select 年度,企业ID,
(select sum(数量) from test_temp t2 connect by prior 企业ID=所属企业ID and 年度=t.年度 start with 企业ID=t.企业ID and 年度=t.年度) as 数量
,min(所属企业ID) as 所属企业ID from (
select moment 年度,eid 企业ID,con 数量,belongto 所属企业ID from(
select xx.moment,xx.eid,xx.con,yy.belongto from
(select a.moment,a.eid,decode(c.con,null,0,c.con) con
(select distinct y.moment,b.eid from
(select moment from (select level moment from dual connect by level <= to_number(substr('2013-12-31',1,4)))where moment >= to_number(substr('2012-01-01',1,4)) and moment <= to_number(substr('2013-12-31',1,4))) y,
(select column_value eid from table(cast (fn_split ('1,41,53,59,58,48,129,130,69,11,12,13,111,46,60,55,82,131,174,112,57,14306', ',') as ty_str_split))) b
) a,
(select coff1,au,sum(con) con from(select coff1,to_char(AUDITTIMELAST,'YYYY') au,count(*) con from cmis_quality_cul_exp group by coff1,AUDITTIMELAST) group by coff1,au) c
where a.moment = c.au(+) and a.eid = c.coff1(+) order by moment
) xx,
(SELECT ID,belongto FROM TS_DEPARTMENT WHERE enterprisetype = 1) yy
where xx.eid = yy.id
) order by moment,eid
) t group by 企业ID,年度 order by 年度,企业ID