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UserFrosting v0.3.1

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Copyright (c) 2016, free to use in personal and commercial software as per the license.

UserFrosting is a secure, modern user management system written in PHP and built on top of the Slim Microframework and the Twig templating engine.



If you are having trouble installing UserFrosting, please read our troubleshooting guide first!

If you are generally confused about the structure and layout of the code, or it doesn't look like the kind of PHP code that you're used to, please read Navigating UserFrosting.

If you want a good tour of the code base, we recommend going through our tutorials.


Login page


Dashboard (thanks to Start Bootstrap)


User list page


Create/update user dialog with validation


Group management


Site settings


Mission Objectives

UserFrosting seeks to balance modern programming principles, like DRY and MVC, with a shallow learning curve for new developers. Our goals are to:

Create a fully-functioning user management script that can be set up in just a few minutes

Make it easy for users to quickly adapt the code for their needs

Introduce novice developers to best practices such as separation of concerns and DRY programming

Introduce novice developers to modern constructs such as front-end controllers, RESTful URLs, namespacing, and object-oriented modeling

Build on existing, widely used server- and client-side components

Clean, consistent, and well-documented code

What's new in 0.3.1

Implement CSV download feature

Improved initialization routine as middleware

Implemented "remember me" for persistent sessions - see https://github.com/gbirke/rememberme

Converted page templates to inheritance architecture, using Twig extends

Start using the .twig extension for template files

All content is now part of a theme, and site can be configured so that one theme is the default theme for unauthenticated users

User session stored via user_id, rather than the entire User object

UserFrosting now uses Laravel's Eloquent as the data layer

Cleaned up some of the per-page Javascript, refactoring repetitive code

Implement server-side pagination

Upgrade to Tablesorter v2.23.4

Switch from DateJS to momentjs

Switch to jQueryValidation from FormValidation

Implement no_leading_whitespace and no_trailing_whitespace validation rules

Implement basic interface for modifying group authorization rules

User events - timestamps for things like sign-in, sign-up, password reset, etc are now stored in a user_event table

Wrapper class Notification for sending emails, other notifications to users

Remove username requirement for password reset. It is more likely that an attacker would know the user's username, than the user themselves. For the next version, we can try to implement some real multi-factor authentication.

When a user creates another user, they don't need to set a password. Instead, an email is sent out to the new user, with a token allowing them to set their own password.

Admins can manually generate a password reset request for another user, or directly change the user's password.

.htaccess redirect trailing slash: change to only redirect GET requests

Change "default theme" to "guest theme" and fix loading issues (#463). What used to be called "default theme" is now base theme, i.e. the theme to fall back to when a template file cannot be found in the current theme (user group or guest theme)

New public template for "nyx" theme

Make routes for config.js and theme.css dynamically generated from configuration variables (#461)

Migrating from UF's classic data model to Eloquent:

// Instead of...

$user = UserLoader::fetch(1); // Fetch User with id=1

// You can do...

$user = User::find(1);

// Instead of...

$user = UserLoader::fetch("alex", "user_name"); // Fetch User with user_name = "alex"

// You can do...

$user = User::where("user_name", "alex")->first();

// Instead of...

UserLoader::exists("zergling@userfrosting.com", "email");

// You can do...

( User::where("email", "zergling@userfrosting.com")->first() ? true : false );

// Instead of...

$users = UserLoader::fetchAll();

// You can do...

$users = User::queryBuilder()->get(); // If you want an array of User objects (not indexed by id)

// or...

$users = User::all(); // If you want an Eloquent Collection of User objects

// or...

$users = User::all()->getDictionary(); // If you want an array of User objects (indexed by id)

Why UserFrosting?

This project grew out of a need for a simple user management system for my tutoring business, Bloomington Tutors. I wanted something that I could develop rapidly and easily customize for the needs of my business. Since my prior web development experience was in pure PHP, I decided to go with the PHP-based UserCake system.

Over time I modified and expanded the codebase, turning it into the UserFrosting project. Starting with version 0.3.0, UserFrosting represents a major break from the original architecture of UserCake. We now use a fully object-oriented data model and a front controller for URL routing.





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