华南理工大学计算机联合全英班面试,华南理工大学2013年高考招生6300人 两专业首开全英班...

中国教育在线讯 2013年华南理工大学全国计划招生总数6300人,广东省下达计划数为2992人,预计实际录取数与2012年持平。








Experiment 1 The QuickSort Algorithm 1.Introduction to the quicksort algorithm In order to sort the input data sequence S, we can do like below: 1)Select one number q and then divide the sequence S into three sub-suquences: S1 in which all of elements are less than q, S2 in which all of elements are equal to q, and S3 in which all of elements are larger than q; 2)Then to sort S1 and S3 with the same algorithm using recursive call itself. 2. Experimental Purposes (1)Learn the sorting algorithms. (2)Understand the difference between the quicksort algorithm and other sorting algorithms, such as: insertion sorting algorithm, straight selection algorithm, etc.. (3)Simulate these algorithms using computer with high-level languages. (4)Solve some sorting problem with different sort algorithms. 3. Abstract of Experiment contents Use QuickSort algorithm to sort the array S that has n elements and constructed by the random() function. To compare the result with ones solved by other sorting algorithms, such as Straight selection sort, insert sort, etc., and understand the difference among them and know how to select some better sorting algorithm while solving some sorting problem. 4. Experimental Requirements 1)The template should be used for all kinds of data type, such as: integer, real, double, etc. in the program; 2)Programs should be made by Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) method; 3)The results should be compared with ones of other algorithms, such as: Straight selection sort, insert sort, Heapsort, etc., and draw the graph to find their differences. Figure 1 The difference between quicksort and insertion sort 4)Write down the report in which there should be the execution results of the program. 5. Example code with C++ ………. void myquicksort(int* A, int l,int r) { if(l>=r) return ; int i=l,j=r; int temp; //Use it to divide A into S1, S2,and S3 ……. //Partition S into S1, S2 and S3 here ……. myquicksort(A,l,i-1); //recursive call for the left part
Requirement: I. Query database with SQL Server. (30’, 2’ for each) 1. Create a table named Student using command Create Table. The table structure is as follows: Column Type Length Note ID Varchar 20 Student’s ID Name Varchar 10 Student’s Name Age Int Student’s Age Department Varchar 30 Student’s Dept. 2. Create a table named Course using command Create Table. The table structure is as follows: Column Type Length Note CourseID Varchar 15 Course’s ID CourseName Varchar 30 Course’s Name CourseBefore Varchar 15 Previous Course 3. Create a table named Choose using command Create Table. The table structure is as follows: Column Type Length Note ID Varchar 20 Student’s ID CourseID Varchar 15 Course’s ID Score Dec 5,2 Student’s Score 4. Insert 3 records into table Student using command Insert. ID Name Age Department 00001 ZhangSan 20 Computer Science 00002 LiSi 19 Computer Science 00003 WangWu 21 Computer Science 5. Insert 3 records into table Course using command Insert CourseID CourseName CourseBefore C1 Introduction to Computer - C2 PASCAL Programming Language C1 C3 Data Structure C2 6. Insert 7 records into table Choose using command Insert ID CourseID Score 00001 C1 95 00001 C2 80 00001 C3 84 00002 C1 80 00002 C2 85 00003 C1 78 00003 C3 70 7. Select the students’ ID and Name in Computer Science department using command select. 8. Select the students’ ID, Name, CourseName and Score using command select. 9. Select all students’ Information in descending order of the students’ ID. 10. Select every student’s average score. 11. Select the number of courses a student has chosen. 12. Select the number of students choosing a specific course. 13. Select the students’ ID who have chosen course C1 and got score over 80. 14. Select the students’ ID who have chosen course C2. 15. Select the average age of students in every department. II. Design a MIS for Computer Science college of SCUT. (45’) It is used to manage the information about course
Compiler Construction Experiment 1 Implementing a Scanner for TINY+ You are to write a lexical analyzer/scanner for the language TINY+. Goals 1The input of the scanner is a source code file and the output of the scanner is a stream of tokens. 2Your scanner should go for longest possible match i.e. a string ‘:=’ is to be identified as ‘ass-symbol’ rather than ‘:’ and ‘=’. 3Token is represented as (Kind, Value). We use the following symbols to denote different kinds of tokens KEY denotes reserved words SYM denotes special symbols ID denotes identifiers NUM denotes numeric constants STR denotes string constants 4Check lexical errors: giving meaning error messages and the lines where errors occur. The kinds of lexical errors are: Illegal character, that is, scanner may recognize a character that is not in the alphabet of TINY+, such as $ is an illegal character The right bracket of a STRING is lost, such as ' scanner The right delimiter of a comment is lost, such as: {this is an example Requirements 1Write your program in C or C++ 2This experiment must be finished in 4 periods. You will submit a report and the source code Example output for some TINY+ programs Test1 or and int bool char while do if then else end repeat until read write , ; := + - * / ( ) = a2c 123 'EFG' The scanner should give the outputs: (KEY, or) (KEY, and) (KEY, int) (KEY, bool) (KEY, char) (KEY, while) (KEY, do) (KEY, if) (KEY, then) (KEY, else) (KEY, end) (KEY, repeat) (KEY, until) (KEY, read) (KEY, write) (SYM, ,) (SYM, ;) (SYM, :=) (SYM, +) (SYM, -) (SYM, *) (SYM, /) (SYM, ( ) (SYM, )) (SYM, ) (SYM, =) (ID, a2c) (NUM, 123) (STR, EFG) Test2 {this is an example} int A,B; bool C1, C2, C3; char D; D:= 'scanner'; while A<=B do A:=A*2 end The scanner should give the outputs: (KEY, int) (ID, A) (SYM, ,) (ID, B) (SYM, ;) (KEY, bool) (ID, C1) (SYM, ,) (ID, C2) (SYM, ,) (ID, C3) (SYM, ;) (KEY, char) (ID, D) (SYM, ;) (ID, D) (SYM, :=) (STR, scanner) (SYM, ;) (KEY, while) (ID, A) (SYM, <=) (ID, B) (KEY, do) (ID, A) (SYM, :=) (ID, A) (SYM, *) (NUM, 2) (KEY, end)




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