GeorgeZhouzhiqing wrote:after rman backup database plus archive log all, a control file auto backup is created as well. it was 14:27. but we have nightly scheduled backup at 01:00am too, this file later moved to tape.I assume all I need to restore is the datafile backup and arclog backup plus controlfile backup taken at 14:27.When I run restore controlfile from 14:27, then catalog the backup files of 14:27, then restore database, however it complains for backup, then I have to restore from tape to make it work. I don't understand why it needs 1am backup.ORA-19505: failed to identify file "/ora_backup/prev_0/comm/dbf/COMM_134633_1_984358823_2018_08_17_01:00_Fri_full"
So show the full command(s) used to make the 01:00 backup, and the full command(s) used to make the 14:27 backup.
My guess is the 01;00 was an incremental 0 backup and the 14:27 was incremental level 1. All restore/recover has to begin with a full/incremental level 0 backup.