for iteration in range(len(list) - 1):
index = iteration +1 #This is the line which has no effect on the inner loop
for index in range(len(list)):
if list[iteration] > list[index]:
newmin = list[index]
newminindex = index
if iteration != newminindex :
swapnumbers(list,iteration, newminindex)
The above is a code snippet I wrote for selection sort algorithm. However I see the inner loop start counter always starting from 0. Request for expert comment.
The for index in range(len(list)) loop executes the loop body with index first set to 0, then 1, then 2, etc. up to len(list) - 1. The previous value of index is ignored and overwritten. If you want index to start at iteration + 1, use the 2-argument form of range:
for index in range(iteration + 1, len(list)):