c语言版数据结构程序设计,C语言程序设计-程序设计,包括数据结构(C++ programming - program design including data structures)...



1 an overview of computers and programming languages

27 basic elements of C++

183 control structures I (selection)

259 control structures II (repetition)

335 user-defined functions

451 user-defined simple data types,namespaces,and the string type

505 arrays and strings

591 records (structs)

629 classes and data abstraction

709 inheritance and composition

781 pointers,classes,virtual functions,abstract classes,and lists

867 overloading and templates

959 exception handling

1001 recursion

1031 linked lists

1123 stacks and queues

1223 searching and sorting algorithms

1305 binary trees

1361 graphs

1399 standard template library (STL)

1601 index


W ELCOME TO THE F IFTH EDITION OF C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. Designed for a first Computer Science (CS1) C++ course, this text provides a breath of fresh air to you and your students. The CS1 course serves as the cornerstone of the Computer Science curriculum. My primary goal is to motivate and excite all CS1 students, regardless of their level. Motivation breeds excitement for learning. Motivation and excitement are critical factors that lead to the success of the programming student. This text is a culmination and development of my classroom notes throughout more than fifty semesters of teaching successful programming to Computer Science students. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design started as a collection of brief examples, exercises, and lengthy programming examples to supplement the books that were in use at our university. It soon turned into a collection large enough to develop into a text. The approach taken in this book is, in fact, driven by the students’ demand for clarity and readability. The material was written and rewritten until the students felt comfortable with it. Most of the examples in this book resulted from student interaction in the classroom. As with any profession, practice is essential. Cooking students practice their recipes. Budding violinists practice their scales. New programmers must practice solving problems and writing code. This is not a C++ cookbook. We do not simply list the C++ syntax followed by an example; we dissect the ‘‘why’’ behind all the concepts. The crucial question of ‘‘why?’’ is answered for every topic when first introduced. This technique offers a bridge to learning C++. Students must understand the ‘‘why?’’ in order to be motivated to learn. Traditionally, a C++ programming neophyte needed a working knowledge of another programming language. This book assumes no prior programming experience. However, some adequate mathematics background, such as college algebra, is required.




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