c语言 英文教材,C语言教程(英文版·第4版)


Chapter 0

Starting from Zero

0.1 Why C?

0.2 ANSI C Standard

0.3 From C to C++

0.4 From C and C++to java

Chapter 1

An Overview of C

1.1 Programming and Preparation

1.2 Program Output

1.3 Variables,Expressions,and Assignment

1.4 The Use of #define and #include

1.5 The USe of printf()and Scanf()

1.6 Flow of Control

1.7 Functions


1. 8 ArrayS,Strings,and Pointers




1.9 Files

1.10 Operating System Considerations

Writing and Running a C Program

Interrupting a Program

Typing an End-of-file Signal

Redirection of the Input and the Output



Chapter 2

Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System

2.1 Characters and Lexical Elements

2.2 Syntax Rules


2.4 Keywords

2.5 Identifiers

2.6 Constants

2.7 String Constants

2.8 Operators and Punctuators

2.9 Precedence and Associativity of Operators

2.10 Increment and Decrement Operators

2.11 Assignment Operators

2.12 An Example: Computing Powers of 2

2.13 The C System

The Preprocessor

The Standard Library



Chapter 3

The Fundamental Data Types

3.1 Declarations, Expressions, and Assignment

3.2 The Fundamental Data Types

3.3 Characters and the Data Type char

3.4 The Data Type int

3.5 The integral Types short, long, and unsigned

3.6 The Floating Types

3.7 The Use of typedef

3.8 The sizeof Operator

3.9 The Use of getchar() and putchar()

3.10 Mathematical Functions

The Use of abs() and fabs()

UNIX and the Mathematics Library

3.11 Conversions and Casts

The Integral Promotions

The Usual Arithmetic Conversions


3.12 Hexadecimal and Octal Constants

C.13 Summary


Chapter 4

Flow of Control

4.1 Relational, Equality, and Logical Operators

4.2 Relational Operators and Expressions

4.3 Equality Operators and Expressions

4.4 Logical Operators and Expressions

Short-circuit Evaluation

4.5 The Compound Statement

4.6 The Expression and Empty Statement

4.7 The if and the if-else Statements

4.8 The while Statement

4.9 The for Statement

4.10 An Example: Boolean Variables

4.11 The Comma Operator

4.12 The do Statement

4.13 An Example: Fibonacci Numbers

4.14 The goto Statement

4.15 The break and continue Statements

4.16 The switch Statement

4.17 The Conditional Operator



Chapter 5


5.1 Function Definition

5.2 The return Statement

5.3 Function Prototypes

Function Prototypes in C++

5.4 An Example: Creating a Table of Powers

5.5 Function Declarations from the Compiler's Viewpoint


5.6 An Alternate Style for Function Definition Order

5.7 Function Invocation and Call-by-Value

5.8 Developing a Large Program

What Constitutes a Large Program?

5.9 Using Assertions

5.10 Scope Rules

Parallel and Nested Blocks

Using a Block for Debugging

5.11 Storage Classes

The Storage Class auto

The Storage Class extern

The Storage Class register

The Storage Class static

5.12 Static External Variables

5.13 Default Initialization

5.14 Recu rsion

Efficiency Considerations

5.15 An Example: The Towers of Hanoi



Chapter 6

Arrays, Pointers, and Strings

6.1 One-dimensional Arrays



6.2 Pointers

6.3 Call-by-Reference

6.4 The Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers

6.5 Pointer Arithmetic and Element Size

6.6 Arrays as Function Arguments

6.7 An Example: Bubble Sort

6.8 Dynamic Memory Allocation With calloc() and malloc()

Offsetting the Pointer

6.9 An Example: Merge and Merge Sort

6.10 Strings

6.11 String-Handling Functions in the Standard Library

6.12 Multidimensional Arrays

Two-dimensional Arrays

The Storage Mapping Function

Formal Parameter Declarations

Three-dimensional Arrays


The Use of typedef

6.13 Arrays of Pointers

6.14 Arguments to main()

6.15 Ragged Arrays

6.16 Functions as Arguments

Functions as Formal Parameters in Function Prototypes

6.17 An Example: Using Bisection to Find the Root of a Function

The Kepler Equation

6.18 Arrays of Pointers to Function

6.19 The Type Qualifiers const and volati 1 e



Chapter 7

Bitwise Operators and Enumeration Types

7.1 Bitwise Operators and Expressions

Bitwise Complement

Two's Complement

Bitwise Binary Logical Operators

Left and Right Shift Operators

7.2 Masks

7.3 Software Tools: Printing an int Bitwise

7.4 Packing and Unpacking

Multibyte Character Constants

7.5 Enumeration Types

7.6 An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors



Chapter 8

The Preprocessor

8.1 The Use of #include

8.2 The Use of #define

Syntactic Sugar

8.3 Macros with Arguments

8.4 The Type Definitions and Macros in stddef, h

8.5 An Example: Sorting with qsort()

8.6 An Example: Macros with Arguments

8.7 The Macros in stdio, h and ctype.h

8.8 Conditional Compilation

8.9 The Predefined Macros

8.10 The Operators # and ##

8.11 The assert() Macro

8.1 2 The Use of #error and #pragma

8.1 3 Line Numbers

8.14 Corresponding Functions

8.15 An Example: Quicksort



Chapter 9

Structures and Unions

9.1 Structures

9.2 Accessing Members of a Structure

9.3 Operator Precedence and Associativity: A Final Look

9.4 Using Structures with Functions

9.5 Initialization of Structures

9.6 An Example: Playing Poker

9.7 Unions

9.8 Bit Fields

9.9 An Example: Accessing Bits and Bytes

9.10 The ADT Stack



Chapter 10

Structures and List Processing

10.1 Self-referential Structures

10.2 Linear Linked Lists

Storage Allocation

10.3 List Operations

10.4 Some List Processing Functions



10.5 Stacks

10.6 An Example: Polish Notation and Stack Evaluation

10.7 Queues

10.8 Binary Trees

Binary Tree Traversal

Creating Trees

10.9 General Linked Lists


The Use of calloc() and Building Trees



Chapter 1 1

Input/Output and the Operating System

1 1.1 The Output Function printfO

11.2 The Input FunctionscanfO

11.3 The FunctionsfprintfO, fscanf(),sprintfO,

and sscanf()

11.4 The Functionsfopen() and fcloseO

11.5 An Example: Double Spacing a File

11.6 Using Temporary Files and Graceful Functions

11.7 Accessing a File Randomly

11.8 File Descriptor Input/Output

11.9 File Access Permissions

11.10 Executing Commands from Within a C Program

11.11 Using Pipes from Within a C Program

11.12 Environment Variables

11.13 The C Compiler

11.14 Using the Profiler

11.15 Libraries

11.16 How to TimeCCode

11.17 The Use of make

11.18 The Use of touch

11.19 Other Useful Tools



Chapter 12

Advanced Applications

12.1 Creating a Concurrent Process with fork()

12.2 Overlaying a Process: the exec... () Family

Using the spawn...() Family

12.3 Interprocess Communication Using pi pe()

12.4 Signals

1 2.5 An Example: The Dining Philosophers

1 2.6 Dynamic Allocation of Matrices

Why Arrays of Arrays Are Inadequate

Building Matrices with Arrays of Pointers

Adjusting the Subscript Range

Allocating All the Memory at Once

1 2.7 Returning the Status



Chapter 13

Moving from C to C++

13.1 Output

13.2 Input

13.3 Functions

13.4 Classes and Abstract Data Types

13.5 Overloading

13.6 Constructors and Destructors

13.7 Object-oriented Programming and Inheritance

13.8 Polymorphism

13.9 Templates

13.10 C++ Exceptions

13.11 Benefits of Object-oriented Programming



Chapter 14

Moving from C to Java

14.1 Output

14.2 Variables and Types

14.3 Classes and Abstract Data Types

14.4 Overloading

14.5 Construction and Destruction of Class Types

14.6 Object-oriented Programming and Inheritance

14.7 Polymorphism and Overriding Methods

14.8 Applets

14.9 Java Exceptions

14.10 Benefits of Java and OOP



Appendix A

The Standard Library

A.1 Diagnostics:

A.2 Character Handling:

Testing a Character

Mapping a Character

A.3 Errors:

A.4 Floating Limits:

A.5 Integral Limits:

A.6 Localization:

A.7 Mathematics:

A.8 Nonlocal Jumps:

A.9 Signal Handling:

A. 10 Variable Arguments:

A. 11 Common Definitions:

A. 12 Input/Output:

Opening, Closing, and Conditioning a File

Accessing the File Position Indicator

Error Handling

Character Input/Output

Formatted Input/Output

Direct Input/Output

Removing or Renaming a File

A.13 General Utilities:

Dynamic Allocation of Memory

Searching and Sorting

Pseudo Random-Number Generator

Communicating with the Environment

Integer Arithmetic

String Conversion

Multibyte Character Functions

Multibyte String Functions

Leaving the Program

A.14 Memory and String Handling:

Memory-Handling Functions

String-Handling Functions

A.15 Date and Time:

Accessing the Clock

Accessing the Time

A.16 Miscellaneous

File Access

Using File Descriptors

Creating a Concurrent Process

Overlaying a Process

Interprocess Communication

Suspending Program Execution

Appendix B

Language Syntax

B.1 Prog ram

B.2 Function Definition

B.3 Declaration

B.4 Statement

B.5 Expression

B.6 Constant

B.7 String Literal

B.8 Preprocessor

Appendix C

ANSI C Compared to Traditional C

C.1 Types

C.2 Constants

C.3 Declarations

C.4 Initializations

C.5 Expressions

C.6 Functions

C.7 Conversions

C.8 Array Pointers

C.9 Structures and Unions

C.10 Preprocessor

C.11 Header Files

C.12 Miscellaneous

Appendix D

ASCII Character Codes

Appendix E

Operator Precedence and Associativity






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