matlab randomperm,PERMPOS - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

permpos(M, N) where M and N are non-negative integers produces a

logical (N!/M!(N-M)!)-by-N matrix in which each row contains a unique

permutation of M trues and (N-M) falses.

W = permpos(V, N) where V is an array with M elements a matrix W

where each row a contains the values of V in preserved order, but

uniquely permuted at the N columns. The remaining positions are set to

NaN. W = permpos(V, N, F) uses the value F rather than NaN.

[W, B] = permpos(V, ...) also returns the logical matrix B, which is

true for the positions that are filled by elements of V. Note that B

equals "permpos(numel(V),N)".

V can be a numerical array, a cell array of chars or a string

array. F (optional) should be of the same class as V.


permpos(2, 4)

% -> [ 1 1 0 0

% 1 0 1 0

% 1 0 0 1

% 0 1 1 0

% 0 1 0 1

% 0 0 1 1 ]

permpos(1:2:3, 4) % ->

% -> [ 1 2 3 NaN

% 1 2 NaN 3

% 1 NaN 3 3

% NaN 1 2 3 ]

permpos({'a','b'}, 3, 'XX') % filler

% -> { 'a' 'b' 'XX' ; 'a' 'XX' 'b' ; 'XX' 'a' 'b'}

See also nchoosek, perms, randperm, true, false

On the file Exchange:

permn, PERMNK, permsk, allcomb, ballatsq, nones, nextpermpos

Cite As

Jos (10584) (2021). PERMPOS (, MATLAB Central File Exchange.

Retrieved March 17, 2021.

Comments and Ratings (14)

Nice code! Thanks

26 Jun 2014

Absolutely brilliant piece of code

24 Jul 2012

I'm loving this code, but when I use (16,32) it starts to stall out, is there a way that this can be parallelized so that I can run it on a remote cluster?

28 May 2012

Very useful, thanks.

19 Feb 2009

Exactly what is needed when finding syndromes for the corresponding bit error patterns when making a decoder for block codes

27 Oct 2008

Amanda, could you contact me directly? See any of my recent submissions for an address. Jos

27 Oct 2008

I've been struggling with a matlab problem of combinations and permutations for a while and came across your post here. I thought you might be able to help me out.

Let's say I have a vector say A =[1 2 3 4] and want to find every way I can choose all the elements of A to fit in some number of bins (let's say 3). Bin 1 could have (1, 2, 3), Bin 2 could have (4) or (0) and Bin 3 could have (4) or (0) as well. The problem isn't quite solved by "nchoosek" or "permpos" because each bin could have more or less elements than the previous bin and the element choice for each bin depends on the elements not already chosen. I know that the number of possible combinations is # of elements in A^#of bins (in this case 81), because I solved it out by hand. I am looking for an easier way to do this! I'm sorry if this sounds confusing!

If you can point me in the right direction or offer me any help I would greatly appreciate it!

ahmad ababnah

15 Apr 2008

This code is so good.

Berta Neto

28 Mar 2008

It does exactly what I was needing.


brad mcevoy

14 Jun 2007

does exactly what i'm looking for. good job and thanks.

Jos (the author)

5 Mar 2007

Dimitri, you're right. This is a somewhat harsh, undocumented and unnecessary restriction. I will update the file shortly.

Dimitri Shvorob

4 Mar 2007

Trying to permute a (20x1) vector:

??? Error using ==> permpos

This function is not usefull for more than 14 entries

Why impose the limit? And why not disclose it upfront?





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