我建议您不要在看到#字符时忽略整行;只忽略行的其余部分。使用名为partition的字符串方法函数可以轻松完成此操作:with open("filename") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.partition('#')[0]
line = line.rstrip()
# ... do something with line ...
如果您使用的是没有partition()的Python版本,可以使用以下代码:with open("filename") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split('#', 1)[0]
line = line.rstrip()
# ... do something with line ...
您也可以编写自己版本的partition()。这里有一个叫做part():def part(s, s_part):
i0 = s.find(s_part)
i1 = i0 + len(s_part)
return (s[:i0], s[i0:i1], s[i1:])
但是如果我们将自己限制在一个简单的带引号的字符串中,我们就可以用一个简单的状态机来处理它。我们甚至可以在字符串中使用反斜杠双引号。c_backslash = '\\'
c_dquote = '"'
c_comment = '#'
def chop_comment(line):
# a little state machine with two state varaibles:
in_quote = False # whether we are in a quoted string right now
backslash_escape = False # true if we just saw a backslash
for i, ch in enumerate(line):
if not in_quote and ch == c_comment:
# not in a quote, saw a '#', it's a comment. Chop it and return!
return line[:i]
elif backslash_escape:
# we must have just seen a backslash; reset that flag and continue
backslash_escape = False
elif in_quote and ch == c_backslash:
# we are in a quote and we see a backslash; escape next char
backslash_escape = True
elif ch == c_dquote:
in_quote = not in_quote
return line