


1. It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.

A*** unforgettable B*** unbelievable

C*** unfair D*** unthinkable

2. The curious look from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.

A*** difficult B*** worried

C*** anxious D*** unhappy

3. It is said that the houses along this street will soon be demolished1.

A*** pulled down B*** rebuilt

C*** renovated D*** whitewashed24. The advertising3 company was surprised by the adverse4 public reaction to the poster.

A*** delayed B*** quick

C*** positive D*** unfavorable

5. He began his talk by giving a concise5 definition of post-modernism.

A*** long and detailed B*** short and clear

C*** comprehensive D*** professional

6. The staff of the company are always courteous6 and helpful.

A*** efficient B*** respectable

C*** well-informed D*** respectful

7. The new job will provide you with invaluable7 experience.

A*** simply useless B*** really practical

C*** very little D*** extremely useful

8. The whole idea to build a deluxe8 hotel here sounds insane to me.

A*** reasonable B*** sensible

C*** crazy D*** unbelievable

9. In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive analysis of the issue.

A*** extremely thorough B*** long and boring

C*** superficial D*** unconvincing

10. We all think that the new device he has proposed is ingenious.

A*** effective B*** clever

C*** implausible D*** original

11. Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was eligible9 to apply for it.

A*** competitive B*** diligent10 C*** qualified D*** competent

12. He impressed all his colleagues as a vigorous man in the prime of his career.

A*** hot-tempered B*** healthy

C*** friendly D*** patient

13. Not all member states abided by the principle they had agreed on previously11.

A*** adhered to B*** abandoned

C*** applied D*** adopted

14. Examination papers of the class were marked without bias12.

A*** immediately B*** correctly

C*** fairly D*** carefully

15. The construction of the railway is said to have been terminated.

A*** resumed B*** put an end to

C*** suspended D*** re-scheduled

16. For nearly half an hour cars on the highway were stationary13.

A*** accelerating B*** not moving

C*** slowing down D*** reversing


1. They have been living under the most appalling1 conditions for two years.

A*** dreadful B*** bad

C*** unpleasant D*** poor

2. I wasn’t qualified2 for the job really but I got it anyhow.

A*** besides B*** anyway

C*** well D*** anymore

3. He achieved success through hard work.

A*** reached B*** reaped

C*** attained D*** took

4. The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes’ capabilities3 now.

A*** capacities B*** strengths

C*** possibilities D*** abilities

5. The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy’s coast.

A*** together B*** in succession

C*** in alliance D*** in connection

6. His claims seem credible4 to many people.

A*** workable B*** convincing

C*** practical D*** reliable

7. Jack5 is a diligent6 worker.

A*** ambitious B*** lazy

C*** hardworking D*** clever

8. Society is now much more diverse than ever before.

A*** colorful B*** attractive

C*** flexible D*** varied79. Their interpretation8 was faulty.

A*** wrong B*** ambiguous

C*** unclear D*** unbelievable

10. These old buildings are gorgeous.

A*** ridiculous B*** lovely

C*** magnificent D*** peculiar911. Contact your doctor if the cough persists.

A*** insists B*** perseveres10 C*** continues D*** resists

12. The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition in the Community are increasing.

A*** fight B*** abolish

C*** remove D*** control

13. They scattered11 after dinner.

A*** separated B*** fled

C*** departed D*** spread

14. From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just ridiculous.

A*** position B*** point of view

C*** knowledge D*** opinion

15. The story was touching12.

A*** inspiring B*** boring

C*** moving D*** frightening





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