html5 video tracker,iResearch Launched mVideoTracker, The First Third-Party Mobile Video Content Mea...

mVideoTracker, a third party data base developed by iResearch independently, was launched on May 4th, 2017. It is a mobile video content market measuring product in China.

Three breakthroughs of mVideoTracker

mVideoTracker is the first third party measuring product of mobile video media content. In the video content data monitoring sector, iResearch takes a commanding lead in China.

The launch of mVideoTracker indicates that iResearch have achieved three breakthroughs in the video content market measuring sector.Â

First, big data. The data source of mVideoTracker is based on the data from telecom operators. It can monitor hundreds of millions of mobile devices and cover 31 provinces as well as municipalities. This is a great breakthrough compared to iVideoTracker based on sample data. iResearch has also made plans to improve iVideoTracker, iResearch’s another PC video . content measuring product.

Second, cross-screen monitoring. iVideoTracker, a PC video content market monitoring product, has been active in the market since 2011. oVideoTracker, an OTT video content market monitoring product, will be launched in Q2 2017. iVideoTracker, iVideoTracker and mVideoTracker will form an overall perspective monitoring of household cross-screen video content. (PC+mobile devices+OTT).Â

Third, it covers all channels. Besides play channels of official video apps, mVideoTracker also measures the traffic of video media H5 on mobile devices and external play channels.Â

The core value and index system of mVideoTracker

mVideoTracker covers 9 video media, provides 7 core data indexes and has 4 big data analysis functions. For video content providers, the view difference data analysis of competitors’ different types of video content through mVideoTracker can help them to make decisions about copyright purchase and content producing. For advertising agencies and advertisers, mVideoTracker can help them to learn the popularity of different media’s video content and provide quantitative basis for evaluating advertising value of video content. Meanwhile, the data of target mobile users’ preference for different kinds of video content can provide objective and accurate data support for advertising.Â

Four major functions of mVideoTracker



Function I: Ranking list of videosÂ

Display the latest weekly (or daily) ranking lists of videos, viewing channels and viewer groups for different content providers.Â


The multi-dimensional analysis on the preference of the target groups help select out the most valuable video contents for advertising.  Viewers’ preference for video content in different channels are analyzed from various dimensions, such as gender, age, region and device used, to help advertising agency companies and advertisers to precisely place digital ads.Â

The viewer ratings and changes of the video content on major video media are measured dynamically by mVideoTracker. Changes and viewer ratings on major media platforms for each video are analyzed during and after premiere, to help advertising agencies and advertisers to choose the most cost-effective media partners and display time.

Function II: Media content analysisÂ

Display the viewer ratings of video contents on 9 media from different dimensions (channel, type and origin).Â

With the classification system, the video contents are tracked on the media by category and then the right advertising channel is selected. For example, on iQIYI, there are four mainstream channels, TV dramas, animation, movies and variety shows. and the movie channel is further divided into 16 sub-categories such as action movies, comedies, romantic films, horror movies, science fiction movies and animation movies. and by origin, the movies are divided into Chinese movies, US movies, South Korean movies and Japanese movies, etc.Â

Horizontally, it can provide data support for tracking and analyzing the changes of viewer ratings of the video contents. Video content data on mVideoTracker can be tracked back to November 2016 and is updated daily and weekly for the latest week. During a certain period of time, the viewer ratings for some video contents may fluctuate in the shape of M, L or U. Constant measurement and analysis of the specific video content allows effective display of advertising according to the changing patterns. After analyzing the viewer ratings of specific type of video contents of their competitors, the media may adjust their video online time accordingly.Â

Vertically, it can provide multi-indicator data as reference for different advertising demands. mVideoTracker displays the unique devices, video views, video views per device and time stamp per device and other indicators. Each indicator may have quite different viewer ratings. Advertising agencies and advertisers may strategically place advertising in integrated form and launch video contents of different types according to their budget and demand.

Function III: Video viewer analysis

Display the features of video viewers (such as gender, age and region) and features of device (such as iOS and Andriod) for different video contents of 9 media competitors and in the whole industry.Â

TGI data for specific video content is used to screen viewers and select media. By referring to gender, age, device, region and other TGI data provided by mVideoTracker for specific video content, the advertising agencies and advertisers are able to select video content that better matches the viewers after checking the features of viewers of the video content on other major media.

Function IV: Video time analysis

Display the fluctuation of viewer ratings of video content on 9 media competitors over time.Â


Make a comparison of the viewer ratings of similar video contents and develop time-based advertising strategy. mVideoTracker provides average measuring data for working days and weekends separately throughout the previous week. Advertising display in single video used to be based on their own ratings, but now advertising can be precisely placed in the videos of different contents which are put together to be played at different time periods.Â

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