signature=2e19b73b2860fa60d3f84314f6a8ab7f,PERFORMANCE BASED SEISMIC DESIGN OF SOYAK CRYSTAL TOWER -...


Soyak Crystal Tower is a signature highrise office building in Levent, Istanbul. The structure of the tower is reinforced concrete, with the last occupied floor at 140 m above ground and the top of the tower at 168 m above ground. Because of its highly seismic location, the structure has a high likelihood of experiencing a strong earthquake in its lifetime. Although this tower could be designed using the standard force-based design approach, it was decided to use the state of the art seismic performance based design (PBD) approach. This paper will discuss the reasons for choosing performance based design, the design process including how some complex design questions were resolved, and the advantages gained by this approach.The main lateral load resisting system of the structure is the concrete shear wall core. Although many seismic design codes requires the presence of a moment frame system that can carry part of the total lateral loads for a structure of this height, seismic performance based design was used to show that the structure meets the required seismic performance criteria without relying on moment frames. Removing the moment frame design requirement provided a chance for significant reduction in cost of the structure without adversely affecting its performance. It also provided more flexibility for architectural and aesthetic design of the tower.In additions, the geometry of Crystal Tower posed unique challenges. The columns twist and turn, merge, bifurcate, and change direction throughout the height to conform to the unique beautiful contours of the building. However, these variations in geometry produce large horizontal kick forces that have to be transferred back to the concrete core of the structure. The amplitude of these kick forces depends on the axial forces of the columns, including seismic forces. A force-based design per code with reduction factors applied to the elastic demands would significantly underestimate these forces and result in an underdesign, affecting the stability of the gravity load path as well as the lateral load path in a seismic event. Seismic PBD allowed for realistic estimation of seismic forces and hence, a safe reliable design. Furthermore, it was decided that the building performance in a seismic event should be superior to that of similar structures. Seismic PBD allowed for the higher performance targets to be directly incorporated into the design and verified by analysis.By conducting performance based design, we were able to achieve several important goals. The structure was designed for a superior seismic performance, and the desired performance was explicitly verified. By modelling the actual nonlinear behaviour of the structure instead of relying on reduced elastic forces, we achieved a more optimal design that provides strength and stiffness where it actually helps the seismic performance. The elimination of the moment frame requirements resulted in






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