

第一章1_inationputintoacommunicationssystemfortransmission orintoacomputersystemforprocessing.2Anintegratedcircuitthatcontainstheentirecentralprocessingunitofacomputeronasignalchip.3 _ An instruction sequence in programmed instruction. 4_A parallel circuit that connects the major components of a computer, allowing thetransfer of electric impulses from one connected component to any other.5A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the perance of data-processing or communications functions. 6A unit of a computer that preserves data for retri. 7The ination produced by a computer from a specific .8A basic unit of storage in a computer memory that can hold one unit of ination, Such as a character or word.9_A part of the central processing unit where groups of binary digits are stored as the computer is processing them.10_A number used in ination storage or retri that is assigned to a specific memory location.Ex.3】把下列句子翻译为中文1He went to town with the purpose of buying a new computer.2Most online services have their own browsers.3 Floppy disk may be double-density or high-density. 4 The ula then includes the addresses of the cells.5C might best be described as a ”medium level language”.6 Every browser has the built-in ability to understand HTML.7C is one of the most popular computer languages in the world.8Java technology is both a programming language and a plat.9In fact, a window manager can be thought of as a GUI for a CLI OS.10 A database management system handles user requests for database action.Ex4选择适当的答案填空真题再现,程序员专业英语试题1A _B_ is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructionsA. memoryB. processorC. storageD. network2A _A_consists of the symbols, characters, and usage rules that permit people to communicate with computer.A. programming languageB. networkC. keyboardD. display3 _A software, also called end-user program, includes database programs, word processors,spreadsheets etcA. ApplicationB. SystemC. CompilerD. Utility4In D_, the only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted mostrecentlA. a lineB. a queueC. an arrayD. a stack5Most _A measures involve data encryption and passwordA. securityB. hardware C. displayD. program第二章Ex.2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇1 _The phosphorescent surface on which an image is displayed, as on a television, computer monitor, or radar receiver2A program that observes, supervises, or controls the activities of other programs3The smallest image-ing unit of a video display4_ A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.5_The glass front of a cathode-ray tube upon which the image is displayed6 Electromotive force or potential difference, usually expressed in volts7_To move back and forth alternatel8Uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent.9The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image, as on a video display terminal.10One of a set of symbols, such as letters or numbers, that are arranged to expres inationEx.3把下列句子翻译为中文1 The operating system is the program that manages a computers resources2Computer databases typically contain aggregations of data records or files3Compressed files have to be extracted using a utility such as PK Zip or WinZip4Calling cells by just their column and row labels is called relative referencing5 Floppies do not hold too much data, but most computers are capable of reading them6 The World Wide Web refers to all the publically accessible documents on the Internet7A database management system allows control of security and data integrity requirements.Isoivob8Functions can be a more efficient way of pering mathematical operations than ulas9On larger networks, the trip from one switch point to another in the network is called a hop10A uni resource locator is basically just an address for a file that can be given to a browserEx.4选择适当的答案填空真题再现,程序员专业英语试题1Insufficient_Dcan cause a processor to work at 50 or even more below its perance potential.A. memoryB. I/0C. documentD. mouse2The_B_in E-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the damage of up to USI billion in North AmericaA. illnessB. virusC. weaknessD. attachment3One of the basic rules of computer security is to change your_DregularlyA. nameB. computerC. deviceD. password4One of the greatest features of a homeCis the ability to share one Internet connectionsimultaneously over two or more computersA.computerB.deviceC.networkD.work5The usual address for a Web site is the page address, although you can enter_CA. homeB. mainC. hostD. house第三章Ex.2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇。1To transferdata from a storage device into a computer s memory2_To translatea program into machine language.3An assigned or calculated numerical quantity.4_A machine code telling a computer to per a particular operation5_ To translate a statement or instruction into cutable from and then cute it. 6_The letters of a language, arranged in the order fixed by custom.7A program operating on symbolic data to produce the equivalent cutable machine code.8_A program designed to per a particular function; the term usually refers to software that solves narrowly focused problems or those related to computer system management. 9_The technology employed in transmitting messages. 10_One who writes computer programs.Ex.3把下列句子翻译为中文1 Machine language consists of the raw numbers that can be directly understood by a particular processor.2The actual effect of any particular virus depends on how it was programmed by the person who wrote the virus.3 An anti-virus program that hasnt been updated for several months will not provide much protection against current viruses.4 Memory is typically measured in kilobytes or megabytes, and disk space is typically measured in megabytes or gigabytes.5The hypertext transfer protocol is the native protocol of browsers and is most typically used to transfer HTML atted files.6LAN is the extent of network which connects computers that are physically close together, typically within a single room or building.7For mobile users, firewalls allow remote access in to the private network by the use of secure logon procedures and authentication certificates.8From the Internet users point of view, to download a file is to request it from another computer or from a Web page on another computer and to receive it.9 After the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite in 1957,the US military set up the Advanced Research Projects Agency to fund research in things sometimes only vaguely related to military matters.10Often a chip set will fit on one chip.Ex.4选择适当的答案填空真题再现,程序员专业英语试题1D_An error can be caused by attempting to divide by 0.A. InterruptB. Default C. UnderflowD. Overflow2 AThe process of identifying and correcting errors in a programA. DebugB. BusC. FaultD. Default3_BA collection of related ination, organized for easy retriA. DataB. DatabaseC. BufferD. Stack4_C_A location where data can be temporarily storedA. AreaB. DiskC. BufferD. File5 BA graphical bar with buttons that per some of the most common commandsA. Title barBTool barC. Status barD. Scroll ba6Every valid character in a computer that uses even_A_must always have an even number of1bits.A. parityB. checkC. testD. compare7 The maximum number of data that can be expressed by 8 bits is_CA.64B.128C.255D.2568IntegrationCis the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specificationsA.tryingB.checkingC.testing D.coding9GIF file are limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel, it simply means that no more than 256 colors are allowed in_A.A. an imageB. a fileC. a windowD. a page10 Computer_Cis a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units,it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharingA.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor第四章Ex.2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇1To set in place and prepare for operation2_A signal that initiates an operation defined by an instruction3_In programming, to convert a program from one language to another.4 An error or a fault resulting from defective Judgment, deficient knowledg,or carelessness5 A Particular version of a piece of software, most commonly associated with the mostrecent version6 Management of a computer and its processing abilities so as to maintain order as tasksand activities are carried out.7 _For a system or program, to fail to function correctly, resulting in the suspension of operation.8 _The quality or condition of being erratic or undependable.9 _To turn a computer off and then on again; restart the operating system.10 A combination of , output, and computing hardware that can be used for work by an individual.Ex.3】把下列句子翻译为中文1It loads the operating system into memory and allows it to begin operation. 2On the computer, there are two basic types of items that need to be organized3Fonts are used by computer for on-screen display and printers for hardcopy output. 4 Optical fiber is thin filaments of glass through which light beams are transmitted.5 When you type things on the keyboard, the letters and numbers show up on the monitor. 6An intranet is a private network. There are many intranets scattered all over the world.7 On the computer screen, a folder most often looks like a yellow or blue paper file folder.8Once you ve encoded your source content, the process of creating streaming media is complete.9 Syntactically, a domain name consists of a sequence of names labels separated by periodsdots.10 The quality of video you see on your monitor depends on both the video card and the monitor you choose.Ex.4选择适当的答案填空真题再现,程序员专业英语试题1 Cis a device that converts inges to digital at.A. CopierB. PrinterC. ScannerD. Display2 In C language,a B is a series of characters enclosed in double quotesA.matrIxB.stringC.programD.stream3_B_ are those programs that help find the ination you are trying to locate on the WWW.A.Windows B. Search Engines C. Web Sites D. Web Pages4In C language,_A_are used to create variables and are grouped at the top of a program block.A. declarationsB. dimensionsC. commentsD. descriptions5An_Dstatement can per a calculation and store the result in a variable so that Itcan be used later.A.cutableB.C.outputD.assignment6 Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting_D_ files are linked together to make an cutable application.A. assemblerB. sourceC. library D. object 7_Dis the conscious effort to make all jobs similar, routine, and interchangeable. sommA. WWWB. Inatization C. Computerization D. Standardization8A Web _B is one of many software applications that function as the interface between a userand the InternetA. displayB. browserC. windowD. view9 Firewall is a_Dmechanism used by organizations to protect their LANs from the Internet.A. reliableB. stableC. peacefulD. security10A query is used to search through the database to locate a particular record or records, whichcon to specifiedD_.A. criteriaB. standardsC. sD. conditions





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