python发音是什么-python on是什么意思

1. That all sounds fine and dandy; however, the actual degree of precision you will receive (along with the range and overflow handling) depends com- pletely on the architecture of the machine as well as the implementation of the compiler that built your Python interpreter.


2. We could, for example, extend the preceding script to do things like transfer files by FTP, pop up a GUI message selector and status bar, fetch messages from an SQL database, and employ COM objects on Windows, all using standard Python tools.


3. Snack is a python library based on newt that can be used to create a simple text based User interface.


4. Tkinter is Python`s default GUI library. It is based on the Tk toolkit, originally designed for the Tool Command Language.


5. For a Windows system, installing Python is as easy as downloading the installer and double-clicking on it.

在 Windows 系统上安装 Python,也就是下载一个安装档,然后双击安装档来安装这麼简单。

6. You can save this code into a. py file and run it (a few times, on an otherwise quiescent machine, of course) with python -O to check how the timings of the various constructs compare on any specific machine in which you're interested.

你能保存这些代码到一个。py文件并且使用python -O运行它(当然,在一个静止的机器上,需要少量的时间)在你感兴趣的任意的特别的机器上去检查不同结构的时间比较。

7. Linux has always been able to show how much I/O was going on (the bi and bo columns of the vmstat 1 command). Iotop is a Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is...

为什麼要统计这个信息,这个信息的对于压力测试的影响究竟是怎麼样的,那就通过一个类比来解释 CPU 利用率和 Load Average 的区别以及对于压力测试的。。。

8. One thing to note is that on some platforms, if you're going to do much embedding work and you run into external dependency issues, you might want to build Python on your machine from its source with all unnecessary extensions disabled in the Modules/Setup file (or the top-level setup. py Distutils script in more recent releases).

注意,在有些平台上,如果你要做许多内嵌工作,并且你碰到了外部依赖问题,你可能需要在你的机器上,从源码构建Python,并在Modules/Setup文件(或在新版本中的顶层 Distutils脚本)中,禁用所有不必要的扩展。

9. Note that Python will raise a ValueError exception if you call int on a value that cannot be converted to an integer, such as the string'foo'.

注意Python可能会在你调用 int 来转换一个不能转换成整数时抛出 ValueError 异常,例如字符串'foo'。

10. The implementation of the lock and unlock functions is entirely different on Unix-like systems (where they can rely on functionality made available by the standard fcntl module) and on Windows systems (where they must use the win32file module, part of the very popular win32all package of Windows-specific extensions to Python, authored by Mark Hammond).

lock和unlock地实现在类Unix系统和Windows系统下的完全不同:类Unix系统下依赖于标准模块fcntl提供的功能,Windows系统下使用了非常流行的由Mark Hammond实现的Windows下特定扩展中的win32all模块提供的功能。

11. The purpose of raw strings, introduced back in version 1.5, is to counteract the behavior of the special escape characters that occur in strings (see the subsec- tion below on what some of these characters are). In raw strings, all characters are taken verbatim with no translation to special or non-printed characters.


12. Although Python allows basic functional programming techniques, side effects are the norm, evaluation is always strict, and no compiler optimization is performed for tail recursion (nor on almost any other construct).

虽然 python 允许基本的函数式编程技术,不过边界效应还是正常的,求值也总是严格的,而且还不会对尾递归(还有几乎所有其它的东西)进行编译器优化。

13. A python sits on a road after swallowing a pregnant ewe in the village of Kampung Jabor, about 200 km (124 miles) east of Kuala Lumpur.


14. Wearing a red shirt, blindfolded so mad bull directly Chuodao body, stepped on the spade hit their head, sitting, shopping cart against a wall, a mysterious Indian wear swimming trunks bolted, clipped with a scorpion tongue, sitting, stretch the ball jumped from the roof, driving a sports car tooth, hand to feed the ball python, not to mention the homemade rockets launched in the human body and the like.


15. In Python 2.2, using adict._ _getitem_ _ rather than adict. get is even a little bit better (probably not enough to justify making your program version-dependent, but if you're already dependent on Python 2.2 for other reasons, you may as well use this approach).


16. python on的解释

16. In the Python world the GPL is frequently frowned on, with most people preferring to use a more permissive license such as BSD, MIT, or Python`s.


17. Application on top of your command-line client code. Finally, you can use


18. An albino Burmese python on display in Kuala Lumpur.


19. For pointer result functions, Python returns NULL pointers on errors.


20. I want to be able to use this python module on the command line and in django applications to move data around between formats.






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