下列有关python语言的说法正确的是-下列有关对Python 语言的叙述中,不正确的是【 】。...


【单选题】RC 电路中,充电过程电容电压和放电过程电容电压变化分别为( )



【单选题】下列关于气象条件对烟气扩散影响的描述,正确的是 。

【填空题】正投影具有如下特性:实形性、( ) 、类似性、从属性、( )、平行性。






【填空题】4C分级是指从( )、( )、( )、( )四个方面对钻石品质等级进行划分。

【单选题】在暂态实验中 , 观察到的充放电信号的周期由 _____ 决定。

【单选题】在 RC 电路中, C 固定不变,当 R 的大小变化时, C 的电压变化规律为( )

【阅读理解】Beauty with Botox Botox injections are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world. Celebrities like Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Liz Hurley are rumoured to be keeping the wrinkles at bay this way. Sir Cliff Richard admitted to having had the treatment and now it is an increasingly popular choice for ordinary women looking for a quick way to look younger. What is Botox? Botox is made from “botulinum toxin”, a poison produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. This bacterium causes botulism—a severe form of food poisoning. In small quantities, however, Botox merely interrupts nerve muscles in the face. Botox first began to be used in 1980 to treat many muscle disorders such as lazy eye, eye ticks and uncontrolled blinking. Cosmetic treatments were pioneered by dermatological surgeons in 1987. In small doses, Botox works by paralyzing the muscles of the face which are used in frowning and raising the eyebrows. When these muscles relax, the fine lines and wrinkles smooth out. Unfortunately, when it is overdone, Botox treatment can leave the face with a lack of expression. This is reputed to have caused a problem for some actors. Armpit attack Botox is reportedly a favorite with Oscar nominees who don’t want to work up a sweat on the red carpet. Some stars have injections in their armpits to paralyze the sweat glands there. This way they can receive their awards knowing they don’t have sweaty patches under their arms and hand back their couture outfits unstained. How long does it last? Injections take effect about three to seven days after treatment and the effect lasts three or four months. A treatment costs roughly £200. With repeated treatments, atrophy or thinning of the muscles occurs, which produces longer lasting results. Botox may be unsuitable for use around the mouth as the muscles there are important for facial expressions and eating. Side effects Soreness or mild bruising can occur around the injection site. In rare instances patients may experience a droopy eyebrow or eyelid. Headaches can also occur. Since it is still a relatively new treatment, any possible side effects of long-term use are still unknown. Botox should only be administered by experienced and well- trained doctors or nurses. A high dose could cause poisoning, or an exaggerated effect. Botox and Bollinger Botox parties are causing concern amongst practitioners. People are receiving treatments whilst sipping champagne. The American Academy of Dermatology has warned against this practice. Alcohol and Botox do not mix well. Not only can booze intensify bruising but it can also wash the toxin away from the target muscle.





【单选题】某火电厂的烟囱高 100 m , SO 2 排放率为 170 g/s ,当大气稳定度为 C 时,烟囱出口处平均风速为 4 m/s ,烟气抬升高度为 235 m , σ y = 200 m , σ z = 120 m 。计算 SO 2 的最大落地浓度为 。

【单选题】溶出度检查时,规定的介质温度应为 。

【多选题】片剂中应检查的项目有 。

【简答题】已知某产品的边际成本 ,边际收益 (1)产量从200增加到400时,总成本和总收益增加了多少? (2)产量为多少时,利润最大?

【多选题】在暂态实验中,连接的 RC 电路是 ( ) 电路,其中,示波器相当于( )





【简答题】已知某产品总量的变化率 (件╱年),求从第五年到第十年的总产量。

【单选题】下图的 abc 图分别代表( )



【判断题】τ =RC 称为时间常数,时间常数 τ 是一个重要的参量,它唯一决定了暂态过程的快慢。


【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,采用一般计税方法,本年5月,销售一批高档化妆品,开具增值税专用发票,注明价款800 000元,增值税税额128 000元,款项尚未收到,产品已经发出。消费税税率15%

【单选题】用示波器观察 RC 暂态时,输入信号是( )

【单选题】下列句子中,书写完全正确的一项是 ( ) prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>




【单选题】某火电厂烟囱的高度为 160 m ,如果某时刻计算出烟气的抬升高度为 110 m ,则该时刻烟囱的有效高度为 。


【单选题】在暂态实验中,保持 C 值不变 , 增加 R 值,则电容充满所需要的时间( )


【判断题】高斯模式右手坐标系中,中指代表的是 x 轴。

【判断题】RC 电路在电源接通和断开的暂短时间内,电路从 - - 种稳态到另 - 一种稳态所经历的过程,称之为暂态过程。



【填空题】工程上常用的几种投影图为:正投影图、( ) 、透视投影图、( ) 。

【单选题】在暂态实验中,采用周期信号的目的是 ( )

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