伯克利大学计算机作业答案,W 同学_加州大学伯克利分校_计算机_录取成功案例分享...

W 同学-加州大学伯克利分校-计算机


W 同学


托福:105分SAT:2080分SAT 2:2350分 AP 若干门



故事要从4年前的新航道孝感教育展说起……W 同学是孝感高中学生,2016年9月毕业。他本应该在2016年进入美国校园。但2015年时,因父亲突发重病,家庭变故,他一度想放弃留学。2015年留学申请季,W 同学因为需要照顾父亲,无奈之下想要放弃留学申请,结合当时W 同学的家庭情况,留学中心的老师建议他一定不要放弃梦想,帮助他免费延期申请2017年入学。2015年后,W 同学的家庭经济受到重创,父母难以支持W 同学在美国的留学费用。在这种情况下,留学中心依然帮助他选择更加经济的方案,其中包括非常有名的公立学校和奖学金申请,继续他的留学之梦。申请过程中,W 同学妈妈与留学中心骆子明老师相互勉励:终于功夫不负有心人,W 同学收获了全武汉市唯一的加州大学伯克利分校offer!!!留学老师感言:整整四年,作为经历了整个故事的老师,我依然听得潸然泪下,激动不已!一个家庭,有勇敢坚持的妈妈、默默付出的爸爸和“科学达人”的孩子,相信加州伯克利的本科录取一定不是终点!生活的艰辛不能阻止你前进的步伐,放飞你的梦想吧!下文是W同学的全英文感谢信,除了感谢老师,他也面临着名校选择的幸福烦恼:There was a time when I lie down on my sweet bed, flat and with so much anxiety, I was wandering whether my dream is a empirical manifestation of reality or that the reality is just a metaphysically mental projection of my dream. No matter which statement is true, I later found out myself that both hypotheses, either scientific or metaphysical, are all discussed, though some elements or classes of which are inter-contradictory, within the context of knowable world, for that of which is defined by Hegel as a part of true statements and a part of those that contradict the previous ones, and therefore I believe, as a scientist with his permissible faith towards non-empirical knowledge, that my dream and the reality are not two separate sets with no intersection, but are rather two different sets with strong correlation, just as a DNA helix consisting of two convoluted strings. Upon the statement that I derive, I could well assume, without the loss of my believe in empirical science since all of the staff I am elucidating here can only be viewed outside the context of science, that yes we can if we dream, and that yes we will make it if we do not give up our dream, and that yes we made it since we do not allow any difficulty in reality devours the possibility of making our dreams come true. My feelings and appreciations towards all of you are ineffable even though I believe myself as rather eloquent. Such big triumph, admitting by UC Berkeley and the College of Creative Studies, two different places with different disciplines but are both for those genius who have passion for what they dream about, would not happen on me without all your help. Therefore, here I want, deeply from my heart and soul, to say a huge and shiny “THANKS to a friend, my mentor Luo Ziming, and to all of you who did not abandon me and those who always support me when I dream about those seemingly unachievable dreams. Thanks, sincerely.Now it is time to choose my destination before setting up my adventure towards the uncharted world. As the two offers above, even though I also got callings from some other elite schools, the UCSB’s College of Creative Studies and UC Berkeley are the two primary candidates I would consider. I know perfectly well that UCB has better Reputation and a higher Ranking. Nevertheless, as a scientist who always pursue the truth, Reputation and Ranking are seldom considered as indexes or features whenever I evaluate college value. All I do is simply asking myself “what is the thing in itself”, or “what is the thing I truly want.” I've already done a deep research about UC Berkeley and I could guarantee you that the depth and width of such research is with no doubt tremendous. Again, College Ranking, Major Ranking and Reputation are seldom considered as important in my feature specturm. What I am truly focusing on and insterested in is actually the rigorous science program at UCB. Here is a simple fact, ‘even those who do not study engineering know that MIT is the best engineering school over this planet.(Maybe some would suggest me to name Stanford as in the second place)’ However, if one only takes into account of Science rather than Engineering, in the context of Computer Science, then Berkeley definitely has no rivals. A conclusion which is definite, complete, consistent, and universal as the above one is not made by my subjective deduction trick, but by empirical methodology which is both verifiable and falsifiable. Such universal statement, that ‘Berkeley is the best in computer science’, can be well corroborated if one ranks both their accumulated Impact Factor and the top 10% Impact Factor that influence the worldwide computer science field and community. The most important is, if one compares papers from Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford, then he or she could easily found that Berkeley’s research projects are more mathematical and theoretical based while those of MIT and Stanford are more engineering based. It is the work done by Berkeley’s professors Michael Jordan and Peter Bartlett, for example, that pushes the field of artificial intelligence forward. Without their contribution to and endless commitment in Science,those engineers at MIT would have no chance of building intelligent robots. Since I plan to focus more on science rather than engineering in my undergraduate education, being admitted by the best science school over the world is really,,,really,,, unimaginable…Given all the prestiges of UCB, however, it is still an non-reasonable act to make such a conclusion that UCB is the best FIT for an individual being like me, for what I really care is not the rigor, the value, or the reputation of school generally, but how much rigor and value could count on my head. Simply put, the key is not how elite the school is, but how much I am fit into the school. If there is one school, not much less rigorous than Berkeley and MIT, that can provide me the research resources that I can not find in public school, and that can give me the permission to register graduate classes as a freshman(which I believe is not difficult for that I have already self studied some), and that can allow me to choose any upper division courses, such as those typically tought for Senior undergraduates, without the need to take the prerequisite courses, then I should really consider about it. College of Creative Studies, in my first offer, the one on the left of Berkeley’s offer, ONLY admits FIVE to TEN students for computer science major out of nearly a thousands of extremely competitive applicants, based on the fact of which I can even assume that I am the only Chinese who is accepted this year. Their MIT-leveled rigorness, immense amount of research funding for undergraduates, nearly 1:1 student-faculty ratio, and the privilege that allows me to choose any course I want without the need to take any requirement course, are really attractive and magnificent. As a student who wants to take graduate courses right from my freshman year, and who wants to graduate within only two years, and who is determined to conduct more researches as an undergraduate, I believe that there is a sufficient reason that I sould be predisposed to choose College of Creative Studies as my future home.Because the choice between UCB and CCS is really difficult, please give me at least a week to have a careful consideration. No matter the ultimate decision, I only hope that I can still have your support along with your strengh and spirit as before, for  whatever I would select, my decision is certainly made on what I truly want from my deep heart and desire.Again, thanks for your conpanionship along the journey.4年陪伴,助力学员梦想腾飞!





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