oracle报错-1400,MSCS下oracle11g_R2群集配置报错 PRCT-1400

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:20.394 CST ] [DatabaseOperationsPage.validate:381]  isHARegistrationRequired : false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.111 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1123]  Checking Database Option: Oracle Label Security

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.111 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1172]  Database Option Oracle Label Security is true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.204 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1123]  Checking Database Option: Spatial

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.204 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1172]  Database Option Spatial is true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.314 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1123]  Checking Database Option: OLAP

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.329 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1172]  Database Option OLAP is true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.485 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1123]  Checking Database Option: Oracle Database Vault

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.485 CST ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1172]  Database Option Oracle Database Vault is false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [InitParamHandler.endElement:524]  CustomSGA flag: false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [InitParamHandler.endElement:525]  Database Type: MULTIPURPOSE

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [InitParamHandler.endElement:526]  Mem Percentage: 40

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getTotalPhysicalMemory:375]  Total Physical Memory in MB: 65418

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.is64Bit:359]  architecture is 64 bit: true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.501 CST ] [InitParamHandler.endElement:559]  Total memory MB: 26167

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.516 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.is64Bit:359]  architecture is 64 bit: true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.516 CST ] [MemoryCalculator.:95]  setting memory minimums for 64 bit

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:240]  IN threadID:1 group#=1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:240]  IN threadID:1 group#=2

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:249]  Current threadID=1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:256]  Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[0]=1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:266]  vRedoGroups:[1]

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:296]  setAttribute: bExists=false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:240]  IN threadID:1 group#=3

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:249]  Current threadID=1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:256]  Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[0]=1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:256]  Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[1]=2

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:266]  vRedoGroups:[1, 2]

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:296]  setAttribute: bExists=false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [Verifier.getDatabaseSize:3143]  Clone Datafile: SYSTEM01.DBF size: 680

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [Verifier.getDatabaseSize:3143]  Clone Datafile: SYSAUX01.DBF size: 440

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.548 CST ] [Verifier.getDatabaseSize:3143]  Clone Datafile: UNDOTBS01.DBF size: 25

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.563 CST ] [Verifier.getDatabaseSize:3143]  Clone Datafile: USERS01.DBF size: 5

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.563 CST ] [Verifier.getControlfFileSizes:3510]  No. of Control files:=2

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.563 CST ] [Verifier.getDatabaseSize:3204]  dbSize: 1177600 redoLogSize: 153600 ctrlFileSize: 4096

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.563 CST ] [TemplateManager.getParsedAttributes:1828]  Setting DB_RECOVERY_FILE_SIZE to default size: 3912

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.563 CST ] [TemplateManager.parseCloneTemplate:1518]  See for any transportable datafiles in TemplateManager.....

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:22.594 CST ] [TemplatesPage.validate:592]  TemplatePage -> true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:34.642 CST ] [DatabaseNamePage.onNameChanged:687]  m_oldGDBName =

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:34.642 CST ] [DatabaseNamePage.validate:572]  isSIDRequired :true

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:34.891 CST ] [ManagementOptionsPage.initializePage:736]  Enumerating Agents

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:34.938 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getBaseFromOrabase:602]  oraBaseUtility V:\app\pdhvadmin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\orabase.exe

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:34.938 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getBaseFromOrabase:611]  cmds: V:\app\pdhvadmin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\orabase.exe

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getBaseFromOrabase:616]  baseLocation from orabase

Oracle home environment variable not set

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getBaseFromOrabase:641]   orabaseLocation= null

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [InventoryUtil.getOUIInvSession:347]  setting OUI READ level to ACCESSLEVEL_READ_LOCKLESS

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [InventoryUtil.getHomeName:111]  homeName = OraDb11g_home1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getOracleHomeKeyImpl:979]  getting home key for home name: OraDb11g_home1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.001 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getRegistryEntry:1021]  hklmKey while getting registry entryHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.016 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getRegistryEntry:1022]  keyToSet while getting registry entrySOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb11g_home1

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.484 CST ] [InstallGroupImpl.:109]  OUI_LOC_PROPERTY = oracle.installer.oui_loc

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:35.593 CST ] [ClusterwareInfo.isHAInstalled:237]  PRCI-1124 : 本地节点上不存在 Oracle Restart 主目录

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:39.900 CST ] [ManagementOptionsPage.validate:1094]  emConfigChkBox State: false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:23:39.900 CST ] [ManagementOptionsPage.validate:1095]  switchChkBox State: false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:24:26.047 CST ] [DatabaseAreaPage.invokeFileDialog:1081]  after setDrives

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:24:26.047 CST ] [DatabaseAreaPage.invokeFileDialog:1105]  Before runDialog

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.145 CST ] [DatabaseAreaPage.validateStorageDest:674]  Checking if 'V:\pdoracledata' is ACFS location

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.145 CST ] [Verifier.checkIfACFS:1932]  check ACFS: V:\pdoracledata

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.145 CST ] [OsUtilsBase.getMountPoint:2753]  mount point to be verified V:\

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.145 CST ] [HAUtils.isACFSFileSystem:1954]  Mount point is : V:\

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [WindowsSystem.getOFSUtilLocation:2965]  Able to get windir environment

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [WindowsSystem.getOFSUtilLocation:2970]  eval = C:\Windows

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [CmdToolUtil.doexecute:360]  starting remote exec server on local node src=C:\Windows\system32 dest=C:\Users\PDHVAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [Utils.getLocalHost:356]  Hostname retrieved: PDVM-Oracle01, returned: PDVM-Oracle01

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [WindowsSystem.startRemoteExecServer:1728]  _WS_: Checking if service is started

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [Utils.getLocalHost:356]  Hostname retrieved: PDVM-Oracle01, returned: PDVM-Oracle01

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.223 CST ] [WindowsSystem.dorunRemoteExecCmd:2061]  _WS_: Calling windowsNative with cmd: C:\Windows\system32\acfsutil.exe

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.239 CST ] [WindowsSystem.dorunRemoteExecCmd:2064]  _WS_: WinNative returned: false

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-02-27 16:25:04.270 CST ] [CmdToolUtil.doexecute:374]  nativeSystem.runRemoteExecCmd failed. Command = C:\Windows\system32\acfsutil.exe arguments = [info, fs, /o, ismountpoint, V:\] env = null error = PRKN-1014 : 无法在节点 "PDVM-Oracle01" 上执行远程命令 "C:

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