删除索引 命令_MongoDb 命令查询

MongoDb 命令查询所有数据库列表    CODE:    > show dbs    如果想查看当前连接在哪个数据库下面,可以直接输入db  CODE:    > db  Admin  想切换到test数据库下面  CODE:    > use test  switched to db test  > db  Test  想查看test下有哪些表或者叫collection,可以输入  CODE:  > show collections  system.indexes  user  想知道mongodb支持哪些命令,可以直接输入help  CODE:  > help  Dos代码  收藏代码        HELP              show dbs                     show database names              show collections             show collections in current database              show users                   show users in current database              show profile                 show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms              use                 set curent database to               db.help()                    help on DB methods              db.foo.help()                help on collection methods              db.foo.find()                list objects in collection foo              db.foo.find( { a : 1 } )     list objects in foo where a == 1              it                           result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate      如果想知道当前数据库支持哪些方法:  CODE:  > db.help();  Java代码  收藏代码        DB methods:              db.addUser(username, password) 添加数据库授权用户              db.auth(username, password)                访问认证              db.cloneDatabase(fromhost) 克隆数据库              db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command              db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)  复制数据库              db.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } ) 创建表              db.currentOp() displays the current operation in the db              db.dropDatabase()        删除当前数据库              db.eval_r(func, args) run code server-side              db.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname              db.getCollectionNames()        获取当前数据库的表名              db.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string              db.getLastErrorObj() - return full status object              db.getMongo() get the server connection object              db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair              db.getName()              db.getPrevError()              db.getProfilingLevel()              db.getReplicationInfo()              db.getSisterDB(name) get the db at the same server as this onew              db.killOp() kills the current operation in the db              db.printCollectionStats()   打印各表的状态信息              db.printReplicationInfo()        打印主数据库的复制状态信息              db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()        打印从数据库的复制状态信息              db.printShardingStatus()                打印分片状态信息              db.removeUser(username) 删除数据库用户              db.repairDatabase() 修复数据库              db.resetError()              db.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command.  if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }              db.setProfilingLevel(level) 0=off 1=slow 2=all              db.shutdownServer()              db.version() current version of the server    如果想知道当前数据库下的表或者表collection支持哪些方法,可以使用一下命令如:  CODE:    > db.user.help();  user为表名  Java代码  收藏代码        DBCollection help              db.foo.count()                统计表的行数              db.foo.dataSize()        统计表数据的大小              db.foo.distinct( key ) - eg. db.foo.distinct( 'x' )                按照给定的条件除重              db.foo.drop() drop the collection 删除表              db.foo.dropIndex(name)  删除指定索引              db.foo.dropIndexes() 删除所有索引              db.foo.ensureIndex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups  增加索引              db.foo.find( [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return.         根据条件查找数据  -----------------------  通过条件查询: db.foo.find( { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } )  -----------------------------  如果想知道当前数据库下的表或者表collection支持哪些方法,可以使用一下命令如:  CODE:    > db.user.help();  user为表名  Java代码  收藏代码        DBCollection help              db.foo.count()                统计表的行数              db.foo.dataSize()        统计表数据的大小              db.foo.distinct( key ) - eg. db.foo.distinct( 'x' )                按照给定的条件除重              db.foo.drop() drop the collection 删除表              db.foo.dropIndex(name)  删除指定索引              db.foo.dropIndexes() 删除所有索引              db.foo.ensureIndex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups  增加索引              db.foo.find( [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return.         根据条件查找数据  -----------------------  通过条件查询: db.foo.find( { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } )  -----------------------------               instead of connecting to a mongod instance  -v [ --verbose ]         be more verbose (include multiple times for more                           verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)  -o [ --out ] arg (=dump) output directory  [falcon@www.fwphp.cn  ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongodump -d test -o test/  connected to:  DATABASE: test         to         test/test        test.user to test/test/user.bson                 100000 objects        test.system.indexes to test/test/system.indexes.bson                 1 objects  [falcon@www.fwphp.cn  ~/mongodb/bin]$ ls  2     mongo   mongodump    mongofiles   mongorestore  mongosniff  dump  mongod  mongoexport  mongoimport  mongos     test  MongoDB的数据恢复工具mongorestore    查看test库中的表  CODE:    > show collections  system.indexes  User  删除user表  CODE:    > db.user.drop();  True  > show collections  System.indexes  现在利用mongorestore表恢复刚才利用mongodump备份的数据  CODE:    [falcon@www.fwphp.cn  ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongorestore --help  usage: ./mongorestore [options] [directory or filename to restore from]  options:  --help                  produce help message  -h [ --host ] arg       mongo host to connect to  -d [ --db ] arg         database to use  -c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)  -u [ --username ] arg   username  -p [ --password ] arg   password  --dbpath arg            directly access mongod data files in this path,                          instead of connecting to a mongod instance  -v [ --verbose ]        be more verbose (include multiple times for more                          verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)    [falcon@www.fwphp.cn  ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongorestore -d test -c user test/test/user.bson  connected to:  test/test/user.bson         going into namespace [test.user]           100000 objects  User表中的10w条记录已经恢复  CODE:    > show collections  system.indexes  user  > db.user.find();  { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347000000"), "uid" : 1, "username" : "Falcon.C-1" }  { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347010000"), "uid" : 2, "username" : "Falcon.C-2" }  { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347020000"), "uid" : 3, "username" : "Falcon.C-3" }  { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347030000"), "uid" : 4, "username" : "Falcon.C-4" }  { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347040000"), "uid" : 5, "username" : "Falcon.C-5" }  .................  has more               1. 超级用户相关:             #增加或修改用户密码             db.addUser('admin','pwd')             #查看用户列表             db.system.users.find()             #用户认证             db.auth('admin','pwd')             #删除用户             db.removeUser('mongodb')     #查看所有用户             show users             #查看所有数据库             show dbs             #查看所有的collection             show collections             #查看各collection的状态             db.printCollectionStats()             #查看主从复制状态             db.printReplicationInfo()             #修复数据库             db.repairDatabase()             #设置记录profiling,0=off 1=slow 2=all             db.setProfilingLevel(1)             #查看profiling          show profile             #拷贝数据库             db.copyDatabase('mail_addr','mail_addr_tmp')             #删除collection             db.mail_addr.drop()             #删除当前的数据库             db.dropDatabase()       2. 客户端连接              /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo user_addr -u user -p 'pwd'       3. 增删改               #存储嵌套的对象              db.foo.save({'name':'ysz','address':{'city':'beijing','post':100096},'phone':[138,139]})              #存储数组对象              db.user_addr.save({'Uid':'yushunzhi@sohu.com','Al':['test-1@sohu.com','test-2@sohu.com']})              #根据query条件修改,如果不存在则插入,允许修改多条记录     db.foo.update({'yy':5},{'$set':{'xx':2}},upsert=true,multi=true)              #删除yy=5的记录              db.foo.remove({'yy':5})              #删除所有的记录             db.foo.remove()       4. 索引              增加索引:1(ascending),-1(descending)              db.things.ensureIndex({firstname: 1, lastname: 1}, {unique: true});              #索引子对象              db.user_addr.ensureIndex({'Al.Em': 1})              #查看索引信息              db.deliver_status.getIndexes()              db.deliver_status.getIndexKeys()              #根据索引名删除索引      db.user_addr.dropIndex('Al.Em_1')       5. 查询              查找所有              db.foo.find()              #查找一条记录              db.foo.findOne()              #根据条件检索10条记录              db.foo.find({'msg':'Hello 1'}).limit(10)              #sort排序              db.deliver_status.find({'From':'yushunzhi@sohu.com'}).sort({'Dt',-1})              db.deliver_status.find().sort({'Ct':-1}).limit(1)             #count操作             db.user_addr.count()             #distinct操作             db.foo.distinct('msg')      #>操作             db.foo.find({"timestamp": {"$gte" : 2}})             #子对象的查找             db.foo.find({'address.city':'beijing'})       6. 管理              查看collection数据的大小              db.deliver_status.dataSize()              #查看colleciont状态              db.deliver_status.stats()              #查询所有索引的大小              db.deliver_status.totalIndexSize()
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