这是一款炫酷的jquery水平手风琴折叠菜单效果。该jquery风琴折叠菜单效果以1870年为主题,在切换菜单项时带有幻影效果,并在整体上配以炫酷的文字动画效果。 使用方法 在页面中引入1870primary.css和1870Level2.css样式文件,jquery和其它js文件。 HTML结构 其中,构成水平手风琴效果的HTML结构如下: Road to War The Preliminaries This section will discuss the conditions in Europe leading up to 1870 concentrating on the roles played by Prussia and France. Pre-1870 Europe1866 - The Austro-Prussian WarThe Hohenzollern CandidatureFrance declares WarThe Armies Mobilise The Armies The Fighting Men of 1870 The war of 1870 saw armies made up of diverse colorful units that fought in large-scale battles. The French (Imperial forces)The PrussiansThe BavariansThe Minor German StatesThe French (Republican forces) The Leaders Movers and Shakers of 1870 The moral effect of leadership was to profoundly impact the outcome of the Franco-Prussian War - one of the most interesting aspects of 1870. A Narrative on LeadershipPolitical Leaders of 1870French Leaders (Imperial phase)German LeadersFrench Leaders (Republican phase) The Timeline The Chronology of 1870 The timeline of the Franco-Prussian War organized into its distinctive parts. Pre-war eventsThe Imperial Phase - to Sep, 1870The Republican PhaseAftermath The Battles Battle Narratives of 1870-71 Battle narratives containing essential information for each battle including opposing plans, terrain, battle progress, orders of battle, and the resulting consequences. Frontier BattlesThe Metz CampaignSedan - End of the EmpireRepublican Phase CampaignsEnd Game - the Surrender