist.txt",


If dtxt(s, " ", 2) = Text2.Text Then

List1.AddItem dtxt(s, " ", 1) & "[" & dtxt(s, " ", 2) &

"]": j = j + 1

Next i

ElseIf Option1(1).Value = True Then

For i = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s = fileline(App.Path & "\friendlist.txt",


If dtxt(s, " ", 1) = Text2.Text Then Exit


Next i

If i <= filecount(App.Path &

"\friendlist.txt") Then List1.AddItem dtxt(s, " ", 1) & "["

& dtxt(s, " ", 2) & "]": j = j + 1


End If

Label2.Caption = "共找到" & j & "位好友"

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdmc_Click()

Dim i, s, msg, r, re1, re2

If Combo1(1).ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i > TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then Exit Sub

r = fileline(z, i)

If i <= filecount(z) And midia(r, 1, 1) = " " Then

Call filerem(z, i):

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

If fileline(z, i) = Combo1(1).Text Then Exit


Next i

re1 = i

For i = re1 To filecount(z)

If fileline(z, i) <> Combo1(1).Text And

midia(fileline(z, i), 1, 1) <> " " Then Exit For

Next i

re2 = i

Call fileadd(z, re2, r): Call tree:

TreeView1.Nodes(re2).Selected = True

End If

Call cmd

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdmove_Click(Index As Integer)

Dim i, s, msg, a, m, s1, j:

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i > TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then Exit Sub

s = fileline(z, i)

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then

a = i

If Index = 0 Then

If a = 1 Then Exit Sub

For i = a - 1 To 1 Step -1

If midia(fileline(z, i), 1, 1)

<> " " Then Exit For

Next i

m = i:

For i = 1 To pc(s) + 1

s1 = fileline(z, a + i - 1):

Call filerem(z, a + i - 1): Call fileadd(z, m + i - 1, s1)

Next i

Call tree: Call item(1):

TreeView1.Nodes(m).Selected = True

s = TreeView1.Nodes(m).Text

End If

If Index = 1 Then

If a = cp Then Exit Sub

j = 0

For i = a + 1 To filecount(z)

If midia(fileline(z, i), 1, 1)

<> " " Then j = j + 1

If j = 2 Then Exit For

Next i

m = i:

For i = 1 To pc(s) + 1

s1 = fileline(z, a): Call

filerem(z, a): Call fileadd(z, m - 1, s1):

Next i

Call tree: Call item(1): TreeView1.Nodes(m -

pc(s) - 1).Selected = True

s = TreeView1.Nodes(m - pc(s) - 1).Text

End If

Combo1(0).Text = Left(s, defc(s, "(", 1) - 1):

Combo1(1).Text = Left(s, defc(s, "(", 1) - 1)


a = i

If Index = 0 Then

If a > 2 Then Call filerem(z, a): a = a - 1:

Call fileadd(z, a, s)

End If

If Index = 1 Then

If a < filecount(z) Then Call filerem(z, a):

a = a + 1: Call fileadd(z, a, s)

End If

Call tree: TreeView1.Nodes(a).Selected =


End If

Call cmd

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdrem_Click()

Dim i, s, msg, re1, re2, r, a, m

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i > TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then Exit Sub

a = fileline(z, i): m = i

If midia(a, 1, 1) <> " " Then

msg = MsgBox("是否要删除此类别下所有项目?", 4 + 32,


If msg = vbYes Then

For i = m + pc(a) To m Step -1

Call filerem(z, i)

Next i

Call tree: Call item(1)

End If


msg = MsgBox("是否要删除此项目?", 4 + 32, "确认删除项目")

If msg = vbYes Then Call filerem(z, m): Call


End If

Call cmd

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim f

f = fileline(App.Path & "\log.txt", re): Me.Caption = "好友列表("

& dtxt(f, " ", 1) & ")": f = ctxt("", App.Path, "\friend\",

dtxt(f, " ", 1), ".txt")

z = f: Call tree: Call item(1): Call cmd: Cmdfind.Value =


If TreeView1.Nodes.Count > 0 Then TreeView1.Nodes(1).Selected =

True Else Call TreeView1_Click

End Sub


Public Sub tree()

Dim x1, x2, i, s, nodx, i1, s1, j: x1 = 0: x2 = 0: j = 0:


For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then

x1 = x1 + 1: Set nodx = TreeView1.Nodes.add(, ,

"1-" & x1, s & "(" & pc(s) & ")"):


For i1 = 1 To filecount(App.Path &


s1 = fileline(App.Path &

"\friendlist.txt", i1)

If dtxt(s1, " ", 1) = midij(s,

2, Len(s)) Then Exit For

Next i1

x2 = x2 + 1: Set nodx = TreeView1.Nodes.add("1-"

& x1, tvwChild, "2-" & x2, dtxt(s1, " ", 2))

End If

Next i

End Sub


Public Sub item(y)

Dim s, i, j, x, a: x = 1

If y = 1 Then

Combo1(0).Clear: Combo1(1).Clear:

Combo1(0).AddItem "类别": Combo2.Clear

While x <= filecount(z)

j = 0: s = fileline(z, x):

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then

Combo1(0).AddItem s: Combo1(1).AddItem s: Combo2.AddItem s

x = x + 1


If Combo1(0).ListCount > 0 Then Combo1(0).Text

= Combo1(0).List(0):

If Combo1(1).ListCount > 0 Then Combo1(1).Text

= Combo1(1).List(0):: Combo2.Text = Combo2.List(0)

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

Dim i, re1, re2, msg, s

If Combo1(0).ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

If Combo1(0).Text <> "类别" Then

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

If fileline(z, i) =

Combo1(0).Text Then Exit For

Next i

re1 = i

If Text1.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入项目名", 0

+ 16, "项目名为空"): Exit Sub

For i = re1 To filecount(z)

If fileline(z, i) <>

Combo1(0).Text And midia(fileline(z, i), 1, 1) <> " " Then

Exit For

Next i

re2 = i

Call fileadd(z, re2, ctxt("", " ", Text1.Text)):

Call tree: TreeView1.Nodes(re2).Selected = True


For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If s = Text1.Text Then Exit


Next i

If Text1.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入类别名", 0

+ 16, "类别名为空"): Exit Sub

re1 = i

If re1 <= filecount(z) Then

msg = MsgBox("该类别已存在,请重新输入", 0

+ 16, "该类别已存在"): Text1.Text = ""


Call fileadd(z, 0,

Text1.Text): Call tree: Call item(1)

End If

End If

Call cmd

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then Cmdfind1.Value = True

End Sub


Private Sub Text3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

Dim i, s, msg, re, a

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i > TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then Exit


s = fileline(z, i): a = i

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If s = Text3.Text Then Exit


Next i

re = i

If Text3.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入类别名", 0

+ 16, "类别名为空"): Exit Sub

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If s = fileline(z, a) Then

Exit For

Next i

If re <= filecount(z) And re <> i


msg = MsgBox("该类别已存在,请重新输入", 0

+ 16, "该类别已存在"): Text3.Text = ""


Call filelist(z, i,

Text3.Text): Call tree: Call item(1): TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected =


End If


If Text3.Text = "" Then msg = MsgBox("请输入项目名", 0

+ 16, "项目名为空"): Exit Sub

If i <= filecount(z) Then

Call filelist(z, a, ctxt("", "

", Text3.Text)): Call tree

TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected =


End If

End If

Call cmd

End If

End Sub


Public Function pc(a)

Dim i, s, re1, re2

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If s = a Then Exit For

Next i

re1 = i

For i = re1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If s <> a And midia(s, 1, 1) <> " "

Then Exit For

Next i

re2 = i - 1: pc = re2 - re1

End Function


Public Function cp()

Dim i, j, s, a

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then j = j +


Next i

a = j: j = 0

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

s = fileline(z, i):

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then j = j +


If j = a Then Exit For

Next i

cp = i

End Function


Private Sub TreeView1_Click()

Dim i, s, re1

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i <= TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then

s = fileline(z, i): Call cmd: re1 = i

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " " Then

Combo1(0).Text = s


For i = re1 To 1 Step -1

s = fileline(z, i)

If midia(s, 1, 1) <> " "

Then Exit For

Next i

Combo1(0).Text = s

End If

End If

Call cmd

End Sub


Public Sub cmd()

Dim i, s, c, j: j = 0

For i = 1 To filecount(z)

If midia(fileline(z, i), 1, 1) <> " " Then

j = j + 1

Next i

c = j

For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count

If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Selected Then Exit


Next i

If i <= TreeView1.Nodes.Count And TreeView1.Nodes.Count > 1


s = fileline(z, i)

If midia(s, 1, 1) = " " Then

If i = 2 Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = False:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = True

ElseIf i = TreeView1.Nodes.Count Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = False


Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = True

End If


If i = 1 Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = False:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = True

ElseIf i = cp Then

Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = False


Cmdmove(0).Enabled = True:

Cmdmove(1).Enabled = True

End If

End If


Cmdmove(0).Enabled = False: Cmdmove(1).Enabled =


End If

End Sub

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