深度Linux有软件商店吗,Deepin_Store - deepin Wiki


Deepin Store V4.0 is an application recreated by Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. with the integration of display, download, installation, commenting and rating. Deepin Store elaborately screens and collects different types of applications for you. Each application has been artificially installed and verified, you can enter the store to search popular applications with one-click download and automatic installation.

Basic Operations

Run Deepin Store

You can run Deepin Store by executing one of the following operations:

Click on

3cb8fb342dd52945491d5d5e5b920f23.png on dock to enter launcher interface.

Then find

473c7941e5653fae3f2b6ad5c9fcc902.png to click on by skimming.

e9d9fb0d3e9cb6ae2a9ce21cd9fd5520.png: Deepin Store has been fixed on Dock by default, you can click on

473c7941e5653fae3f2b6ad5c9fcc902.png on Dock to run.

Close Deepin Store

On Deepin Store interface, click on × to exit.

Right-click on

473c7941e5653fae3f2b6ad5c9fcc902.png on Dock to select Close All to exit.

On Deepin Store interface, select Exit in the menu bar.

Main Interface

The main interface of Deepin Store consists of navigation bar, search box, flashview, home column, hot topic, task management and menu bar.

2e97ab684a6688193ce91615a1d74765.png: Navigation bar can be displayed in icon or name & icon by dragging the edge rightward/leftward. When displayed in icon, hover over the icon to display the category name of applications.

Main Interface


Navigation Bar

Navigation bar is mainly to display the home page, rankings and application categories of Deepin Store.


Search Box

Users can quickly search applications in Deepin Store by search box.



Images of recommended applications will be circularly played in flashview.


Home Column

Home column is mainly to display popular recommendation, weekly hot, monthly hot, hotapps and other applications.


Home Topic

Home topic is mainly to display applications integrated from hot topic.


Task Management

Task management is mainly to display the progress and speed of downloading application as well as the progress of installing applications. You also can suspend and delete the download tasks.


Menu Bar

You can sign in, exit, view the Manual and description of Deepin Store by menu bar.

Application Management

You can search, download and install different categories of applications by Deepin Store. Meanwhile, more wonderful applications will be explored through popular recommendation, rankings, hotapps, hot topic, user comment and other ways.

Search Applications

Search function is built in Deepin Store. Contents will be automatically completed after you input a keyword. Press Enter on keyboard to automatically search and display all applications contained that keyword.


On Deepin Store interface, click top search box.

Input a keyword.

The application name will be automatically matched and completed to display.

Universal Search

On Deepin Store interface, click top search box.

Input a keyword.

Press Enter on keyboard to automatically search and display all applications contained that keyword.

Clear Records

On Deepin Store interface, click top search box.

Click on × 。

Clear all records in the search box.

Download/Install Applications

Deepin Store offers one-click download and installation of applications. During the downloading and installing process, you can pause and delete, as well as view the current progress and speed.

On Deepin Store interface, click the image of application needed to download.

Enter the interface of detailed introduction.

Click on

e1be02673364e50619ac56304aded0ac.png to automatically download in task management, and then install.

You can view the download speed, progress and installing speed of the application.

2e97ab684a6688193ce91615a1d74765.png: You can directly hover mouse over the application icon, then click on


Update/Upgrade Application

If you need to update and upgrade applications, you can set in Control Center, specific operations refer to [Update and Upgrade](dman:///dde-control-center#Update and Upgrade).

e9d9fb0d3e9cb6ae2a9ce21cd9fd5520.png: Besides update and upgrade applications, you also can update and upgrade the system in Control Center as needed.

Uninstall Applications

If you need to uninstall applications, you can enter Launcher to uninstall, specific operations refer to [Uninstall Applications](dman:///dde#Uninstall Applications).

Application Interface

Application Details

You can enter the interface of application details to know the introduction, size, version, downloads, ratings and so on.

Application Interface

Installation Status

You can view the status of applications. **Install** means the application has not been installed; **Open** means the application has been installed; **Update** means the application can be updated to the latest version.


You can view the comprehensive rating and downloads of applications.

Version of Applications

You can view the version number of applications.

Size of Applications

You can view the size of applications.

Description of Applications

You can view the detailed description of applications.

Preview of Applications

You can view the image preview of applications.

Comment and Rate

You can comment on and rate applications only after signed in Deepin Store, or only can view comments and ratings. The comments and ratings will be displayed successfully after both submitted at the same time. Meanwhile, you only can comment one time on the current version.

bd5dd2cc19f27b6eb2e9b157ad506ae4.png: If you need to know the information of signing up and signing in, please refer to [Sign In](#Sign In).

Interface of Comments and Ratings


Sign In

You can sign in Deepin Store with your account already signed up.



You can input contents in the comment box after signed in.



Hover the mouse over star icons to rate after signed in.


Current Version

You can view comments and ratings of application's current version.


History Versions

You can view comments and ratings of application's history versions.

Option Settings

Sign In

You can sign in Deepin Store with your account in Deepin Technology Forum.

On Deepin Store interface, click on


Click on Sign In.

Input username and password.

If you want to enable auto-Sign-in, please click on Remember me.

Click on Sign In.

bd5dd2cc19f27b6eb2e9b157ad506ae4.png: If you don't have an account, you can click on Sign Up of the pop-up box to sign up.


You can click "Help" to get the manual, which will help you further know and use Deepin Store.

On Deepin Store interface, click on


Click on Help.

View the manual of Deepin Store.


You can click "About" to view the introduction of Deepin Store.

On Deepin Store interface, click on


Click on About.

View the version and introduction of Deepin Store.


You can click menu bar to exit Deepin Store.

On Deepin Store interface, click on


Click on Exit.

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deepin系统的软件安装商店,有一站式应用管理,使用更方便 深度商店集中了我们为您精心筛选和收录的不同类型的应用,每款应用都经过人工安装并验证。在使用时,您可以进入商店搜索热门应用,一键下载并自动安装。 下载应用的过程可进行轻松管理,可以暂停,重试或取消下载任务;如果安装失败,可以查看应用安装失败的原因,能够更快的帮助我们定位问题从而解决问题。 0 另外,下载的应用还可在深度商店中进行更新和卸载,一站式应用管理,更加贴心。 1 多样化应用推荐,收录更广泛 以“精品应用商店”作为全新定位,深度商店中每一款应用都由专人负责检查和评估,坚持只上架精品应用,杜绝滥竽充数现象。呈现给大家最火/最新/最棒的应用。 但是由于大家来自各行各业,使用应用的需求便千差万别,有时候您会发现深度商店正好缺少自己想要的应用, 可以在全局菜单里面点击“推荐应用”,向我们推荐优质的应用。 2 可把控应用更新,频率更客观 由于深度商店的应用来源于deepin的仓库源,由我们自己打包,所以很多时候无法帮助用户获得每个应用最新的版本。所以我们增加了应用催促更新功能,如果您发现某个应用有了更新的版本,可以通过这个功能告知我们,我们会按照催更的频率和优先级尽快安排版本更新。 3 开源化应用打赏,生态更完善 一直以来,开源社区的软件任何人都可以无偿的获取源码、复制、分发等,我们秉承尊重开源社区开发者的劳动成果,将优秀的开源应用收录并上架到深度商店。 为了感谢开源社区的开发者积极的贡献和开源精神,深度商店运营者收集投递和推荐的应用上架深度商店,官方默认开通其打赏功能,提供上架后打赏分成、提现申请、使用等条款。 4 精细化应用描述,预览更直观 除了延续上个版本深度商店清晰的分类,应用封面、应用图标、应用描述等应用信息,我们仍坚持设计师与文档工程师独特制作,搭配丰富、精美的应用截图,让您更快“淘”到心仪的应用。 需要重点提到是,在应用详情页面,应用截图可点击全屏查看,并且可以直接进行翻页查看。 详情页面截图放大功能帮助您在未安装应用的时候,能够更全面地了解更多的应用细节。




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